Peaceful Parenting is Nourishing and Rejuvenating to the Soul of Parent and Child

Some people, upon discovering that we homeschool/unschool comment “Oh I could never do that! You are so brave to be with your kids all day! I need a break!”


This betrays the harsh authoritarian parenting that most parents utilize to lord over their children. When employing such a domineering parenting style it is perfectly understandable for this to become thoroughly exhausting, welcome relief coming from giving their kids to the State for raising at government school. This is not the relationship of a loving parent who wants the best for his/her child, but rather that of a master who orders his slave about and demands unconditional obedience without question.


If you wish your child to learn the skills of logic, reasoning, compassion, kindness, gentleness, and love then these attributes must be modeled. The child views the parents as the first examples of human beings to emulate. Which principles and values do you wish to instill in your progeny? Act and think in such a manner as you wish your child to act and think and it will be so. No force and coercion is required, indeed the application of such contemptible methods would only destroy the delicate bond between parent and child. Cultivate with care the minds of your children for they will inhabit the world of tomorrow. Through peaceful parenting let us create a world full of logical, rational, compassionate, kind, gentle, and loving human beings that would be the profound envy of our forefathers.


“The child is father of the man”. William Wordsworth, My Heart Leaps Up




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I had a lot of fun making it. Let me know what you all think. I am looking forward to some feedback. I am delighted to be a part of the liberty movement. I see great and beautiful things in our future!


Peace and Voluntaryism

Peaceful Parenting is Nourishing and Rejuvenating to the Soul of Parent and Child – Steemit

The Parenting Junkie interviews Danilo Cuellar on Peaceful Parenting

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Avital Schreiber, host of The Parenting Junkie. Herein we discussed how our family decided to home educate, unstructured learning, kindling the love of learning, developing grit, my sample week, relaxed unschooling father, peaceful parenting, recognizing our imperfections, rigid parenting is exhausting, dealing with tantrums, why parents should homeschool/unschool and more!


Related Links:

The Parenting Junkie website

Home Page

The Parenting Junkie Facebook

The Parenting Junkie YouTube

The Parenting Junkie Instagram

The Parenting Junkie Twitter

LoveParenting: Raising children for Grit, Angela Duckworth book review (YouTube)


Internal Links:

Avital Schreiber-Levy: Peaceful Parent, Unschooler, and Founder of The Parenting Junkie

Avital Schreiber-Levy: Peaceful Parent, Unschooler, and Founder of The Parenting Junkie

Peaceful Parenting Breaks the Cycle of Violence

Peaceful Parenting Breaks the Cycle of Violence

Peaceful Parenting: Trust, Lying, and Stealing

Peaceful Parenting: Trust, Lying, and Stealing

Non-Aggression Parenting Podcast Ep 1: Introduction and Haircut Stories

Non-Aggression Parenting Podcast Ep 1: Introduction and Haircut Stories

Flagship Freedom interviews Danilo Cuellar on Peaceful Parenting

Flagship Freedom interviews Danilo Cuellar on Peaceful Parenting

Sherry Voluntary – Podcaster, Homeschooler, Unschooler, Peaceful Parent

Sherry Voluntary – Podcaster, Homeschooler, Unschooler, Peaceful Parent

Abolitionist Abstractions with Danilo Cuellar – Peaceful Parenting

Abolitionist Abstractions with Danilo Cuellar – Peaceful Parenting


External Links:

The Continuum Concept by Jien Liedloff


The Parenting Junkie interviews Danilo Cuellar on Peaceful Parenting – Steemit

The Pholosopher – Peaceful Parenting and Economic Principles

Please enjoy my recent conversation with The Pholosopher. Herein we discussed spanking/corporal punishment, peaceful parenting, model reason, voluntary vs coercive hierarchy, respect is earned, fearless daughter, socialization, no exception to morality, War on Terror military hypocrisy, Minority Report, preemptive violence, Memorial Day post, Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, collectivism/herd mentality, value is subjective, socialist economic calculation problem, seen vs unseen, Broken Window Fallacy, dropping seeds of liberty, conversation with mother, seatbelt laws, Statist contradictions and more!


“The first step to knowledge is to know thyself.” Socrates


“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” Aesop


Related Links:

The Pholosopher – website

The Pholosopher

The Pholosopher – YouTube

The Pholosopher – Facebook

The Pholosopher – Twitter

The Pholosopher – Steemit

3 Economic Principles You Need to Know – The Pholosopher YouTube video


Internal Links:

Supporting the Troops

Supporting The Troops


External Links:

Minority Report trailer


Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!

The Pholosopher – Peaceful Parenting and Economic Principles – Steemit

Peaceful Parenting Breaks the Cycle of Violence

As a parent our first duty is to shield our children from overt injury as best we can without being over-bearing and smothering. I wouldn’t let my toddler play in a street with passing cars or play with knives. However I will not spank them for doing so. The fact that they do such things is more the parent’s fault than the child’s fault. Inflicting artificial pain only teaches them to use violence to solve their problems. If they are too young to reason, spanking them makes no sense as they cannot yet determine cause and effect. If they are old enough to reason then spanking is lazy parenting as it is resorting to violence when reasoning and calmly explaining things would be much more effective. Indeed how do you expect your child to begin reasoning if you demonstrate your lack of reasoning with them?

End The Cycle of Violence



It is also not necessary and quite counter-productive to spank or yell at one’s child after they have fallen, scraped themselves, or otherwise hurt themselves. They have already felt the natural consequences of their actions i.e. pain. Adding additional artificial pain on top of that will not further solidify this lesson. On the contrary it will only teach them to not run to you for comfort in these moments of pain for you are teaching them that it will be conspicuously absent when they do. If they cannot run to you for comfort and reassurance then who can they run to? This is the origin of social anxiety and awkwardness to show affection or weakness. Embody the loving, caring, patient, and understanding human being you wish them to become!

Abusive Parents vs. The State



There is also ample research that indicates corporal punishment lowers IQ and increases the likelihood of true crime and incarceration later in life. Violence only begets more violence. As peaceful parents we must break the cycle of violence! Propagating harmful practices because they have always been done is to employ the spinal cord and base reptilian brain instead of the neofrontal cortex that has been the proud inheritance of our ancestors. Always strive to improve on the societal and cultural mistakes of the past. Our grandchildren will be most grateful for our efforts.

Teach Non-Aggression and Self-Ownership



A child whose life is full of the threat and fear of punishment is locked into babyhood. There is no way for him to grow up, to learn to take responsibility for his life and acts. Most important of all, we should not assume that having to yield to the threat of our superior force is good for the child’s character. It is never good for anyone’s character.

John Holt

Michael Shanklin: Pure Freedom Lover and Founder of Voluntary Virtues Network

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Michael Shanklin. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, first OSHA experience, the value of economic freedom, Niger Delta Shell oil spill, property rights are the basis for civilization, real money, Libertarian Party, being a hound dog for truth, Neo emerging from the Matrix, War on Drugs anti-property masochism, appeal to antiquity, in bound vs. out bound marketing, building unregulated systems, voting for an Anarcho-Capitalist, Rand Paul, gaming the system, peaceful parenting, spanking is teaching violence, spanking reduces IQ and increases criminality, respect your elders fallacy, authoritative parenting, igniting Voluntaryist fireworks and much more!


Private property is redundant. “Public property” is an oxymoron. All legit property is private. If property isn’t private it’s stolen.

Gustave de Molinari