Love Cannot be Logically Deduced

It is common practice for many Anarchists and Voluntaryists to incessantly bash feelings and belittle their importance. Is there a place for feelings in the human condition? To be entirely dominated by feeling and emotion is to become a wildly hedonistic savage beast. To become entirely dominated by logic and reason is to become a soulless calculating machine, a Spock. There must be a balance. Love, passion, beauty, wonder, and splendor are recognized and appreciated in the presence of feelings. These things cannot be logically deduced.


There is no mathematical formula to infer why I love my wife. There is no way to graph with an X and Y-axis, why nature is magnificent. Some things do not appeal to logic for explanation. Some things have no rational explanation. There is beauty in the inexplicable. It is entirely conceivable to live a fruitful life and be ignorant of many things. The caveat is to recognize one’s nescience but to simultaneously strive to conquer it, knowing full well that there is always something new to learn. We must recognize that everyone has something to teach us, if we are receptive to the lesson. When the childlike enchantment with the unknown vanishes, life descends into darkness. Life is a journey of discovery and self-actualization. Laugh until you cry! Sing until you are hoarse! Play until you are exhausted! You have life but for a moment. Do not squander it, for it is a privilege afforded to few.


We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us.

Charles Bukowski


Love Cannot be Logically Deduced – Steemit

Voluntaryism Is The Love For Humanity


As an individual I recognize that there are distinct groups of people including races, genders, creeds, ethnicities, religions, socioeconomic statuses etc. As a Voluntaryist these classifications are meaningless since I treat all people with their due respect and dignity. It is not the groups one ascribes to that determines their due respect but the rather the actions taken by that individual.


There are groups that one is born into involuntarily. This is as a result of no particular individual action and deserves no particular merit. It is not something to be proud of nor ashamed of. This includes nationality, religion, race, gender, ethnicity, creed, inherited wealth etc. These are just as beyond our control as is the color of our eyes, the color of our hair, or the propensity to develop certain illnesses due to family history. No intelligent human being would assign any importance to these attributes.


Then there are groups that one joins due entirely to one’s dedication and particular individual action, taken in totality these are what further define the nature and character of the individual. These are the direct results of particular effort and action taken by the individual. Examples of this include book club, chess club, music club etc. By these groups the individual can, more or less, be judged. However even still final judgement ought to be suspended until a frank discussion with the individual occurs. Every man deserves the ability to explain the motive behind his actions and those he willingly associates with before final judgement is rendered. In this manner, rash conclusions and hasty generalizations must be avoided at all costs. Every human being deserves his due respect and dignity until his actions dictate otherwise.


As a Voluntaryist my love and compassion extends to the totality of the human race. I make no preference or distinction towards any one group of people. We do not have women’s problems, black problems, rich problems, poor problems, Islamic problems, Christian problems, Hispanic problems, Mexican problems, Korean problems, or Russian problems. We have human problems because we are all human beings! Recognize your common heritage with your fellow human being. This is the source of true prosperity and peace.


There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal.

Friedrich Hayek




Voluntaryism Is The Love For Humanity – Steemit

Happy New Year 2017 Things I Wanna Spread


A new year is upon us. Many people wait until January to reform their lives. To many people, the arrival of the new year is the catalyst for change and improvement. Why wait for a socially acceptable time for taking steps towards the betterment of yourself? The future is not secured to any of us. Life carries with it no guarantee. Life is a gift granted us by the universe. The present is a gift. The manner in which we daily make use of this gift determines the nature and meaning of our lives.


What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want people to reminisce about you? What stories would you like to be told about you? What does success mean to you?


If you have earned your wealth legitimately through voluntary trade, if you have started a business and produced a good/service that has improved the life of others, if you have listened to the problems of another with unconditional compassion, if you have made those around you smile and laugh with pure joy, if people flock to you for the loving and gentle energy you exude, if you have helped one person to breathe easier, this is a success in my book. Be the bright candle in a dark room! Be the inextinguishable light that illuminates the abyss! Live such that the world is poorer because of your absence. We are here only for a brief eye blink in history. Make the most of it! Happy New Year! 🙂

Finding Your Tribe Of Confidantes



It is not about how many friends you have. It is about the meaning and depth of those friendships. A small handful of genuinely caring friends who would come to your aid in your time of need is more valuable than the most precious rubies and gems. No man is an island unto himself. We humans are social creatures. We strive for connection and companionship above all else. What better way to express this brotherly love than to trade with our fellow men and women?


We thrive on improving each other’s lives through specialization and the division of labor. The Free Market is the fullest expression of love for our fellow brethren. When you love your neighbor you do not seek to rob him through taxation, strangle his business through onerous regulations, or encumber his freedom through a myriad of burdening arbitrary man made laws. Desiring absolute freedom for oneself must necessarily entail desiring absolute freedom for one’s neighbor. Moral reciprocity and a deep respect for the life of another is the foundation of virtue and integrity. I hope you all find your tribe of deeply caring confidantes. It makes this dance of life all the more pleasurable.



When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will.

Frédéric Bastiat, French economist and scholar

Only Love Can Vanquish Fear


I used to be fearful that the State might be watching me, reading my texts, reading my emails, and listening in on my conversations. I would use Start Page which is a search engine that stored nothing, did not save cookies, and always reset your searches. I considered covering my laptop webcam with tape. Then I realized that I want agents of the State to consume my content. I like to think that maybe in doing so I converted a few of them to Voluntaryism! Who knows!

I am a public figure. Everything I do is laid bare and naked for all to see. If somebody wishes to hurt me or slander my name they know where to find me. Come at me with everything you got! I think we as Voluntaryists and Anarchists are more powerful when we gather our numbers to together and declare with full disclosure what our beliefs are because they are nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. Indeed they are something we should all be proud of.

As a Voluntaryist I desire nothing less than complete freedom for all human beings. I earnestly yearn for humanity to realize it’s full potential without encumbers or fetters! When our brothers and sisters emancipate themselves from their mental slavery we will witness a supernova of progress and creativity, reverberations of which will echo throughout the epochs. Be the light in the darkness! It’s a magnificent time to be alive!

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
