The Cycle of Life and the Cacophony of Statism

The circle of life as it relates to nature (dead plant matter), business, and the economy is such that resources are always conserved and can never be destroyed. In the natural world there is a clear cycle of birth, growth, death, and birth. There is no waste. All resources are conserved. Even in death resources go to support new life.


As it is in the natural world so to it is in the economic world. Businesses are born, grow, perish, and new businesses are born. It takes a vast amount of resources to start a new business and attempt to provide value. Through their patronage or lack thereof only the consumers can decide if the market is well served by this new business. If the market rejects it then it is by definition an inefficient allocation of scarce resources and its best value to the market is in death. This frees up those scarce resources to be used by other intrepid and bold entrepreneurs to try their hand at serving the market.


This natural process can be interfered and meddled with only when coercion and force is introduced into this magnificently functioning symphony i.e. the State. At this point it becomes a cacophony of zombie undead institutions, artificially propped up and unnaturally maintained. Reality can be staved off only for so long. To believe resources are not scarce does not make them so. Statism is a self-destructive ideology, from whose ashes a wonder will emerge of epic proportions that will catapult human progress to the stratosphere and beyond. I look to the future with bright and hopeful eyes at what magnificent splendor awaits us.

The Cycle of Life and the Cacophony of Statism – Steemit

Hasidic Jews and the Bane of Humanity

Is it immoral and evil for Hasidic Jews to populate a region, take over control of town and State governments, get on school board of education, and slowly reform the public school system?


No because there is no moral way to utilize the State at any level. The problem is not that bad people take control of the guns of “government”. The problem is that the State exists at all. The problem is that people believe that the State AKA the initiation of force can solve any complex societal problem.


It is not that some are unfit to rule, all are unfit to rule. We do not condemn the lioness for hunting and killing gazelle. It is in their nature. We must not condemn those who seek to use State power to advance their own ends because it is in their nature. The problem is not who sits on the throne. The problem is that the throne exists at all.


Hasidic Jews and the Bane of Humanity – Steemit

Tragedy of the Commons and Potato Chips

An analogy can be drawn of the tragedy of the commons as it relates to giving many children a pile of chips and letting them free to fight for the chips. Everyone hordes as many chips as possible for himself/herself. The strong always beat the weak and take the most, fighting often ensues.


The solution is private property where everyone is allotted a specific amount of chips, no fighting ensues. Everyone understands that there is no public pile of chips to fight over.


In a world of scarce resources and infinite desires there must be a rational way to allocate these scarce resources so their value is not wasted and plundered. Private ownership by means of 1st user rights, homesteading, or gifting may solve this problem. Individuals take care of their property and ensure that it remains viable and sustainable for future use.

Tragedy of the Commons and Potato Chips – Steemit

Nick Hazelton: Peaceful Parenting, Veganism, Animal Rights, and Abortion

Topics we discussed: my debate with Todd Lewis, appeal to genetics, appeal to authority, define your terms, Bad Quaker, political euphemisms, self-ownership and how it pertains to slavery, when a child gains the ability to rightfully consent, Jim Limber Davis, Liberty Defined, peaceful parenting, running away stories, punishment and authority in the parent/child relationship, chores, acquired obligations, devaluing terms, veganism and animal rights, preserving endangered species, vegan extremists, abortion and more!


“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor E. Frankl


Related Links:

Nick Hazelton Facebook

Anarcho Yakitalist Podcast

Yakkin With Nick feedback group

Nick Hazelton Twitter


Internal Links:

Debate I Part 1: Todd Lewis (Christian Distributism) vs. Danilo Cuellar (Voluntaryist Anarchist)

Debate I Part 2: Todd Lewis (Christian Distributism) vs. Danilo Cuellar (Voluntaryist Anarchist)

Betteanne Camagna: Unschooling, Anti-War, and Peaceful Parent since the 1980s

Dayna Martin: Radical Unschooler and Natural Childbirth Advocate


External Links:

Bad Quaker website

Jim Limber Davis – Facebook page

Liberty Defined – Facebook page

Dayna Martin website


Nick Hazelton: Peaceful Parenting, Veganism, Animal Rights, and Abortion – Steemit

Kids Are Born Anarchists

Kids enter this world not knowing authority, laws, taxes, or regulations. Their true nature abhors such spiritual restrictions. They are endowed with abundant curiosity for the unknown and a profound fascination for the simple. Their mind knows no bounds. All is possible.


It is our job, as parents, to encourage this delightful wonder into as many aspects of life as possible. The extent to which we impose what we believe is necessary for them to learn is the extent to which we destroy this fragile beauty. The gorgeous flower can only be appreciated by leaving it be. Once it is picked, the deathly wilt has already begun. Enjoy the magnificent by leaving it be. Kids will thrive when left uninterrupted. Success and mastery are natural consequences of an unimpeded curiosity.


It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

Frederick Douglass


Kids Are Born Anarchists – Steemit