Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 46: Shane Buell, Voluntaryist, Agorist, and Iconoclast

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Shane Buell, a voluntaryist and agorist who, among other FB ventures, runs the Iconoclast page. Herein we discussed Shane’s path to voluntaryism, riding in on the Ron Paul wave, getting to see politics from the inside, panarchy, localizing property norms, starting a business, circumventing the State in the present, unwillingness to help the cause of freedom when death seems imminent, taking different approaches to spreading the message, Danilo’s pick-up tips, #DaniloMemes, The SOL’s impact on Shane, his plans for the Iconoclast in 2016, and more!

“Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great Colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break into pieces.” – Étienne de La Boétie

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 44: Do Violent Video Games Promote Violence In Society

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined again by Jared Howe, better known as JerryOne. Herein we discussed whether or not video games make people violent, taking a voluntaryist approach to completing certain games, those that want to ban video games “for the children”, gaming as an escape, how wrestling is scripted but not fake, power bombing your brother, leftists and their internal contradictions, making a historical argument when a logical one is called for, radicalizing the population through draconian measures, how being spied on is the cost of business for freedom orientated content providers, congressional d**k pics, and more!

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 43: Nick Hazelton – Founder and Host of Anarcho Yakitalism Podcast

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Nick Hazelton, who is the host of the Anarcho-Yakitalism Podcast and a co-host of the Freedom Feens. Herein we discussed Nick’s extremely short journey to anarchy, being a 12 year old that’s interested in politics, having your parents work in the same school as you attend, aspiring to be the Yak Whisperer, taking over a picnic area, getting close enough to milk a yak, convincing your parents that you don’t need school, being told that you are hypocritical for using the forced monopolies of the State, having a side hustle, starting a business to escape from the State, farming yaks and reindeer, growing mushrooms, and more!

A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.

Lysander Spooner

Prof CJ: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Founder and Host of Dangerous History Podcast

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Prof CJ. Here we discuss how he became an Anarchist, legal plunder, being raised by Republicans, most Voluntaryists are well read, learning from one’s mistakes, a dumb student question, making fascinating history boring, discouraging hero worship, great rulers are mass murderers, megalomaniacs come in all colors and genders, the American Revolution might not be considered a revolution, Patrick Henry, groups made worse by the American Revolution, Shay’s Rebellion, exploiting colonial revolutionary veterans, DHP frenemies, not worth a Continental, dangers of paper currency, Greenback crowd, conspiracy theories, blatant State violence, political sociopathy, defining basic terms, government trolls, the rise of the Inca empire, smashing hippie Native American stereotypes, it’s nice to be the king, bringing fresh food for the Sapa Inca, grains and the State, Incan quipus, what’s so bad about the Nazis, there are no good guys in war, empires overextending themselves and more!



Don’t be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn’t do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today.

Malcolm X

The Tuttle Twins Learn About The Law

This is an absolutely stunning portrayal of Frederick Bastiat’s prized work “The Law” in an easily digestible form for children to understand. The idea of “legal plunder” is vital for everyone to understand the true nature “government”. If an action is immoral and wrong for the individual to do, it is also immoral and wrong for a group of people or anyone acting in the name of “government”. This is why taxation is theft, mass surveillance is spying, quantitative easing is counterfeiting, issuing bonds is intergenerational theft, arrest is kidnapping, war is mass murder, collateral damage is the killing innocent men, women, and children etc. In the words of Confucius, the beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names.


For too long, parents have been at the mercy of professional curriculum developers to instruct their children. History is watered down, key principles omitted altogether, and time and attention given to things of lesser importance. Freedom-loving parents have long been left alone to shoulder the burden of educating their children and passing down a love of liberty. While there are many books to teach these ideas to adults, there has been a profound void in the children’s literature market. The Tuttle Twins series aims to close the gap, helping parents convey the principles of liberty to their kids in a fun way.

Connor Boyack, Tuttle Twins Learn About The Law

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