I Think Therefore I Am Dangerous


Voluntaryism and Anarchy include leaders and voluntary organizations/groups. These entities are all consensual and voluntary therefore they are perfectly consistent with these principles. These institutions do not diminish the importance of individual human rights. If it is harmful for the individual it is automatically harmful for the institution. The individual always comes first. Such institutions claim no rights that the individual does not first possess.

Once you have an entity, such as “government”, that uses force or aggression to achieve it’s ends this is when the situation becomes distorted and mutates into the darker side of human relations known as politics and man-made law. This is when collectivist group think sets in and the people lose sight of their individuality and their moral conscience. This is the birth of legal plunder. This is the ideal climate for such destructive and counter productive notions as nationalism, patriotism, democracy, republic, communism, socialism etc. It is easier to hate people when you group them into a particular faceless herd than if you strive to understand the particular circumstances of each individual. To generalize large groups of people is to insult the individuals in those groups. If it is harmful for the individual, it is harmful for society.



Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.

Carl Gustav Jung

