Deferral Of Gratification Defines Human Beings

One of the most important lessons for a child to learn is that of deferral of gratification. It is no achievement to want pleasure and to immediately seek it out until satisfied. This hedonistic strategy is demonstrated by every beast in existence. What defines a human being is the ability to recognize desire and reject immediate gratification with the lofty goal that investment, patience, or work will produce something with a greater reward. This is one of the greatest lessons a child can learn.


It is not consumption that grows an economy but rather savings and investment. If consumption were key than destruction would be a net positive, but this is folly as the broken window fallacy clearly illustrates. War is not good for the economy. War is merely mass murder. It is the creation of wealth by intrepid and risk taking entrepreneurs that is the essence of progress. Savings and investment is the deferral of gratification applied to economics and business. It is the hallmark of a truly civilized society. It is the demonstration that we are not merely beasts with opposable thumbs who walk upright, but human beings with powerful minds capable of solving complex problems.



Deferral Of Gratification Defines Human Beings – Steemit

Freedom Is In Our Blood


We were all born curious and inquisitive. We emerged, as infants, equipped with a wondrous fascination with the environment around us. The extent of our freedom to explore determined the profundity of the knowledge acquired. When our freedom was obstructed and our interests molded this immediately blunted our innate curiosity with the unknown. The inner splendor of the individual mind cannot be micro-managed without causing significant harm. To be assessed, monitored, measured, and controlled is antithetical to the very quintessence of our being! Freedom is in our blood!



Freedom Is In Our Blood – Steemit

Love Cannot be Logically Deduced

It is common practice for many Anarchists and Voluntaryists to incessantly bash feelings and belittle their importance. Is there a place for feelings in the human condition? To be entirely dominated by feeling and emotion is to become a wildly hedonistic savage beast. To become entirely dominated by logic and reason is to become a soulless calculating machine, a Spock. There must be a balance. Love, passion, beauty, wonder, and splendor are recognized and appreciated in the presence of feelings. These things cannot be logically deduced.


There is no mathematical formula to infer why I love my wife. There is no way to graph with an X and Y-axis, why nature is magnificent. Some things do not appeal to logic for explanation. Some things have no rational explanation. There is beauty in the inexplicable. It is entirely conceivable to live a fruitful life and be ignorant of many things. The caveat is to recognize one’s nescience but to simultaneously strive to conquer it, knowing full well that there is always something new to learn. We must recognize that everyone has something to teach us, if we are receptive to the lesson. When the childlike enchantment with the unknown vanishes, life descends into darkness. Life is a journey of discovery and self-actualization. Laugh until you cry! Sing until you are hoarse! Play until you are exhausted! You have life but for a moment. Do not squander it, for it is a privilege afforded to few.


We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.

Charles Bukowski


Love Cannot be Logically Deduced – Steemit

Liberty Lifestyle (Tyler Bloyer) interviews Danilo Cuellar


In this episode Tyler sits down with Danilo Cuellar of to discuss Danilo’s path to Anarchism, to understanding economics, Peaceful Parenting, Unschooling, and other valuable topics.

“Giving Truth The Liberty Of Appearing.”

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————-– Show Notes


Danilo’s work can be found on where he focuses on many areas such as Voluntaryism, Agorism, Precious Metals, Anarcho-Capitalism, Austrian Macro-economics, Statism, The Federal Reserve, Libertarianism and more.


Show Opens

(3m 30Sec) The Case For The 100% Gold Dollar – Murray N. Rothbard

What Has Government Done to Our Money?

Anatomy of the State

Larken Rose – The Most Dangerous Superstition

(4m) Voluntary Virtues Network

(5m 20Sec) Tao Te Ching

(10m30sec) The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

(10m 35sec) Murray Rothbard

(11m 50sec) The Conscious Resistance Network

(12m 23sec) Seeds Of Liberty Podcast

(13m 30sec) Unschooling

Radical Unschooling

(24m 24sec) Free Market

Free society

(30m 30Sec) Rich Dad Poor Dad – written by Robert Kiyosaki

(31m 15sec) Alan Greenspan

(32m 13sec) Economics In One Lesson – Henry Hazlitt

(32m 20sec) Inclined to Liberty: Louis E. Carabini

(32m 40sec) Amanda Billyrock economics in one lesson

(34m) The Broken Window Fallacy

(37m) Secrets of the federal reserve – Eustace Mullins

(37m 30Sec) Rules Are Discovered Not Created – Danilo Cuellar

(38m) CryptoCurrency

(46m) Mike Maloney

(48m 45sec) Mike Maloney – Hidden Secrets of Money

(show ends) Danilo Cuellar 2008- Liszt Un Sospiro

———————–– Additional Resources

Danilo Video Blogs

LIBERTY HANGOUT PODCAST: Episode #3- interview w/ Danilo Cuellar

Jessica Pavoni interviews Danilo Cuellar about Voluntaryism, Peaceful Parenting, and Unschooling

Danilo Cuellar interviewed by Nick Hazelton on Anarcho Yakitalist Podcast Part I

Liberty Lifestyle on



Liberty Lifestyle (Tyler Bloyer) interviews Danilo Cuellar – Steemit

Respect The Choices Of Peaceful People


It is quite easy to understand the reason for our own choices and preferences. It is far more difficult to empathize with another to discover and understand the reason for their choices and preferences. If we desire absolute freedom to live as we so wish without interference, we must desire absolute freedom for our brothers and sisters all over the world.


Peaceful people engage in decision making everyday based on complex criteria that only they can apprehend. We may have our provincial ideas about how others should live, but to endeavor to coercively impose our views onto them individually or via the guns of the State would be the very definition of slavery. That would make us the masters and them the slaves.


Most people are struggling in their own lives to discover how to live and what are the best choices to make. If we cannot know the optimal manner in which to live, to expect others to bend to our will about what is best for them would be the height of hubristic folly. The only logically consistent choice is absolute freedom for all without exception provided nobody is being aggressed upon. This is the essence of Free Market Capitalism and Voluntaryism.


Respect The Choices Of Peaceful People – Steemit