Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Justin, the man behind and the Facebook page, Twitter account and YouTube channel of the same name. Herein we discussed the joys of living in the People’s Republic of New York, how New York is the Marxist (rather than the market) capital of the world, how an armed society is a polite society, standing against “public” gun ownership, Timothy McVeigh, How guns are merely tools, the not-so-Wild West, being pro self-defense/pro-freedom rather than pro-gun, being left defenseless “for your safety”, how the State won’t die quietly, being programmed to fear guns, the NY SAFE Act, the incentives to commit crime, lines in the sand, the repercussions of a possible gun confiscation, “milker bills”, whether chaos would actually ensue in light of an economic collapse, secession, world currencies, the imminence of a WWIII, creating your own monsters to slay, Iran, how the military is the largest welfare program, non-violent communication, defending your position with clichés, doing man on the street interviews, the State’s ‘War on Nouns and Adjectives’, slave on slave attacks, and more!
Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer