The laws of morality are just as timeless and immutable as the laws of physics, chemistry, and mathematics. They are universalizable and non-discriminatory. They are discovered, not created. They apply to all without recognition of race, gender, creed, ethnicity, religion, or socioeconomic status. They do not require reams of pages of the federal registry to outline, the extent of which nobody has the faintest idea, least of all the legislators. The laws of morality have been described as Common Law, Natural Law, or the Golden Rule. They are something most parents endeavor to teach their children. Don’t hit and don’t take other people’s stuff. This is a very concise summary of recognition of self-ownership, property rights, and non-aggression. A law degree is not needed to understand basic rules of morality.
Small children understand these mores, the confusion arises when Statism and the belief in authority is introduced and taints the mind. They are taught when there appears to be a contradictory message, always defer to authority for the answer. Discouragement of independent critical analysis becomes commonplace. Deductive reasoning is replaced with unwavering obedience. This is the source of the greatest atrocities we were all taught to fear. Without the mass of lickspittles and sycophants, the ruler has no power with which to carry out his maniacal whims. It is not the sociopathic ruler that must be feared, but rather the legion of obedient order followers. The well-intentioned citizens who pay their taxes and quietly submit to the State have enabled the greatest crimes against humanity. When obeying man made law would have one become an agent of injustice, one is compelled to break the law. Historically it has been the lawbreakers that displayed the greatest moral rectitude, civility, and compassion. It is far more important to develop an internal conscience and moral compass than it is to prostrate oneself before the law. We were all bestowed with free will and human cognition developed over eons. Use them!
Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leader and millions have been killed because of this obedience.
Howard Zinn