Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 28: Swinging The Pendulum of Confirmation Bias

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Amanda Bruce, a voluntaryist and unschooling mom of two. Herein we discussed Amanda’s journey to voluntaryism, how researching food can lead you to not trust the government, the uselessness of the FDA, the March Against Monsanto, the horrors of public schooling, exceeding expectations and being a statists school dork, John Taylor Gatto, unschooling meetups, recognizing that you are being a douchebag parent, letting your kids say no, the “Do as I say, not as I do” mindset, swinging the pendulum of confirmation bias, the illusion of control, conspiracy theories, how government intervention makes people lazy, the bandwagon effect, a whole new level of potato, talking to friends and family about anarchy, how statism is based in fear, divide and conquer tactics, how people seem desensitized to actual wars but are gung ho about the “War on Terror” and the like, and more!


Don’t let schooling interfere with your education.

Mark Twain


Katie Testa: Voluntaryist, Unschooler, and Non-Violent Communication Coach

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Katie Testa. Herein we discussed how she became a Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Unschooler, Peaceful Parenting, talking to people about Voluntaryism, Non-Violent Communication (NVC), government without guns, be like a joyful child feeding a hungry duck, black and white logical fallacy, human needs are universal, NVC in relationships, NVC in parenting, peaceful parenting, emotionally grounding oneself, impossible triangle of parenting, appeal to antiquity, breaking the cycle of violence, children are the mirror of the parents, viewing one’s children as equals or peers, kids are natural scientists, authoritarian parenting, lazy parenting, curiosity is nature’s education, honestly admitting to one’s own fallibility, imposing one’s own passions and hobbies onto our children, intrinsic motivation, absorbing positive energy, life can be awesome, what do you want to be fallacy, difference between a quiz question and an actual question and more!


Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he’s not interested, it’s like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it eating.

Katrina Gutleben



Skyler J. Collins: Unschooling Father, Author, and Founder of

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Skyler J. Collins. Herein we discussed how he became a Libertarian, Anarchist, Voluntaryist, Peaceful Parenting, and Unschooling parent, life philosophy, Toward a Free Society, how to stimulate change, respect your elders fallacy, appeal to authority, peaceful parenting encourages trust and healthy bonds, with complete freedom kids will only play video games fallacy, Dr. Gabor Mate, addiction is escapism, play based learning, Unschooling Dads, 100% free time, how math is necessary, Bastiat seen vs. unseen, annihilated potential, the role of a truancy officer, Statism is based on theft and coercion, for the good of society fallacy, collectivism, residual tribalism, voluntary communism, socialist family unit, Democracy, property rights and children, spanking, corporal punishment, revolutionary kindness, breaking the cycle of violence, going against the current, epic night of epicness, homeschooling network and much more!




Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.

Alejandro Jodorowsky


Betteanne Camagna: Unschooling, Anti-War, and Peaceful Parent since the 1980s

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Betteanne Camagna. Herein we discussed how she became an unschooling and peaceful parent, attachment parenting, being an unschooling pioneer, learning and living are inseparable, public school is not the real world, just get out of their way, authoritative parenting, appeal to authority, making hygiene fun, respecting and trusting one’s children, children have self-ownership, letting children play, learning through play, deschooling oneself, unschooled entrepreneurs, joyfully rejoicing, living in the future vs. living in the present, an attitude of gratitude, corporal punishment, being in tune with one’s children, spanking euphemism, questioning authority, paving the unschooling way, legality is diametrically opposed to morality, no chores, helping voluntarily, doing things out of joy, poor literacy and grammar of high school graduates, mixed dominance, recommended books, relevancy of college/university, tiny house movement, debt is economic slavery, stay out debt, recommended websites, love is our resistance, love conquers all and much more!


To trust children we must first learn to trust ourselves…and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.

John Holt


Jeff Till: 54 Homeschooling Arguments Answered, The Complete Case

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jeff Till. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, classified like a number, treated like a subject, societal sadism, seen vs. unseen, deschooling oneself, exposing the gun in the room, Taoism, oldest libertarian/Voluntaryist philosophy, explaining unschooling/homeschooling gently, broken window fallacy, exiting the Matrix, opportunity costs, socialization problem, obedience to authority, pro-government messages in cartoons and childhood literature, a la carte government school, unschoolers, homeschoolers, and Voluntaryists are generally well read, carbon copy of one’s parents, corporal punishment, moral/intellectual advancement of the species, question everything, focusing on the path rather than the goal, kindness is revolutionary, homework robs family time, learning by mimicry, blame the institution of “government school” not teachers, minimum wage skills after 12 years of indoctrination, homeschoolers/unschoolers want to work in the private sector and government school kids want to work for government and much more!


Instead of raising children who turn out okay despite their childhood, let’s raise children who turn out extraordinary because of their childhood.

L.R. Knost, Two Thousand Kisses a Day: Gentle Parenting Through the Ages and Stages