Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Lou Feen of the Freedom Feens Radio Show. Herein we discussed how Danilo’s departure was like a slow moving break up, Lou’s food service, the wonders of bacon, quitting smoking, the inexplicable turn of Ron Paul supporters shifting towards Trump, why it doesn’t matter who is selected, PTSD, the infeasibility of an invasion of the USSA mainland, and more!
Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we had Lou Feen sitting in for Dave and we were joined by Alma Sommer, an agorist and he special agent not-in-charge of the Jackalope Freedom Festival. Herein we discussed raising your children off grid, unschooling, baby boomerism, the Jackalope Freedom Festival, the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest, Porcfest, Agora Fest, side-by-side toilets, mesh nets, starting your own events, caring for your hippies, tiny homes and RVs, and more!
Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week were joined again by Lou Feen, one of the co-hosts of the Freedom Feens Radio Show and Podcast. Herein we discuss how the anti-war “Left” left, the 2012 clusterf**k, how most view government as “sometimes good, usually legitimate, and always necessary”, the “Muslim Navy” invading Florida, the American Christian Taliban, unintended consequences of government interventions, the documentary known as ‘House of Cards’, political entrepreneurs, useless nonsense, the Interfering With Commerce Clause, using get well cards to cure cancer, the NDAA, virgins changing volcanoes from the inside, the North Korean Constitution, 2nd Amendment Lickers, stealing underpants to create a smaller government, child labor laws, lagging/leading indicators, the Chinese canal project, the reasons for government growth, how government is one giant broken window fallacy, educating others, never underestimating the power of stupidity, and more!
Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one–the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,…Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape.”
Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week, for our 20th episode, we were joined by Lou Feen, one of the co-hosts of the Freedom Feens radio show and podcast. Herein we discuss how Ron Paul didn’t bring people to liberty, the awakening that was happening without Paul’s help, hearing Tom Woods on the Glen Beck show, the “secret” depression of 1920, the abundance of Keynesians in “mainstream” economics, tranny hookers shooting Krokodil, homo-parisitis, constitution humpers, Campaign for a Longer Leash, the Fondling fathers, Prof CJ and his Dangerous History podcast, the wretchedness of Alexander Hamilton, Ron Paul: a man not a god, great man syndrome, Herbert Spencer, Neema Vedadi’s kickass mom, Revolutionary War bonds, argumentum ad Somalian, MinStatism, GJWs, Austrian Business Cycle, how recession aren’t necessarily a bad thing, the Boston FED and “Closing The Gap”, how recession are caused by government intervention and depressions are caused by the government “fixes”, how Libertarian political action is Keynesian in nature because it stimulates interest in government, banning sliced bread, hardcore bootlicking Tories, how the State is a flaccid man, how government is a restaurant that burns every dinner, Robert Higgs and “The State is too Dangerous to Tolerate”, how American conservatives have a lot in common with hardline communists, Greece as the canary in the coal mine, Stockholm syndrome, the Freedom Feens, the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest, and more!
Americans shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to a king — that is, in our case, to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the State.