Money is the lifeblood of any economy. It is the lubrication that facilitates every voluntary transaction. When it is freely used amongst peaceful people it significantly raises the wealth and standard of living of society. Historically many items have been used as currency such as exotic bird feathers, beads, lumber, tobacco, cigarettes, candy bars, sea shells, copper, spices, salt, sugar etc. In order to satisfy the criteria of currency it must be divisible, fungible, portable, and durable. For various reasons these items have come and gone due to their unique inadequacies.
Money has all these qualities plus being a store of value over long periods of time. This supreme status has been achieved mainly by gold and silver. Historically when “government” hijacks and debauches money, the decline of society has already begun. This is known as the Wealth Transfer. Through the Mandrake mechanism, coin clipping, currency creation, money printing, interest rate manipulation, deficit spending, or pork/barrel spending “government” corrupts and devalues the purity of sound money. The Wealth Transfer is the sinister mechanism by which wealth is transferred from the industrious to the money controllers or political elite. This is known as the stealth tax of monetary inflation because not one man in a million will detect the source of this wickedness.
We must teach our children of this reality if we are to finally be free of this vicious cycle. We are the present but our children are the future. They will be the ones to carry the torch. To raise a child is to be a participant in molding the world of tomorrow. By teaching our children about self-ownership, property rights, and non-aggression we are teaching them to be thinking individuals capable of critical analysis. An intelligent mind is a more powerful force than any weapon man can wield and is the true enemy of any “government”. Ideas are what embolden the most ruthless tyrants and topple the fiercest regimes. If you wish to change the world you must first begin by affecting hearts and minds.
From his neck down, a man is worth a couple dollars a day; from his neck up, he is worth anything his brain can invent.
Albert Einstein
Just do good things
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