Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 37: The Refugee Crisis and Immigration

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined again by Jared Howe, the voluntaryist rapper better known as J3433-One. Herein we discussed the current Syrian refugee situation, Lew Rockwell’s article “Open Borders are an Assault on Private Property, the false dichotomy of open or closed borders, the conservative bad apple thing, how immigration presupposes the State, welfare recipients having a deleterious effect on society, the Somalian settlements in Maine, how voluntary solution give Danilo the warm fuzzies, how anarchists arguing on social media over statists issues can thrust our views into the mainstream, Jared’s subtlety and delicacy, Saudi Arabia’s empty refugee tent cities, how the central planners didn’t see Bitcoin coming, encryption, blockchain technology, the Contra Krugman Podcast, Danilo’s tutu, how worldwide internet can erode borders, bankers buying Bitcoin, making anarchism go viral, how bacon is objectively good, how going incrementally into veganism makes you a minimeatarchist, and more!

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 34: J3443 One – Jerry One Voluntaryist Rapper

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Jared Howe, better known as J3443 One, a voluntaryist rapper. Herein we discuss his path to voluntaryism, how statism starts at home, (Live)Stockholm Syndrome, free will, solipsism, reconciling Article 1 Sect 8 of the U.S. CONstitution, political correctness and its origins, the myth of income inequality, what Jared hopes to accomplish through his music, MC Scrooge McDuck, getting support from all over the globe, educating others on voluntaryism, Hashtag – #DaniloLaughs, how Bernie Sanders has the young voters who don’t think well locked down, being thrown in jail for saving your daughter’s life, banning assault football, Reefer Madness, how cannabis belongs in the produce section, some beard talk with Dave, how infringing on someone’s right to self-ownership is slavery, how technology is making the State obsolete, and more!



But, of course, the practical political conclusions which people drew from this dogma were not uniform. One group declared that there is but one way to wipe out these evils, namely to abolish capitalism entirely. They advocate the substitution of public control of the means of production for private control. They aim at the establishment of what is called socialism, communism, planning, or state capitalism. All these terms signify the same thing. No longer should the consumers, by their buying and abstention from buying, determine what should be produced, in what quantity and of what quality. Henceforth a central authority alone should direct all production activities.

Ludwig von Mises

Jared Howe: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Conscious Rapper

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jared Howe. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, evolution of his rapping style, confessing Statist sins, voting is violence, voting legitimizes a ruling class, bloated political promises, free stuff fallacy, universal principles, Bernie Sanders sophistry, Donald Trump’s Socialist Healthcare, Hegelian Dialectic, broken window fallacy, seen vs. unseen, Statrix, violence begets violence, Socialism is for poor people, Fascism is for rich people and more!






The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.

H.L. Mencken