Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 79: Pull the Plug, It’s Dead


Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Lou Feen of the Freedom Feens Radio Show. Herein we discussed how Danilo’s departure was like a slow moving break up, Lou’s food service, the wonders of bacon, quitting smoking, the inexplicable turn of Ron Paul supporters shifting towards Trump, why it doesn’t matter who is selected, PTSD, the infeasibility of an invasion of the USSA mainland, and more!

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 77: Dave’s Not Here, Man (Even When He Is)


Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we had Dianna Keiler, of the Freedom Feens, and Jonathan Alexander, of the RadicaLogic Podcast, sitting in the vacant Danilo chair. Herein we discuss Operation Tubman Redux, ways to make yourself freer now, Edward Snowden, angry anarchists, how Dave almost saw a movie, Ben Stone’s book, the difference between civil disobedience and non-compliance, avoiding extortion, how you can’t be an agorist with agoraphobia, and more!

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 69: Chandler St. Pierre, co-host of Freedom Feens Podcast

Chandler with eyes closed

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Lisa DeLasho and Chandler St. Pierre, of the Freedom Feens Radio Show. Herein we discussed virtue signaling, getting unfollowed due to your other obnoxious social media friends, the angry anarchist phase, counter psychology, Samuel Konkin, Morgan Freeman reading the Mises audiobook library, Herny Rollins the commie, the wonder that is Brendan Fraser, celebrities shoehorning in their political views, what to do when things go to hell, low level EMP technology, Ben Stone’s new book, old aft white guys, Bill Buppert, and more!

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 67: Dianna Keiler, co-host of Freedom Feens Podcast

Dianna Keiler smiling with hat

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Dianna Keiler, one of the co-hosts of the Freedom Feens Radio Show and Podcast. Herein we discussed Dianna’s path to anarchism, so-called anarchists pulling a Cypher, how fear puts people on autopilot, the murder of Philando Castile, how there’s a worldwide awakening taking place, abolishing the FBI, the one cop who has spoken out about the recent killings, the art of debating, living with kitties despite being allergic, and more!

Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number—
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you—
Ye are many—they are few.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 50: Michael Dean, Founder and Host of Freedom Feens

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Michael Dean, founder and co-host of the Freedom Feens Radio Show and Podcast. Herein we discussed how debating is not about right and wrong, how running for office under the anarchist party is mental masturbation, Mike Vanderboegh: the most dangerous man in America (according to Bill Clinton), keeping the prison population docile via mandatory writing, Dave’s Big Bang Theory, Missy Cooper, the love child of Jeremy’s dad and Turtle from Entourage, hiding out with the dogs in Michael’s basement, begging the State for a permission slip, presenting a BipCot license to authorities, how what side of the bread line you are on matters, being the only an-cap show on radio, taking over a show with a Blackberry, building an anarcho yakitalist, and more!