Nathan Fraser: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Founder and Host of Live Free FM Podcast

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Nathan Fraser. Herein we discuss how he became a Voluntaryist, striking at the root, Statism starts in childhood, relentless pursuit of truth, the genie is out of the bottle, decentralization of everything, how I started my podcast and YouTube channel, critics of the status quo are no longer burned at the stake, banning books in 2015, government school disincentivizes learning, information is available for free online, interesting guests, Most Dangerous Superstition, entrepreneurs make the best Anarchists, salesmen are sleazy myth, division of labor, specialization, the poor today live better than the kings of antiquity, the belief in authority, the Internet breaks down national borders, virtual assistant, rendering the State obsolete, Podcast Blast Off, college/university degrees are increasingly worthless, crippling student loan debt and more!


The free market is not a system. It is not a policy dictated by anyone in particular. It is not something that Washington implements. It does not exist in any legislation, law, bill, regulation, or book. It is what you get when people act on their own, entirely without central direction, and with their own property, and within human associations of their own creation and in their own interest. It is the beauty that emerges in absence of control.

Jeffrey Tucker


Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 40: Anarchyball, Pioneer of the Anarchist Ball Comic Series

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by a special guest, making his podcasting debut, the one and only Anarchyball. Herein we discussed how easy it is to hate on Ancomball, having beautiful filthy anarchy and capitalism all over this thing, how Christmas is capitalism, resisting forced collectivism and theft, anarcho-government, how communism is not the system “we” need but the system “we” deserve, #DaniloMemes, the memes of production, the economic calculation problem of communism, how the toilet paper industry is the big winner in the Venezuelan regime change, Bernie Sanders emails being automatically marked as spam, rejecting the just the tip method, Cantwell’s Law, how “someone has to do something” might be the most dangerous phrase in the world, censorship moralists, and more!