There Is No “Society”, There Are Only Individuals!

This is what happens when we advocate for “government” which by definition puts the collective or “society” over the individual. The collective is never more important than the individual! If you truly believe this then by all means donate 100% of your currency to “government and send your precious children off to die for banksters, politicians, and war profiteers overseas in the War on Terror. Nothing is stopping you! The individual be damned!

People Have Rights, Ideas Don't Have Rights


If, however, you value the rights of the individual you must respect every individual’s right to do with their body and their property as they wish. To ignore this is to ignore that individual’s self-ownership. Indeed our body is our first property. If we do not have a primary claim on our body, how can we possibly own anything else? You feed your body. You nourish your body. You take care of your body. If you wish to live to 100 years, become indebted to someone else, enter into an intimate union with another, refuse medical treatment, or kill yourself nobody has the right to stop you. If somebody purports to have a higher claim on your body then they have become your master and you their slave. Never allow any man or institution to make such a false claim!

The Creating Individual Is Always More Important Than Any System Bruce Lee quote


Violence is only justified when someone attempts to subjugate you or otherwise coerce you into doing something against your will. This is known as self-defense. Every organism in nature has means for self-defense or they would not survive for long. This is requisite for survival. Such means may include fangs, venom, claws, speed, camouflage, size, strength etc. True pacifism is self-destructive. Obedience to authority is not a virtue. It is one of the most destructive characteristics a human being can exhibit! It is the cause of all of the horrific atrocities we read in the history books! It is the most dangerous superstition!

Rebellion it's Not What You Think Bitcoin, Peaceful Parenting, Barter, and Agorism


You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.

Mahatma Gandhi