The laws of economics and morality are set. They are not to be molded or shaped, only discovered. The marketplace does not bode well for those who choose to make up their own rules. In a world of clear economic laws, there will always be winners and losers. This is to the benefit of us all.
A lack of consideration for the future is what distinguishes Keynesian economics. Spend, consume, and become indebted because the day of reckoning and the pain of reality can always be pushed to future generations to deal with. Kenyesians are like children in that they do not consider the conservation of scarce resources and consume into indebtedness even when funds are no longer available.
This is in striking contrast to most businesses that must obey Economic law. Such businesses cannot continue to operate at a loss without immense suffering. The painful reality eventually reveals all unsustainable practices.
We do not know the desires and needs of individuals. Only those individuals can make that choice for themselves. This is reflected in one buying gift cards or giving money as a gift rather than giving a specific item. Another example is hurricane/natural disaster victims needing money or else ask them what they specifically need. Another example is sending free shoes to Africa rather than advocating for their freedom to work and start businesses as they so choose so they can lift themselves out of poverty. Yet another example is fighting for less working hours and more vacation time via union activity in 3rd world countries without adequately understanding human action.
Humans are not mathematical equations. They are sentient beings with free will. They must be respected as such. One cannot assume to know what another sentient human being considers valuable or prioritizes. That is committing the fundamental folly of the violent ruler who rules by force and coercion.
Please enjoy my recent conversation with Nelson Chartrand. Herein we discussed his path to Anarcho Capitalism, Friedrich Hayek, Murray Rothbard, Creature from Jekyll Island, Frederic Bastiat, Larken Rose, Economics in One Lesson, Cuba at present, economic climate, Socialism and Communism confusion, socialized medicine, Cuban experiment, imprisonment of freedom lovers, hunger strike story, obtaining food in Cuba, future plans of the Cuban Libertarian Party and more!
“La libertad solo existe cuando no es de nadie.”
“Liberty only exists when it doesn’t come from anyone.”
How is a peaceful parent to deal with a child who lies and steals? The main issue is about trust between a parent and child. Without trust there is nothing. Trust is the concrete foundation that forms the basis for any successful relationship.
The child must also understand the social consequences of lying and stealing.. Lying is a matter of keeping your word and abiding by a contract, be it written or unwritten. Stealing violates the self ownership and property rights of others. The importance of profoundly understanding both must be made abundantly clear.