Disobedience Of Unjust Laws Is The Foundation of Liberty

A true crime is one, which involves a victim and a victimizer. There must be a clear violation of a person’s self ownership or property right, the most basic of which constitutes theft, assault, rape, and murder. These rudimentary universal concepts are capable of being understood by any toddler with the phrases “It’s mine.”, “I had it first”, and “He hit me.” It does not require hundreds of thousands of pages in the federal register to delineate these most basic principles. Indeed one of the most blatant ironies is the State claims to be the necessary element to secure peace and justice in the land whereas it is the State that is the perpetrator of the most egregious violations of civil and human liberties in all of recorded history. No private criminal can ever compare with the State in this regard.


The vast majority of prisoners unjustly held in prison are for non-violent offenses such for drug possession and tax evasion. Indeed one may gauge what the State deems as the most appalling crime by what it punishes the most severely.


When one is confronted with a State attempting to forcefully impose unjust laws whimsically dictated by political parasites it becomes the moral duty of the virtuous and noble to resist such tyranny to the best of one’s ability. When our political masters can fabricate laws with a pen stroke, the law loses all validity and becomes merely the tool wielded by megalomaniacs to carry out their twisted will.


If you wish to have a peaceful and just world, rule yourself and raise your children with a firm moral compass. The only law you should obey is your own conscience.


“When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free.” — Tom Robbins, American novelist





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RSS feed: http://peacefulanarchism.com/feed/

website: http://peacefulanarchism.com/

Steemit: https://steemit.com/@danilo-cuellar

DTube: https://d.tube/#!/c/danilo-cuellar


Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!


BipCot license info: http://bipcot.org/


I had a lot of fun making it. Let me know what you all think. I am looking forward to some feedback. I am delighted to be a part of the liberty movement. I see great and beautiful things in our future!


Peace and Voluntaryism

Disobedience Of Unjust Laws Is The Foundation of Liberty – Steemit


Sherry Voluntary – Podcaster, Homeschooler, Unschooler, Peaceful Parent

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Sherry Voluntary, host of the Sherry Voluntary show. Herein we discussed her path to Voluntaryism, the value of money, monetary economics, Tuttle Twins, Three Friends Free, A is for Anarchy, Homeschooling, Unschooling, learning to read with Minecraft, the power of chess, homeschooling comedian, government school destroys family bonds, children are impressionable, being an auto-didact, staying curious, Peaceful Parenting and more!


“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats


“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” Frank Herbert, Dune


Related Links:

Sherry Voluntary (Facebook profile)


Sherry Voluntary Show (YouTube)


Sherry Voluntary (Twitter)

Speaking Freely Live (Facebook)


Little L productions (Facebook)


Sherry Voluntary Show – Larken Rose (YouTube)

Sherry Voluntary Show – Eric July (YouTube)


Internal Links:

Is Money the Root of all Evil?

Is Money The Root Of All Evil?

JW Weatherman – Crypto-Anarchist and Creator of Mathbot.com

JW Weatherman – Crypto-Anarchist and Creator of Mathbot.com


External Links:

Hidden Secrets of Money documentary episodes (YouTube)

Three Friends Free: A Children’s Story of Voluntarism (book)


Tuttle Twins (website)


Chess Kid (website)


A Rule is to Break: A Child’s Guide to Anarchy (book)


Tim Hawkins stand up comedian on Homeschooling (YouTube)

Sherry Voluntary – Podcaster, Homeschooler, Unschooler, Peaceful Parent – Steemit


Prof CJ – History of American Slavery, Stanley Milgram Experiment, and Stanford Prison Experiment

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Prof CJ, host of the Dangerous History Podcast. Herein we discussed History of American Slavery, Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Trans-Saharan Slave Trade, racism was the after effect of slavery, immoral rationalizations, white slaves, indentured servants, post Civil War resentment, Ku Klux Klan, chattel slavery was a government program, privatizing the profits and socializing the costs, Stanley Milgram Experiment, obedience to authority, human nature is malleable, Stanford Prison Experiment, dress to aggress, power corrupts, law enforcement, men in uniform, Asch Conformity Experiment, tribalism instinct easily exploited by ruling class and more!


“Put simply, the cause of the civil war was the refusal of Lincoln and other northerners to honor the revolutionary right of self determination, the touchstone of the American Revolution. The act of imposing one people’s morality upon another people is an imperial denial of self-determination. Once begin the process of denying it to others in its own name and there is no end of empire except war and more war.” William Appleman Williams


Related Links:

Dangerous History Podcast website

List of All Episodes

Dangerous History Podcast – Facebook


Dangerous History Podcast – Twitter

Dangerous History Podcast Ep. 95 – History of American Slavery, Part I: Origins of Atlantic Slavery

Ep. 0095: A History of American Slavery, Part I: Origins of Atlantic Slavery

Dangerous History Podcast Ep. 0129 – The Psychology of Power & Obedience with Jim Cunagin

Ep. 0129: The Psychology of Power & Obedience with Jim Cunagin


Internal Links:

The Truth About Slavery

The Truth About Slavery

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists


External Links:

The Truth About Slavery: Past, Present, and Future (Stefan Molyneux)

White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America by Don Jordon and Michael Walsh


History on Fire Podcast Episode 1 – The Slave Wars (part 1)


History on Fire Podcast Episode 2 – The Slave Wars (Part 2: Spartacus)


American Slavery: 1619-1877 by Peter Kolchin


Stanley Milgram Experiment (YouTube)

The Experiment (2010) – Official Trailer

The Stanford Prison Experiment (YouTube)

Asch Conformity Experiment (YouTube)

Prof CJ – History of American Slavery, Stanley Milgram Experiment, and Stanford Prison Experiment – Steemit


Roy Duarte – Stateless Society of Cheran, Mexico

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Roy Duarte. Herein we discusses how he came to Anarchism, history of Cheran, resisting Aztec imperialism, expelling State agents, very low violent crime, common law, polycentric law, Anarchopocolypse documentary, appeal to antiquity, hordes of mini dictators, focus on self improvement, most people want to be free, personal responsibility, peaceful parenting and more!


“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.― Confucius


“If you want to enlighten everything within everyone you should first enlighten everything within yourself.” Buddhism


Related Links:

Roy Duarte – Facebook


Roy Duarte – Instagram


Chris Harrigan – Facebook


Roy Duarte – Anarchast

Chris Harrigan (Anarchapocalypse documentary) – Anarchast

Chris Harrigan – Patreon



Internal Links:

Monopolies in a Stateless Society

Monopolies In A Stateless Society

Daniel Hawkins: Anarchy Never Been Tried and the History of Anarchist Societies

Daniel Hawkins: Anarchy Never Been Tried and the History of Anarchist Societies

Daniel Hawkins: Voluntaryist, Anarchy Never Been Tried Part 2 & 3

Daniel Hawkins: Voluntaryist, Anarchy Never Been Tried Part 2 & 3


External Links:

No Cops! No Government! Just Anarchy In Mexico Town – We Are Change (Luke Rudkowski)

They Overthrew The Government ?1?1?1 – We Are Change (Luke Rudkowski)

Plaza de Cheran

This Mexican Town of 30,000 Has Been Government-Free For 7 Years (The Dollar Vigilante)


Roy Duarte – Stateless Society of Cheran, Mexico – Steemit


RL Bryer – Author of Blockchain Project Renaissance

Please enjoy my recent conversation with RL Bryer, author Blockchain Project Renaissance. Herein we discussed his path to Anarcho-Capitalism, Ron Paul, Austrian Economics, Mises Institute, Murray Rothbard, Stefan Molyneux, Larken Rose, there’s no going back, universal morality, Why he wrote his book, Bitcoin, Creature from Jekyll Island, Mike Maloney, Hidden Secrets of Money, minimum wage, 3 ways to interact with people, the most dangerous superstition, appeal to authority, libido dominandi, decentralization, competition breeds quality, savings vs consumption, hyperinflation economics, fiat toilet paper trash and more!


“Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.” Voltaire


“Cash is trash.” Robert Kiyosaki


“Decentralize.” RL Bryer


Related Links:

RL Bryer – Twitter

RL Bryer – email


RL Bryer – Steemit


RL Bryer – YouTube



Internal Links:

Minimum Wage Causes More Unemployment and Poverty

Minimum Wage Causes More Unemployment and Poverty


External Links:

Anatomy of the State – by Murray Rothbard


Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar – by Murray Rothbard


What Has Government Done To Our Money – by Murray Rothbard


Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market by Murray Rothbard


Creature from Jekyll Island – G Edward Griffin


Rich Dad Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver by Mike Maloney


Money vs Currency – Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 1 – Mike Maloney (YouTube)

The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose


RL Bryer – Author of Blockchain Project Renaissance – Steemit
