Jeff Till: 54 Homeschooling Arguments Answered, The Complete Case

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jeff Till. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, classified like a number, treated like a subject, societal sadism, seen vs. unseen, deschooling oneself, exposing the gun in the room, Taoism, oldest libertarian/Voluntaryist philosophy, explaining unschooling/homeschooling gently, broken window fallacy, exiting the Matrix, opportunity costs, socialization problem, obedience to authority, pro-government messages in cartoons and childhood literature, a la carte government school, unschoolers, homeschoolers, and Voluntaryists are generally well read, carbon copy of one’s parents, corporal punishment, moral/intellectual advancement of the species, question everything, focusing on the path rather than the goal, kindness is revolutionary, homework robs family time, learning by mimicry, blame the institution of “government school” not teachers, minimum wage skills after 12 years of indoctrination, homeschoolers/unschoolers want to work in the private sector and government school kids want to work for government and much more!


Instead of raising children who turn out okay despite their childhood, let’s raise children who turn out extraordinary because of their childhood.

L.R. Knost, Two Thousand Kisses a Day: Gentle Parenting Through the Ages and Stages

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Ep 17 The History Your Indoctrination Failed to Cover

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Prof CJ, an anarchist and history professor, who is the host of Prof CJ’s Dangerous History Podcast. Herein we discussed being born an anarchist but having statism bludgeoned into you, learning history as a springboard to anarchism, ranking the U.S. Residents of the Awful Office, some debunking of Jefferson’s myth, protecting your family from the stupid and evil, David and Goliath, Teddy Roosevelt: the perpetual 6 year old, Skull and bones, the Porcellian Club, the Bush family, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, James J Hill and the Great Northern Railway, the Myth of the Robber Barons, how pools are totally statist, the race between freedom and power in the technological world, the double-edged sword of technology, how McGraw-Hill are fascist bastards, and more!

History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren’t there.

George Santayana

Blooded The Brave: Voluntaryist Rapper, Freedom Fighter, and The Banksters

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Blood The Brave. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, we are born anarchists, Statism is taught and artificially infused, Banksters music video, Icelandic financial revolution, good politician, Monetary Economics, high school economics, the most powerful man in the world, Earth Day hypocrisy, Statism is fear, good intentions are insufficient, the Internet and digital technology will render government obsolete and irrelevant, government is a dinosaur institution, Lysander Spooner, American Letter Mail Company, law enforcement monopoly on violence, government one giant broken window fallacy, seen and the unseen, the belief in authority, revolving dictator, false dichotomy history, I am free and I have all the licenses to prove it, Intellectual Property is based in fear, copyright violation horror stories, Against The Odds music video, the War on Terror, blow-back, drone strikes create militant extremists, American Sniper, Louis CK, PTSD, we are the government fallacy, peaceful parenting, arbitrary school curriculum, teachers are not evil, government school is prison for the young, perverted morality, the golden rule always applies, the most dangerous superstition, Anarchy is all around us, monopoly money, redundant laws and much more!


The government, in its wisdom, perceives a problem (and Lord knows, there are always problems!). The government then intervenes to “solve” that problem. But lo and behold, instead of solving the initial problem, the intervention creates two or three further problems, which the government feels it must intervene to heal, and so on toward socialism.

Murray Rothbard

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 16: Gun Control Lunacy and Never Let A Crisis Go to Waste

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. Herein we discuss the contradictory nature of the reports surrounding the SC church shooting, the absurdity of gun-control advocates, how citizen disarmament leads to democide, the counterproductive nature of gun-free zones, what to do in a free society when your neighbor buys a tank, how ridiculous it is to blame the tool instead of the actor, and more!


This battle for ‘common-sense’ gun control laws pits emotion and passion against logic and reason. All too often in such a contest, logic loses. So, expect more meaningless, if not harmful, ‘gun control’ legislation. Good news – if you’re a crook.

Larry Elder

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Ep 15: Ben Stone and The Backfire Effect

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Ben Stone, better known as the Bad Quaker, who owns and is a frequent co-host of the Freedom Feens Radio Show. Herein be discussed the possible repercussions of catching an agent of government on a “bad day”, the definition of the Backfire Effect, the use of Socratic questioning, government trolls, putting the brakes on in an internet “debate” when the other party completely eschews logic, having the Backfire Effect used against you, understanding that you are often debating indoctrination and not the individual, how the need for freedom can become just as strong as the need for air, poking the beast, using peaceful parenting in conjunction with present day activism, how technology moves faster than the speed of government, the distortion of history, doing activism your way, the rise of the anarcho-capitalistas in Brazil and Cuba, keeping people from getting discouraged, getting it “right” vs. throwing a tin roof up on a “nothing”, going around the State, and more!


The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion draws all things else to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side, yet these it either neglects and despises, or else-by some distinction sets aside and rejects, in order that by this great and pernicious predetermination the authority of its former conclusion may remain inviolate.

Francis Bacon