The Christmas Truce of 1914 and The Power Of One Idea


It is Christmas Day today. Children all over the world will be waking up to a plethora of gifts underneath their tree. They will be shrieking in joy at the excitement of opening up a gift just for them. They will be playing with their new games or toys for the very first time with all the exhilaration that animates even the most phlegmatic and stolid amongst us. Whatever your views are regarding Christmas or the holidays matters little. Is this explosive elation in our children not one the most precious things to witness in our children?


Top 10 Rich People Who Were Once Poor


Many parents work hard building a business or acquiring wealth so that their children do not need to “suffer” as much.


Ironically sometimes out of an environment of mild privation emerge the most dedicated and passionate individuals.


Strong work ethic and a desire to achieve are the pillars of success.


There is so shortage of rags to riches stories.



“Success is ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm”, Winston Churchill


Just as we, as parents, must encourage our children to devote themselves to their craft if they want to achieve mastery, so too must we encourage them to seek self-knowledge.


Knowledge that is learned of one’s own accord becomes owned as opposed to knowledge passively given to us by others.


Being comfortable in solitude or surrounding oneself with a small group of soulful genuine friends can facilitate this process.



Before I leave you I would be remiss if I did not make mention of the Christmas Truce of 1914. Simply put, it was a brief pause in the bloodshed of the trench warfare that comprised World War I.


To the immense chagrin of the superior officers for one day there was no more slaughter.


For one brief day there was camaraderie, friendship, and benevolence. There was hand shaking, retrieving and burying of the dead. There was exchanging of gifts and conveying heartfelt messages of love. There was drinking, eating, laughing, and playing of games. For one brief day amongst the carnage, humanity shone through.


The immense tragedy is that this magnanimous sentiment lasted only one day before the killing commenced once again.




This is the power of one idea!


This is why I write, produce videos, and interviews! This is why I focus my attention on discussion of philosophy, morality, and economics!


War, oppression, and injustice are largely the result of ignorance and misunderstanding, not evil.


I hope you all carry this Christmas spirit of compassion, kindness, and humanity far beyond this one day. I hope you all are able to carry it with you throughout your lives. This is what changes paradigms. This is what improves the world.


Happy Holidays! 🙂

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 83: A Hillary Tears Based Economy


Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined again by Donnie Gebert. Herein we discussed how the BipCot No Government License is like slut shaming, how to reach members of the military, police vs. military, if Killary will actually see the inside of a cell, Dave’s descent into shit with a Hillary to Beiber to Nickelback maneuver, the NSA’s classified lunch menu, how Trump’s ego could drive him to be the president -the best president, and more!

Legality and Morality Are Diametrically Opposed

There Is Only One Law, Do No Harm, Everything Else Is   Tyranny, Books in  Library

“In Anarchy, rape is legal, child molestation is legal, sexual slavery is legal, everything is legal because nothing is illegal because there are no laws. How, specifically, will that lead to Liberty?”

Legality is an arbitrary construct fabricated by those in power to supplant one’s understanding of Morality. In reality these two concepts are diametrically opposed. If legality is used as a metric for how to behave it has failed miserably. For time immemorial many more atrocities have been committed in the name of the State than were ever committed by private individuals.

The list of political euphemisms for criminal acts committed by agents of the State is inexhaustible. It is not theft, it is taxation or civil asset forfeiture. It is not kidnapping it is the War on Drugs or getting arrested. They’re not called rape camps, they’re called prisons. They’re not called a violent gang, they’re called law enforcement or the military. It’s not called mass murder, it’s called the War on Terror. It’s not called counterfeiting, it’s called Quantitative Easing, currency creation, or the Mandrake Mechanism. It’s not called an extortion racket it’s called the Internal Revenue Service. It’s not called spying or the surveillance State, it’s called the National Security Agency. It’s not called sexual molestation, it’s called getting a pat down by the TSA. It’s not called getting a death threat, it’s called getting pulled over by the police.

Those who possess an internal moral compass or conscience have no need for laws. Those who do not possess an internal moral compass or conscience do not care for the law. Law is an appeal to authority. Law is an opinion with a gun. The slave asks “Is it legal?”. The free man asks “Is it moral?” Let your conscience be the only law you obey.

I will die a slave of principles, not men.

Emiliano Zapata, Mexican Revolutionary leader

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Ep 22 – Effectively Bringing the Ideas of Liberty to Members of the Military

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Donnie, one of the co-hosts of the Force 2 Freedom Podcast. Herein we discuss voluntary/involuntary and beneficial/non beneficial interactions and all the variations, effective ways to bring the ideas of liberty to members of the military, a bit on Donnie’s background, knowing your audience, “hey, you goddamn hippy”, empathy, Chris Cantwell and the use of force argument, being a ‘good witness’, how to lubricate the mind by buying someone a beer and building up a rapport, the laws of supply and demand, how government takes the civil out of civilization,, the Department of Offense, how to let it go when you’ve rubbed too deep, staying away from the Constitution/flags/wars when trying to win over vets, Scott Horton and, Adam Kokesh and NVC, how the Constitution is a series of prohibitions, and more!

War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.

Smedley Butler

Seeds Of Liberty Podcast Ep. 3: Complete

Please enjoy our recent episode of our Seeds of Liberty podcast. Herein we discussed freedom of association/dissociation of entrepreneurs, slippery slope logical fallacy, legislate morality, force your morals upon your neighbor, power of boycott, business self-ownership, cowards use government, Economic Fascism, minimum wage laws keep minorities in poverty, economic ostracism, reputation, government solution to every problem, appeal to force logical fallacy, consistency of Voluntaryism, I voted for the Democratic puppet, just vote harder, Central Banks, fiat currency, war, what is voluntaryism, the golden rule, the silver rule, pacifism, non-aggression principle, self-ownership, property rights, principle vs. law, government attracts the corruptible, Statism is chaos, myth of the authority, taxation is theft arguments, democracy is mob rule, myth of collective consent, legal plunder, you are free to leave and much more!



Democracy has proved only that the best way to gain power over people is to assure the people that they are ruling themselves. Once they believe that, they make wonderfully submissive slaves.

Joseph Sobran