No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner

If you are a Minarchist, Constitutionalist, or just someone who wants to demystify the sacred Constitution that underlies and supposedly provides legitimacy to all violence of “government” then this little book is perfect for you. Mr. Spooner is eloquent and merciless in his dispatching of the myth of Constitutional validity. This book is especially applicable to politicians, law enforcers, and members of the military who have sworn an oath to defend and protect the Constitution. There is no true equality under the law when one small group, the State, arbitrarily fabricate, amend, and are exempt from the laws that apply to the little people. The US Constitution protects the individual rights of the American people in the same way that the Soviet Constitution, Weimar Republic Constitution, and Red Chinese Constitution protected the rights of their respective citizens.


But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.

Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority




FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh

This is a magnificent short book on the Voluntaryist philosophy as it pertains to many topics including War, Foreign Policy, Justice, Courts, Prisons, Taxation, Banking, Property Taxes, Economics, Money, Corporations, Unions, Schooling, Medical Care, Welfare, Prohibition, Environmentalism, Intellectual Property, Marriage, Parenting, Bullying, Racism, Personal Freedom, and the Internet. If you want to give someone a wonderful little introduction to the philosophy of freedom this would be a great choice.




The great illusion of the current paradigm of statism is that governments achieve a worthwhile reduction of violence. Governments are the greatest cause of violence in the world today. They are coercive monopolies with only an illusion of public support. Everything they do is based on a presumed right to point guns at people who are acting peacefully.

Adam Kokesh, FREEDOM!

Kallen Diggs: Voluntaryist and Author of “Reaching The Finish Line”

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Kallen Diggs. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, the premise of his book, the importance of entrepreneurship, hating your job, trading happiness for security, Capitalism creates wealth and raises the standard of living for all, is college/university a good choice, student loan debt, the age of information, the illusion of free college/university, perverted incentives of “government”, success story, minimum wage hurts small businesses and increases unemployment, entitlement mentality, pay me what I’m worth fallacy, minimum sex law, unlimited paid time off, the problem is that the currency is hijacked not wages, voting with your feet, Democracy is voting to subjugate your neighbor and more!


Youngsters want to change world. Elders want to enjoy their works. The entrepreneur sells anything needed by both to win their desires.

Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity




Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 26: Former Police Officer Voluntaryist Speaks Against War on Drugs

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Raeford Davis, a former police officer turned voluntaryist. Herein we discuss being part of the “War on Drugs”, the massive failure of the “War on Drugs”, how making drugs “illegal” creates 80% of the problems in law enforcement, the Soviet era gulag numbers of the modern U’S’ prison system, supporting the use of violence against peaceful people, how prohibition fosters the environment we see around us, using artificial profit motives to pay for violence, the use of force continuum, Ron Paul/Lew Rockwell/Rothbard, how 95% of cops enforcing immoral laws are actually worse than the 5% of “bad cops”, asking doctors if they would lock up asymptomatic people, not getting arrested unless you’re running through a daycare with a bloody hatchet, the process is the punishment, policing for profit, legalization vs. decriminalization, how over 18,000 per year are arrested in SC, abolishing violent/immoral prohibition enforcement, how the East India Trading Company was the original drug cartel, the CIA funding the drug trade, kicking the CIA?FBI out of your country, the balloon effect, the iron law of prohibition, the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914, addiction rates, how badges don’t grant extra rights, Nancy Pelosi being right (for once), and more!

Instead of giving money to found colleges to promote learning, why don’t they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as good as the Prohibition one did, why, in five years we would have the smartest race of people on earth.

Will Rogers

Anarchy Is Love

Anarchy is the epitome of love, kindness, charity, empathy, and compassion. It is all these things because they are all done voluntarily. The best things in life are done voluntarily. Forced love is rape. Forced charity is a mugging. Forced compliance is slavery. When one is coerced into obedience by the threat of violent punishment all virtue dissipates and the transaction degenerates into that of a common thief and his victim. To live one’s life and interact with others based on force and coercion is to be empty and spiritually alone.


Anarchy Is For Lovers

All things we value in our lives arise from voluntary associations and dissociations. These include who we choose to date, where we choose to live, what we choose to eat, what we choose to wear, what profession we choose to study, what we choose to learn, what time we choose wake in the morning and sleep at night. The extent that we are able to decide how to lead our lives is the extent to which true freedom and happiness exists in each of us.



How To Change the World With Love Cartoon(1)

Anarchy is to be celebrated in all its manifestations. Anarchy is the default state of humanity, not centrally planned regimes. This may be proven by witnessing the monumental technological achievements that have lifted humanity out of crippling poverty and near starvation. This is testament to the massive skill of man’s ingenuity, creativity, and imagination. All this was achieved without guns, violence, laws, regulations, and taxation. All this was achieved not because of “government” but in spite of it.



You Had Me At Fuck The System



It is the measure of the state’s success that the word ‘anarchy’ frightens people and the word ‘state’ does not.

Joseph Sobran