Marc Malone: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Vocalist/Guitarist in Torous rock band

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Marc Malone. Herein we discuss how he became an Anarchist, David Icke, Anatomy of the State, fallacies are uttered quickly while logical rebuttals often require long winded explanations, gatekeepers, Voluntaryism is rooted in profound humility, what is Anarchy, the greatest non sequitur, government is not civilization, legal plunder, we are the “government” fallacy, battered citizen syndrome, the evolution of his music, venturing over the fence, what is freedom, abolitionists of the 19th century, the moral stance for freedom, Voluntaryists are not oracles and fortune tellers, British common law and the Magna Carta, Sovereign Citizen, living an Agorist lifestyle, forceful confiscation of funds is not compassion, the State is an agency of coercion, good ideas don’t require force, the myth of the philosopher king, do what thou wilt and accept the consequences, divide and conquer and more!

“But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime.” ― Frédéric Bastiat, The Law

Liberty Hangout: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Freedom Fighter

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Liberty Hangout. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, the origin of Liberty Hangout, Judge Napolitano, ad hominems, rationalizing legal plunder, minimum wage sophistry, Bernie Sanders free stuff, Socialists are hypocrites, defining terms, what is Capitalism, Wal-Mart provides a valuable service, seen vs. unseen, oil use has raised standards of living, politicians exploit the good intentions of the people, why do people commit crime, “government” is a criminal organization, Hegelian Dialectic, change it from the inside mentality, Harriet Tubman, politics is a waste of time, appeal to the elephant, unlocking emotional freedom, Adam Kokesh, Battered Citizen Syndrome and more!




I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.

Robert A. Heinlein



Blooded The Brave: Voluntaryist Rapper Discussing Man Down music video and Alternatives To Police

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Blooded The Brave. Herein we discussed his recent music video Man Down, police brutality, holding “government” accountable, monopoly on violence, irrational fear of business monopolies in a stateless society, slave on slave blaming the victim, battered citizen syndrome, no equality under the law, paying for our own oppression, security and protection is a natural demand, Free Markets hold criminals accountable, self-regulation, Statism starts with authoritarian parenting and government school, shoot first ask questions later, “government” creates poverty and gang violence, cops are timid and fearful cowards, more people die from FDA approved medications than hallucinogenic plants or entheogens, Hegelian dialectic, War on Terror, collateral damage, Department of Homeland Insecurity, TSA (Touch Sex Army), going along to get along, appeal to authority, instead of breaking the law join the Nazis and change it from the inside, the danger of street protests, vast majority of prisoners are for victimless crimes, petty infighting class warfare and more!


“The whole Good Cop / Bad Cop question can be disposed of much more decisively. We need not enumerate what proportion of cops appears to be good or listen to someone’s anecdote about his uncle Charlie, an allegedly good cop. We need only consider the following:

(1) A cop’s job is to enforce the laws, all of them;

(2) Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, and some are even cruel and wicked;

(3) Therefore every cop has to agree to act as an enforcer for laws that are manifestly unjust or even cruel and wicked.

There are no good cops.” Robert Higgs