Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we had the fourth SOLer, Jared Howe, sitting in for Danilo. Herein we discussed why moving can suck, how religion and schooling being forced on kids is abuse, the cultish superstition of state socialism, Trump – the guy you love to hate, how the socialist viewpoint infantilizes consumers, and we answered some listener questions.
Tag Archives: Socialism
Jared Howe: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Conscious Rapper
Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jared Howe. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, evolution of his rapping style, confessing Statist sins, voting is violence, voting legitimizes a ruling class, bloated political promises, free stuff fallacy, universal principles, Bernie Sanders sophistry, Donald Trump’s Socialist Healthcare, Hegelian Dialectic, broken window fallacy, seen vs. unseen, Statrix, violence begets violence, Socialism is for poor people, Fascism is for rich people and more!
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.
H.L. Mencken
Lawrence Reed: Voluntaryist, Author, and President of Foundation for Economic Education
Please enjoy my recent conversation with Lawrence Reed. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, his book “Excuse Me, Professor”, WW II lifted us out of the Great Depression fallacy, “government” is a tick, myths of Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle”, useless child labor laws, basic definition of terms, what is Capitalism, “government” causes most problems, truth about FDR’s New Deal, Great Depression history, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Wagner Act, FDR Executive Orders, Gold Nationalization, The Federal Reserve failures, natural vs. coercive currency, gold/silver, Green Bean Federal Committee, inflation is theft of purchasing power, one gold coin global currency, Creature from Jekyll Island, the law of diminishing marginal utility, Austrian Economics, Socialism, free markets increase wealth, robber barons myth, John D. Rockefeller and more!
The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.
Friedrich August von Hayek
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Peaceful Anarchism is interviewed by Liberty Hangout
Please enjoy my recent conversation with Liberty Hangout. Herein we discussed my introduction to voluntaryism, the implications of marxist policies, Bernie Sanders, Austrian economics, self-education, the value of a college education, the power of technology, as well as the imperative value of the individual and more!
The more subsidized it is, the less free it is. What is known as ‘free education’ is the least free of all, for it is a state-owned institution; it is socialized education – just like socialized medicine or the socialized post office – and cannot possibly be separated from political control.
Frank Chodorov
Liberty Hangout: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Freedom Fighter
Please enjoy my recent conversation with Liberty Hangout. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, the origin of Liberty Hangout, Judge Napolitano, ad hominems, rationalizing legal plunder, minimum wage sophistry, Bernie Sanders free stuff, Socialists are hypocrites, defining terms, what is Capitalism, Wal-Mart provides a valuable service, seen vs. unseen, oil use has raised standards of living, politicians exploit the good intentions of the people, why do people commit crime, “government” is a criminal organization, Hegelian Dialectic, change it from the inside mentality, Harriet Tubman, politics is a waste of time, appeal to the elephant, unlocking emotional freedom, Adam Kokesh, Battered Citizen Syndrome and more!
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.
Robert A. Heinlein