Liberty Lifestyle (Tyler Bloyer) interviews Danilo Cuellar


In this episode Tyler sits down with Danilo Cuellar of to discuss Danilo’s path to Anarchism, to understanding economics, Peaceful Parenting, Unschooling, and other valuable topics.

“Giving Truth The Liberty Of Appearing.”

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————-– Show Notes


Danilo’s work can be found on where he focuses on many areas such as Voluntaryism, Agorism, Precious Metals, Anarcho-Capitalism, Austrian Macro-economics, Statism, The Federal Reserve, Libertarianism and more.


Show Opens

(3m 30Sec) The Case For The 100% Gold Dollar – Murray N. Rothbard

What Has Government Done to Our Money?

Anatomy of the State

Larken Rose – The Most Dangerous Superstition

(4m) Voluntary Virtues Network

(5m 20Sec) Tao Te Ching

(10m30sec) The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

(10m 35sec) Murray Rothbard

(11m 50sec) The Conscious Resistance Network

(12m 23sec) Seeds Of Liberty Podcast

(13m 30sec) Unschooling

Radical Unschooling

(24m 24sec) Free Market

Free society

(30m 30Sec) Rich Dad Poor Dad – written by Robert Kiyosaki

(31m 15sec) Alan Greenspan

(32m 13sec) Economics In One Lesson – Henry Hazlitt

(32m 20sec) Inclined to Liberty: Louis E. Carabini

(32m 40sec) Amanda Billyrock economics in one lesson

(34m) The Broken Window Fallacy

(37m) Secrets of the federal reserve – Eustace Mullins

(37m 30Sec) Rules Are Discovered Not Created – Danilo Cuellar

(38m) CryptoCurrency

(46m) Mike Maloney

(48m 45sec) Mike Maloney – Hidden Secrets of Money

(show ends) Danilo Cuellar 2008- Liszt Un Sospiro

———————–– Additional Resources

Danilo Video Blogs

LIBERTY HANGOUT PODCAST: Episode #3- interview w/ Danilo Cuellar

Jessica Pavoni interviews Danilo Cuellar about Voluntaryism, Peaceful Parenting, and Unschooling

Danilo Cuellar interviewed by Nick Hazelton on Anarcho Yakitalist Podcast Part I

Liberty Lifestyle on



Liberty Lifestyle (Tyler Bloyer) interviews Danilo Cuellar – Steemit

Respect The Choices Of Peaceful People


It is quite easy to understand the reason for our own choices and preferences. It is far more difficult to empathize with another to discover and understand the reason for their choices and preferences. If we desire absolute freedom to live as we so wish without interference, we must desire absolute freedom for our brothers and sisters all over the world.


Peaceful people engage in decision making everyday based on complex criteria that only they can apprehend. We may have our provincial ideas about how others should live, but to endeavor to coercively impose our views onto them individually or via the guns of the State would be the very definition of slavery. That would make us the masters and them the slaves.


Most people are struggling in their own lives to discover how to live and what are the best choices to make. If we cannot know the optimal manner in which to live, to expect others to bend to our will about what is best for them would be the height of hubristic folly. The only logically consistent choice is absolute freedom for all without exception provided nobody is being aggressed upon. This is the essence of Free Market Capitalism and Voluntaryism.


Respect The Choices Of Peaceful People – Steemit

Learning Arises From Love

Many people assert that we need government schools because otherwise children would not learn to read, write, or think critically. It is my contention that we are all born with the innate desire to learn. We are all born with the burning curiosity to explore the magnificent world around us. It is this curiosity that must be encouraged and fed. When a child proceeds through life with a passion for learning there is nothing that is impossible. The self-motivated autodidact is a force of nature. He is a supernova amongst dying stars.


It is not the specific bits of information that is important but rather that this flame of inquisitiveness is not snuffed out. Proceed evermore boldly into the darkness! When a child does not want to learn, nothing can convince him. When a child wants to learn, nothing can stop him!

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 100: Return of the Soul Patch


Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. For this, the 100th episode, we were joined by our former co-host, Danilo Cuellar. Herein we discussed Danilo’s videos, crutch words vs. silence, how libertarianism is the best expression of love, recreational McNukes, action vs. theory, delusional victims of communism, Danilo’s recent guests. Trump related PTSD, rewriting Anatomy of the State for 6th graders, mocking LaBeouf, Andrei officially becoming a permanent member of SOL, divine Davespirations, and more!


The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.

Albert Camus


Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 100: Return of the Soul Patch – Steemit

Hold Your Principles Dear

What does it mean to be open-minded? Are all philosophies equally valid? Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong all had philosophies but millions of people died as a result. I would assert that some philosophies are demonstrably false and others outright destructive. The validity of morality and economics, like mathematics, is determined by the application of basic principles. These are the tools one must use to make sense of a world of conflicting ideologies. Principles must be universalizable, reproducible, and logical for them to be valid. They are not contingent upon feelings, emotions, the weather, religion, age, place of birth, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. This would place them in the category of beliefs.


Most action originates from thought. All the wealth that has been created was first the incorporeal contemplation of an intrepid individual who dared to imagine a better world. It takes supreme courage to proclaim, “I want to improve the world for my brothers and sisters by serving them!” The power of ideas can never be underestimated. It is only by the steady refinement of our intellect that civilization has been conceivable. Celebrate the principles and ideas that have made progress possible, nay inevitable!


If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything.

Malcolm X


Do not be so open-minded that your brains fall out.

G.K. Chesterton



Hold Your Principles Dear – Steemit