Please enjoy my recent conversation with Connor Boyack. Herein we discuss why he started the Tuttle Twins series, a synopsis of Tuttle Twins Learn About The Creature From Jekyll Island, central banking, monetary system, inflation, the elderly often trust the monetary authorities, the power of propaganda, few people have an opinion on the monetary system, dissecting a Federal Reserve Note, deschooling adults, printing currency produces wealth fallacy, a synopsis of Tuttle Twins and The Food Truck Fiasco, food trucks steal customers fallacy, competition encourages innovation, economic protectionism and more!
Please enjoy our recent episode of our Seeds of Liberty podcast. Herein we discussed freedom of association/dissociation of entrepreneurs, slippery slope logical fallacy, legislate morality, force your morals upon your neighbor, power of boycott, business self-ownership, cowards use government, Economic Fascism, minimum wage laws keep minorities in poverty, economic ostracism, reputation, government solution to every problem, appeal to force logical fallacy, consistency of Voluntaryism, I voted for the Democratic puppet, just vote harder, Central Banks, fiat currency, war, what is voluntaryism, the golden rule, the silver rule, pacifism, non-aggression principle, self-ownership, property rights, principle vs. law, government attracts the corruptible, Statism is chaos, myth of the authority, taxation is theft arguments, democracy is mob rule, myth of collective consent, legal plunder, you are free to leave and much more!
Democracy has proved only that the best way to gain power over people is to assure the people that they are ruling themselves. Once they believe that, they make wonderfully submissive slaves.
Money is the lifeblood of any economy. It is the lubrication that facilitates every voluntary transaction. When it is freely used amongst peaceful people it significantly raises the wealth and standard of living of society. Historically many items have been used as currency such as exotic bird feathers, beads, lumber, tobacco, cigarettes, candy bars, sea shells, copper, spices, salt, sugar etc. In order to satisfy the criteria of currency it must be divisible, fungible, portable, and durable. For various reasons these items have come and gone due to their unique inadequacies.
Money has all these qualities plus being a store of value over long periods of time. This supreme status has been achieved mainly by gold and silver. Historically when “government” hijacks and debauches money, the decline of society has already begun. This is known as the Wealth Transfer. Through the Mandrake mechanism, coin clipping, currency creation, money printing, interest rate manipulation, deficit spending, or pork/barrel spending “government” corrupts and devalues the purity of sound money. The Wealth Transfer is the sinister mechanism by which wealth is transferred from the industrious to the money controllers or political elite. This is known as the stealth tax of monetary inflation because not one man in a million will detect the source of this wickedness.
We must teach our children of this reality if we are to finally be free of this vicious cycle. We are the present but our children are the future. They will be the ones to carry the torch. To raise a child is to be a participant in molding the world of tomorrow. By teaching our children about self-ownership, property rights, and non-aggression we are teaching them to be thinking individuals capable of critical analysis. An intelligent mind is a more powerful force than any weapon man can wield and is the true enemy of any “government”. Ideas are what embolden the most ruthless tyrants and topple the fiercest regimes. If you wish to change the world you must first begin by affecting hearts and minds.
From his neck down, a man is worth a couple dollars a day; from his neck up, he is worth anything his brain can invent.
Please enjoy my recent interview with Samuel Kovac. Herein we discussed how he became an Anarchist, his experience in Communist Czechoslovakia, prohibited goods/actions under Communism, the variety that evil Capitalism brings, sudden collapse under Communism was confusion and mayhem, Coupon Privatization, no unemployment under Communism, government agencies paying government taxes, one button to turn off government, Voluntaryism is a state of mind and not simply a lack of government, Mexico vs. Slovakia, only enforced laws are recognized, Bitcoin is Anarchy, all currencies are fiat currencies, Bitcoin is a scam fallacy, Bitcoin is a bubble fallacy, iPhones as currency, nature prefers the path of least resistance, can Bitcoin be hacked, the fall of Mt. Gox, countries that ban Bitcoin, IRS says Bitcoin is property, different types of Bitcoin wallets, Ross Ulbricht trial, who does Prohibition benefit, legality is not a measurement of morality, is Mexico a dangerous place to live, drug cartels as stupid parasites, is Bitcoin a Ponzi scheme, is Bitcoin useless because it is digital and much more!
Yesterday we celebrated Veteran’s Day, a day to commemorate those hired mercenaries of innocent people bought and paid for with stolen money (taxes) as if they performed some honorable duty without which we would all be living destitute lives full of privation and suffering. Everywhere it is mindlessly parroted that “They fought to defend our freedoms!” Let us examine for a moment the often-referenced “freedoms” they are out murdering so hard to protect. The freedom of free speech and uninhibited expression? Nope. The freedom of the press and media to report alternative viewpoints contrary to the status quo? Nope. The freedom of cyber, personal, or financial privacy? Nope. The freedom to open a business without being harassed by oppressive government regulations? Nope. The freedom to practice a profession without the permission (licenses) and necessary extortion fees required to keep our governing federal mafia from harassing us to no end? Nope. The freedom to not be sexually assaulted when attempting to leave the arbitrarily government concocted lines known as state/national borders by naked body scanners and poking/prodding happy sexual deviants also known as the Touch Sex Army (TSA)? Nope. The freedom to keep all the fruits of one’s industry and labor? Nope. The freedom to put into one’s body whatever arbitrarily “illicit” substance our masters have capriciously chosen to prohibit? Nope. The freedom to decide one’s own healthcare? Nope. The freedom to not pay extortion fees (taxes)? Nope. The freedom to a fair and equitable trial by a jury of our peers? Nope. The freedom to opt out of supporting the inefficiently brutal agency of coercion, violence, exploitation, and theft also known as the Federal Government? Nope. The freedom to secede from the Union as a state, county, town, neighborhood, street, family, or individual? Nope. The freedom to use whichever currency one deems appropriate for payment of all debts public and private? Nope. The freedom to have our skies absent of poisonous chemtrails and surveillance/murderous drones? Nope. The freedom to not have our physical whereabouts monitored by ever intrusive surveillance cameras and sophisticated tracking technology? Nope. The freedom to have our global climate unadulterated by HAARP and chemtrails for the purposes of utilizing self-sustainable farming techniques? Nope.
If you are one of those unfortunates who are currently in the military, I implore you to re-examine what exactly you are doing in the world. Your actions are having real effects on real people. Do you possess the intimate understanding of other cultures and foreign peoples to justify your heinous actions? If you are participating to pay for college, travel the world, or because you think you have no other alternative I strongly encourage you to reconsider the motives of the organization you work for. Being a hero is not about obeying orders regardless of your morality. That is something a soulless machine could do. Claiming good intentions whilst acting in a state of ignorance is the basis for every kind of horrific atrocity in history. Being a hero is understanding what universal morality is, living by your moral code, and encouraging others to do the same. The true hero rejects initiatory violence in all its manifestations. The true hero is the one that leads a life of virtue, honor, and peace based on voluntary interactions with his fellow human beings. The true hero does not come home to ticker tape parades. The true hero is not awarded metals of honor or purple hearts. The true hero acts based on a profound understand of morality, philosophy, and economics. The true heroes are all around us. They are not in the limelight. They do not expect daily praises for their efforts but they do hold other to the same standard of civility. Be a radical. Advocate for peace, love, and anarchy. Vacate the State!
Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
George Orwell
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
Mark Twain
I am still searching for the freedoms these murderers are killing innocent people to protect us from. If you know of any please let me know. It seems I am searching in vain, because all I see are usurpations and the curtailing of previously held freedoms, yet war is as ubiquitous as ever! Federal spending of stolen money on massacre and carnage is now over half of our trillion dollars counterfeited annual budget! The US is the biggest spender on military weapons, troops, equipment etc on Earth. The amount dwarfs the military spending of the next 25 countries combined! We are also the largest seller and exporter of weapons on the globe, arming the same foreign enemies we are so dedicated to annihilating. And some people still have the gall to say we need government for the maintenance of our infrastructure (roads, bridges, tunnels etc) and to fund education? Our federal government needs us! It is the parasites who die when the host wakes up and scratches them off! Our masters are not as powerful as they think they are and the people are not as weak they think they are!
Man is the only Patriot. He sets himself apart in his own country, under his own flag, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps multitudinous uniformed assassins on hand at heavy expense to grab slices of other people’s countries, and keeps them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for “the universal brotherhood of man” – with his mouth.
Mark Twain, “The Lowest Animal”
Here is a truly shocking 5 minute video of 1000 years of war from the global perspective! Apart from the obvious moral dilemmas with waging wars on other people with the express purpose of enslaving them, stealing their natural resources, or satisfying any other whim a tyrant might conjure, there is the question of funding. How is a State to pay for its troops? I sincerely doubt that even the most steadfastly patriotic will fight and die for free. There exist 3 main options for a State to fund any of its endeavors; taxation of its citizens, borrowing from other countries, and printing currency also known as deficit spending. The first two options have most apparent limits in scope. Waging heavy taxation on the people for the purpose of paying for a murderous conquest becomes tiresome as the people grow weary of such blatant theft. Such a war cannot last. Borrowing from foreign countries to fund a murderous conquest becomes quite risky for the lender. The borrower’s credit dwindles the more money is borrowed and the longer the war is fought. Eventually the lending country will not lend anymore and will demand repayment. Such a war cannot last.
Therefore printing currency becomes the option of choice for a globally imperialistic State. In modern times there have been many euphemisms to disguise the sinister essence of this action. It has been called money creation, The Mandrake Mechanism, Quantitative Easing, deficit spending etc. A blood sucking parasitic bureaucrat by any other name is still just as useless and societally damaging. This may be characterized as a hidden tax on the purse of the people. As we have learned before “Wealth is never destroyed or created. It is merely transferred.” It is a tax as every piece of currency that is printed and used to fund the wartime effort is just more wealth siphoned away from the producing middle class to the ruling elite. It is a “hidden” tax in that the resultant loss of purchasing power is oftentimes so piecemeal and subtle that “not one man in a million will be able to diagnose it.” However during times of war this destruction of purchasing power, addition to the monetary base, and price inflation becomes self-evident to those paying attention.
History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.
James Madison
This money creation is facilitated by the Central Banking System. Cloaked in confusion, engulfed in uncertainty, and begirded by obscurity the function and purpose of Central Banks in our society is not something clearly taught to our precious budding little minds in their government educational institutions. This is done for good reason. A general public replete with awakened and financially literate individuals precludes the very existence of both cancerous establishments of the Federal Government and the Central Banks. This must not be encouraged!
The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.
George Orwell
It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of Central Banking.
Ron Paul
Take particular note of the war orgy that began precisely after the Federal Reserve was founded in 1913. It has been estimated that 160 million people died in war in the 20th century. Completely aside from war (which is an inevitable toxic spinoff of collectivism and nation-states) was that it has been estimated that 262 million people died in the 20th century alone through democide. Democide is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R. J. Rummel as “the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.” Combined that is 422 million people killed in the last century alone through collectivism, nation-states, central banking and the wars they enable. That’s nearly half a billion people!
Jeff Berwick
I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we’re really talking about peace.