Many proponents of Statism assert that the State is needed to fund aspects of the economy that would never otherwise get funded. One such boondoggle is the space program. They say that without the State who would invest millions into constructing rockets and manned space missions to explore ways to colonize and inhabit other planets? They say that humans need to explore other planets to thrive because we are destroying the rainforests, acidifying our oceans, and polluting our air. Without eliminating Statism and the belief in authority it matters not which planet, solar system, or galaxy we colonize. If we do not recognize the inherent immorality of Statism our flawed ideologies will follow us like a pestilent plague. The deadliest entity to threaten the future of humankind is the State via democide and all the brutal wars waged between nation States to the detriment of the productive and industrious. Seeking to solve one’s problems without attending to one’s defective moral code is trying to move the statue by pushing the shadow.
Please enjoy my recent conversation with Vin Armani, host of the Vin Armani show. Herein we discussed Activist Post, his path to Voluntaryism, Walter Block, victimless crimes, political euphemisms, law is an opinion with a gun, we are all criminals, the philosopher king, the fatal conceit of the ruler, Larken Rose, Voluntaryism is a principled spiritual practice, Agorism, Samuel Edward Konkin III, 4 classes of markets, counter economics, teenagers are inherently Agorists, intaxication, Battered Citizen Syndrome, taxation is voluntary fallacy, Jordan Peterson, Voluntaryism is descriptive not prescriptive, Adam Kokesh, Statism is a belief system, Lysander Spooner and more!
“A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.” – Lysander Spooner
“The law is an opinion with a gun.” ― Stefan Molyneux
“Agorism can be defined simply: it is thought and action consistent with freedom.” Samuel Edward Konkin III
Recently I visited the Kennedy Space Center near Orlando, Florida. I was immediately struck by the rampant military hero worship that was rife in its halls. The space race was steeped in war between rivaling nation States. It was born out of the massive violence and bloodshed that only nation States can produce. Only those with military parasite experience are eligible to participate as a hallowed astronaut.
Putting a man in space or sending a man to the moon is illustrative of the ability of the State to waste immeasurable sums of currency, most ordinary people can only conceive of in their dreams, on boondoggle projects that neither improve the lives of its citizens nor improve the world. It only succeeds in further impoverishing the hard working individual who is already suffering via monetary inflation, rising prices, and a collapsing currency.
The space program is just another tragic example of the broken window fallacy at work. Many of its proponents focus on the many “achievements” of the space program as proof of its necessity, the seen. It is true there are many positive endeavors one might use stolen funds for, however this does not alter the initial immorality that it all originates with the initiation of force that comprises the State. The unseen is what truly breaks my heart. The billions of dollars in stolen funds it takes to build, transport, and launch a rocket or space shuttle will never justify the annihilated potential of robbing millions of hard working human beings.
“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.” Thomas Sowell, Is Reality Optional?
My name is Danilo Cuellar. Follow me at Peaceful Anarchism. I also run the Peaceful Anarchism Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos and DTube. You can support and donate to my work through Patreon. To support me through PayPal please visit my Peaceful Anarchism website and click on the donate button at the top right of the page. I’m a practitioner of Eastern Healing arts with degrees in Acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs, I have always questioned the status quo, a path which led me to peaceful anarchism. Through my journey, I have worn many hats, that of a classical pianist, avid chess player, philosopher, comedian, and now father of two little anarchists. My wife brands me as a Cultural Critic, but I am simply following my thirst for knowledge and passion for writing.
Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!
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I had a lot of fun making it. Let me know what you all think. I am looking forward to some feedback. I am delighted to be a part of the liberty movement. I see great and beautiful things in our future!
One of the greatest appeals of the State is to appear to produce wealth without the effort and resources necessary for wealth creation. If the State offers you something for “free” check your wallet or the future debt of your progeny and you will realize you have been shamefully pilfered and bamboozled. There is no such thing as a free lunch. In order to provide something to you for “free” the State must first have coercively taken from you. Then it flamboyantly displays your stolen goods for all to see as if to proclaim it as being the origin of matter itself.
Make no mistake, the State is as affable to the productive and industrious as tick is to the host on which it is fastened. Calling theft as taxation, mass murder as the War on Terror, the war on people as the War on Drugs, mass spying as surveillance, and mass indoctrination as public education does nothing to alter the original definition of the words. One must observe the effect of actions in order to understand their true nature. Political euphemisms permeate our landscape and infect our thinking as effectively as a scourge wreaks misery on the people. We mature as a people when we cease believing political actions solve any of our problems. Only the individual acts! Only the individual thinks! Only the individual loves! Merry Christmas!
“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” ― Confucius
“Every election is a sort of advanced auction on stolen goods.” H.L. Mencken
Halloween is the time of fear and terror. I strain to consider an institution that has caused more worldwide fear and terror than the US Federal Government. The frightful spirit of Halloween is daily felt by many globally that wince when they see a plane flying overhead afraid it will drop a Hellfire missile or by those who tremble when they behold US troops arrive on their soils in Humvees to spread freedom by intimidation, torture, and terrorization.
If you want to strike true bone chilling fear in a man, simply mention the State is sending agents over to pay him a visit. No Halloween costume compares.
Civilization is built on a foundation of compassion, liberty, free trade, and Capitalism. Only when we holster our guns and sheathe our swords can we begin to truly understand and deeply empathize with our neighbors. Only the individual acts. Only the individual reasons. Only the individual loves! Vacate the State!