Please enjoy my recent conversation with Katie Testa. Herein we discussed how she became a Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Unschooler, Peaceful Parenting, talking to people about Voluntaryism, Non-Violent Communication (NVC), government without guns, be like a joyful child feeding a hungry duck, black and white logical fallacy, human needs are universal, NVC in relationships, NVC in parenting, peaceful parenting, emotionally grounding oneself, impossible triangle of parenting, appeal to antiquity, breaking the cycle of violence, children are the mirror of the parents, viewing one’s children as equals or peers, kids are natural scientists, authoritarian parenting, lazy parenting, curiosity is nature’s education, honestly admitting to one’s own fallibility, imposing one’s own passions and hobbies onto our children, intrinsic motivation, absorbing positive energy, life can be awesome, what do you want to be fallacy, difference between a quiz question and an actual question and more!
Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he’s not interested, it’s like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it eating.
Katrina Gutleben
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