Man Down – Blooded The Brave

When I discuss police brutality with some apologists, some of them assert, “Not all officer are abusive and that there are actually good officers.” Now I did not claim that all officers are abusive and that there are no good officers but like anything in order to understand the kernel we must examine the incentives. The fact is “government” is a monopoly on initiated aggression financed by the stolen funds of taxation and propped up by the belief in authority. Law enforcement is the agency that gives teeth and claws to every piece of politician scribble that Washington DC hemorrhages, regardless of how inane the law is. Strictly speaking law enforcement offices must enforce the law unilaterally and without prejudice. Now if that would be the case we would ALL have been kidnapped and caged, according to a book written by attorney Harvey A. Silverglate called Three Felonies a Day: How The Feds Target the Innocent published in 2009. According to this book we all commit at least 3 felonies per day regardless of our desire to obey every law, every regulation, and pay every tax. The sheer number of legislation makes it positively impossible for anyone to claim complete compliance with the law.


Man Down - Blooded The Brave



As a result law enforcement officers blindly enforce the law, which any robot can be programmed to do; rather they also are given what is known as discretionary authority. This is defined as the ability to arbitrarily enforce whichever law they deem fit to enforce given the situation or their current mood. This a massive power placed in the hands of people who can, at a whim, extort, kidnap, and cage any peasant who displays the temerity to challenge their authority, whether justified or unjustified. If it is ruled by the “government” kangaroo courts that the peasant is in the wrong, the peasant may face a hefty fine, extensive prison sentence, or some other such drastic punishment. If it is ruled by the “government” kangaroo courts that the peasant is in the right, the officer, due to judicial immunity, may receive a small fine, a vacation with pay, or at most a short prison sentence with the ability to return to his/her position afterwards. This is a blatant bias towards the law enforcement officer that is typical of any “government” agent. This gives law enforcement the ability or license to rob, assault, rape, and kill with impunity.


Victimless Crimes Are Not Crimes At All



As long there are rulers and the ruled and masters and slaves there is no equality under the law. There are only the political elite who fabricate the man-made laws, the special interest groups that sidestep the man-made laws with sovereign immunity, and law enforcement that arbitrarily enforce the man-made laws with discretionary authority. There is no equality that “government” can grant the people without first extorting and oppressing them. Being an advocate for “government” signifies that the people do not own themselves or the fruits of their labor; rather they are owned by the State. Voluntaryism is the only truly humane, compassionate, and peaceful philosophy because it grants full self-ownership and property rights for oneself as well as for every human being on Earth. This immediately repudiates and excludes any forceful authority AKA “government”. One cannot have two masters. Either you own yourself and the fruits of your 100% or you do not. If you do not then you are implying that someone else has a higher claim on you. This belief in authority has been responsible for some of the worst atrocities in history. It is the most dangerous superstition! Vacate the State!


Nazi Don't Disobey The Law and You Won't Have To Worry About The Police



Please follow Brent Elias and Blooded The Brave. He is putting out some really awesome content! Peace!




And, indeed, what is the State anyway but organized banditry? What is taxation but theft on a gigantic, unchecked, scale? What is war but mass murder on a scale impossible by private police forces? What is conscription but mass enslavement? Can anyone envision a private police force getting away with a tiny fraction of what States get away with, and do habitually, year after year, century after century?

Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto


Skyler J. Collins: Unschooling Father, Author, and Founder of

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Skyler J. Collins. Herein we discussed how he became a Libertarian, Anarchist, Voluntaryist, Peaceful Parenting, and Unschooling parent, life philosophy, Toward a Free Society, how to stimulate change, respect your elders fallacy, appeal to authority, peaceful parenting encourages trust and healthy bonds, with complete freedom kids will only play video games fallacy, Dr. Gabor Mate, addiction is escapism, play based learning, Unschooling Dads, 100% free time, how math is necessary, Bastiat seen vs. unseen, annihilated potential, the role of a truancy officer, Statism is based on theft and coercion, for the good of society fallacy, collectivism, residual tribalism, voluntary communism, socialist family unit, Democracy, property rights and children, spanking, corporal punishment, revolutionary kindness, breaking the cycle of violence, going against the current, epic night of epicness, homeschooling network and much more!




Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

Alejandro Jodorowsky


Why I Am An Anarchist

The forest is nothing without the trees. If it is harmful to the individual, it is harmful to society. It is not a Free Market Economy vs. a Mixed Economy or Command Economy. It is economic slavery governed by a ruling elite vs. peaceful people engaging in voluntary and consensual interaction. A regulation is strangulating the entrepreneur/employer by means of violent legislation. A tax is currency that is extorted from an individual or business by the threat of kidnapping or death should that individual resist. Both taxes and regulations divert precious resources away from production and customer satisfaction in order to placate the political megalomaniacs who will waste that stolen currency on pork barrel projects, boondoggles, and violent occupations, invasions, assassinations, drone strikes, genocide, and overseas war. They drive up prices and sacrifice quality in the marketplace. It is one giant Broken Window Fallacy. It is always a lose-lose proposition.

Aztec Human Sacrifice It's Not A Perfect System


“Government” is a monopoly on initiated aggression over a given geographical region funded by extortion and propped up by the belief in the myth of authority. Saying that we need “government” to prevent certain businesses from polluting falsely assumes that “government” is not the largest polluter of all by means of the U.S. military and that our sociopathic political control freaks necessarily have the best intentions in mind.

The Government Should Ignorance And Mental Lethargy


Green Party environmentalists would do well to not forget the pollution of dead bodies and corpses that has littered history whenever “government” gets involved in anything. That is the only pollution that worries me. Once we get that taken care of then we can turn our attention to clean air, potable water, and fertile land. It was not the Anarchists that dropped two atomic bombs on defenseless cities immediately killing thousands, violently interned thousands of Japanese-Americans and German-Americans, exterminated Native Americans by the millions, captured, castrated, raped, and enslaved millions of Africans and Irish for centuries, waged bloody wars, murdered millions of German Jews in gas chambers, starved millions of Chinese and Russians due to misguided Communistic economic policies, killed or maimed 1 million Iraqis, and economically enslaved present generations and the unborn to crippling debt and unfunded liabilities so that we may continue to live in the phony dream of a thriving economy.

The Ruling Elite Feasting on a Banquet Protected By a Circle of Their Police Guard Dogs


These insane megalomaniacs care only about securing their own power and ruling over peaceful people. If they express a concern for the environment it is only because they believe such rhetoric will land them more votes due to popular sentiment of the times. If we lived in the early 1800s you can be damned sure many if not all politicians would be campaigning on the grounds of supporting chain slavery and how best to subjugate the negro. This is not for any concern over slave masters but rather because popular sentiment dictates that a pro chain slavery perspective is likely to get one elected by support of those special interest groups. It is not only that “government” corrupts but also that it attracts the corruptible. If you think you can wear the ring of power and not be corrupted by its influence than you suffer from a destructive delusion far greater than ignorance. It is not that some classes are unfit to rule. All classes are unfit to rule! Vacate the State!


Americans shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to a king — that is, in our case, to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the State.

Robert Higgs


Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 18: The Accuracy of Stereotypes/Where the Women At?


Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by a friend of the show, Adriane, who is a voluntaryist and is responsible for our logo. Herein we discussed the perceived anti-female sentiment in some factions of the stateless society crowd, neck beards in mom’s basement, dealing with emotional people by approaching them from an emotional framework, Dave’s ability to say misogynist sounding things without being a misogynist, how women are emotional vs men’s’ inability to be wrong, how privilege is subjective, using crowd-funding to bypass copyright laws and to build charities, abortion, starting conversations with “Hey! You’re a human. Let me tell you about freedom!”, how Danilo talks to a LOT of women, and more!


In the game of life, less diversity means fewer options for change. Wild or domesticated, panda or pea, adaptation is the requirement for survival.

Cary Fowler


Jeff Till: 54 Homeschooling Arguments Answered, The Complete Case

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jeff Till. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, classified like a number, treated like a subject, societal sadism, seen vs. unseen, deschooling oneself, exposing the gun in the room, Taoism, oldest libertarian/Voluntaryist philosophy, explaining unschooling/homeschooling gently, broken window fallacy, exiting the Matrix, opportunity costs, socialization problem, obedience to authority, pro-government messages in cartoons and childhood literature, a la carte government school, unschoolers, homeschoolers, and Voluntaryists are generally well read, carbon copy of one’s parents, corporal punishment, moral/intellectual advancement of the species, question everything, focusing on the path rather than the goal, kindness is revolutionary, homework robs family time, learning by mimicry, blame the institution of “government school” not teachers, minimum wage skills after 12 years of indoctrination, homeschoolers/unschoolers want to work in the private sector and government school kids want to work for government and much more!


Instead of raising children who turn out okay despite their childhood, let’s raise children who turn out extraordinary because of their childhood.

L.R. Knost, Two Thousand Kisses a Day: Gentle Parenting Through the Ages and Stages