Jared Howe: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Conscious Rapper

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jared Howe. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, evolution of his rapping style, confessing Statist sins, voting is violence, voting legitimizes a ruling class, bloated political promises, free stuff fallacy, universal principles, Bernie Sanders sophistry, Donald Trump’s Socialist Healthcare, Hegelian Dialectic, broken window fallacy, seen vs. unseen, Statrix, violence begets violence, Socialism is for poor people, Fascism is for rich people and more!






The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken






Neema Vedadi: A Gun For Everyone (Except For Government) and See My Chains

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Neema Vedadi. Herein we discussed his recent music video A Gun For Everyone (Except For Government), Sandy Hook shooting, gun control hypocrisy, government is one size fits all, a gun is a tool, moral responsibility, law is redundant, destructive, or absurd, Fergusson cash cow, chain slavery and segregation were State sanctioned, technology liberating humanity, the value of reputation, natural consequences of immoral actions, See My Chains, crypto-currency redemption, free range slave, seen vs. unseen, normalcy bias, what’s so bad about the Nazis, modern US empire, FDR Fascism, King of Executive Orders, Habeas Corpus historical abandonment, Presidential tyranny, diffusion of responsibility and accountability, chain of obedience, American Sniper, PTSD, veteran suicides, charity treatment for veterans, the goal of government school, Islamic State, Anarchapulco, spontaneous order and much more!


What makes anyone think that government officials are even trying to protect us? A government is not analogous to a hired security guard. Governments do not come into existence as social service organizations or as private firms seeking to please consumers in a competitive market. Instead, they are born in conquest and nourished by plunder. They are, in short, well-armed gangs intent on organized crime.

Robert Higgs




Seeds of Liberty Podcast Ep. 2

Please enjoy our recent episode of our Seeds of Liberty podcast. Herein we discussed government school, sadistic motives, Broken Window Fallacy, robbed to pay your neighbor’s “education”, teacher’s unions, Uncle Sam, appeal to authority, public school/prison comparison, Fascist New York, Detroit bankruptcy, evil slumlords exploiting tenants, hidden tax of inflation, know your true Corporate Fascist enemy, gentrification, supply/demand, Communist economics, life should be free argument, Hegelian dialectic, Band-Aid over the cancer, self-licking ice cream cone, there ought to be a law argument, government creates artificial demand for unprofitable things, boondoggle is government, the purpose of tanks, anti-war Statists, the seen vs. the unseen, Obamacare Fascism, channeling the exuberance of liberty, well read Voluntaryists, talking liberty with random people, using comedy to spread liberty, the question phase, planting seeds, Monetary History, Austrian Economics, success stories, evolving towards government irrelevancy, ad hominems are the last refuge of a lost argument, forcing seeds to grow and much more!


The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States, whatever the pretensions of politicians, pedagogues and other such mountebanks, and that is its aim everywhere else.

H.L. Mencken
