Melissa Rajkovich: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Peaceful Parent, and Unschooler

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Melissa Rajkovich. Herein we discuss how she became a Voluntaryist and Peaceful Parent, non-authoritarian parenting, walking the talk, my journey to Peaceful Parenting, Statism makes obedience a virtue, striving to live with principles, appeal to antiquity logical fallacy, it’s all about control mentality, the child is the father of the adult, appeal to authority logical fallacy, allowing kids to be free, authoritarian parenting is exhausting, allowing kids to fall, The Continuum Concept, parenting in South American tribes, planting the Statist seed, allowing for the deschooling process, her government schooling experience, what is unschooling, this is the way it’s always been done, understanding the problem, how tyranny occurs, figuring out how to make it work, bureaucrats attempt to be oracles and fortune tellers, Truancy laws, appeal to force/stick logical fallacy, we are the government fallacy, Metadata drone app, human death machine, political euphemisms, understanding morality is your inner law, three felonies a day and more!



It’s just a ride…And we can change it any time we want. It’s only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love.

Bill Hicks


About Danilo

A practitioner of Eastern Healing arts with degrees in Acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs, I have always questioned the status quo, a path which led me to peaceful anarchism. Through my journey, I have worn many hats, that of a classical pianist, avid chess player, philosopher, comedian, and now father of two little anarchists. My wife brands me as a Cultural Critic, but I am simply following my thirst for knowledge and passion for writing.

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