Voluntaryism Is The Love For Humanity


As an individual I recognize that there are distinct groups of people including races, genders, creeds, ethnicities, religions, socioeconomic statuses etc. As a Voluntaryist these classifications are meaningless since I treat all people with their due respect and dignity. It is not the groups one ascribes to that determines their due respect but the rather the actions taken by that individual.


There are groups that one is born into involuntarily. This is as a result of no particular individual action and deserves no particular merit. It is not something to be proud of nor ashamed of. This includes nationality, religion, race, gender, ethnicity, creed, inherited wealth etc. These are just as beyond our control as is the color of our eyes, the color of our hair, or the propensity to develop certain illnesses due to family history. No intelligent human being would assign any importance to these attributes.


Then there are groups that one joins due entirely to one’s dedication and particular individual action, taken in totality these are what further define the nature and character of the individual. These are the direct results of particular effort and action taken by the individual. Examples of this include book club, chess club, music club etc. By these groups the individual can, more or less, be judged. However even still final judgement ought to be suspended until a frank discussion with the individual occurs. Every man deserves the ability to explain the motive behind his actions and those he willingly associates with before final judgement is rendered. In this manner, rash conclusions and hasty generalizations must be avoided at all costs. Every human being deserves his due respect and dignity until his actions dictate otherwise.


As a Voluntaryist my love and compassion extends to the totality of the human race. I make no preference or distinction towards any one group of people. We do not have women’s problems, black problems, rich problems, poor problems, Islamic problems, Christian problems, Hispanic problems, Mexican problems, Korean problems, or Russian problems. We have human problems because we are all human beings! Recognize your common heritage with your fellow human being. This is the source of true prosperity and peace.


There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal.

Friedrich Hayek




Voluntaryism Is The Love For Humanity – Steemit


Happy New Year 2017 Things I Wanna Spread


A new year is upon us. Many people wait until January to reform their lives. To many people, the arrival of the new year is the catalyst for change and improvement. Why wait for a socially acceptable time for taking steps towards the betterment of yourself? The future is not secured to any of us. Life carries with it no guarantee. Life is a gift granted us by the universe. The present is a gift. The manner in which we daily make use of this gift determines the nature and meaning of our lives.


What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want people to reminisce about you? What stories would you like to be told about you? What does success mean to you?


If you have earned your wealth legitimately through voluntary trade, if you have started a business and produced a good/service that has improved the life of others, if you have listened to the problems of another with unconditional compassion, if you have made those around you smile and laugh with pure joy, if people flock to you for the loving and gentle energy you exude, if you have helped one person to breathe easier, this is a success in my book. Be the bright candle in a dark room! Be the inextinguishable light that illuminates the abyss! Live such that the world is poorer because of your absence. We are here only for a brief eye blink in history. Make the most of it! Happy New Year! 🙂



Darrell Becker: Acupuncturist, Non Violent Communicator, And Free Market Agorist


Please enjoy my recent conversation with Darrell Becker. Herein we discussed his path to holistic medicine and Voluntaryism, Corbett Report, Red Ice Creations, Gnostic Media, School Sucks Project, Complete Liberty, Stefan Molyneux, Non-Violent Communication, my experience studying Chinese Medicine, mega corporations are not the root of the problem, hate the game not the player, importance of definitions, adaptive State exams, Agorist Acupuncturists, Voluntaryism is a Utopian philosophy rebutted, sour grapes outlook, being logically consistent, losing fear, voting is a fantasy, death by medicine, iatrogenic illness, The Trivium, Dale Brown, VIPER Threat Management Center, rendering the State obsolete, The Jones Plantation, medical decentralization, Electro-medicine, Royal Rife, the economics of licenses, the beauty of apprenticeship, starve the beast, destructive thinking, Katie Testa, Non Violent Communication, my definition of peaceful parenting and more!

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Victor Frankl

Peaceful Anarchism is covered by a BipCot NoGov license; learn more at BipCot.org

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Internal Links:

Brett Veinotte: Home Education Advocate and Founder of School Sucks Podcast

Katie Testa: Voluntaryist, Unschooler, and Non-Violent Communication Coach

Nick Hazelton: Voluntaryist, Host and Founder of Anarcho Yakitalist Podcast

Dale Brown: Founder of VIPERS Detroit Threat Management Center, Private Security Agency

External Links:

Voluntary Visions

Corbett Report

Gnostic Media

School Sucks Project

Complete Liberty

Stefan Molyneux

The Jones Plantation

Royal Rife

Non-Violent Communication

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Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford

The Tao Of Health, Sex, and Longevity By Daniel Reid

The Continuum Concept: In Search of Happiness Lost by Jean Liedloff

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Obedience Is The Enemy Of Morality


It is very difficult to judge law enforcement officers and soldiers on the basis of their individual actions because they pride themselves on not acting as individuals, but rather as being the physical manifestations of the State. Nevertheless we must make the effort.

An order is just spoken words or ink on paper. It is the order followers who bring those orders into the real world where they have real consequences. At every point of the chain of obedience there is always a choice to continue obeying. Therefore every order follower must always assume personal responsibility for each and every action committed by their hands. There is no shirking responsibility. To attempt to do so is to pretend one is a soulless machine rather than a thinking sentient human being.

The beginning of wisdom is to be fully accountable for one’s actions no matter how egregious. Self-ownership involves claiming ownership of one’s physical body, the fruits of one’s labor, as well as the direct consequences of one’s actions. When every human being assumes this there will be no cowardly blaming of one’s superiors, the law, politicians, or one’s job. There will be no shameful diffusion of responsibility. The phrases “I’m just doing my job” or “I didn’t write the laws I just enforce them” denote a special degree of mind body separation that would make any spiritual adept green with envy. They are only used when justifying truly horrifying actions.

Teach your children what is right and wrong. Teach your children what is morality and to think for themselves. If you succeed in doing this you will not have to fear that they will rationalize future atrocities with such contemptible phrases. A child who internalizes a moral compass will not, as an adult, be swayed by the tempting allure of poisonous sophistry nor the forked tongue of political predators. The child is the father of the man. Raise your children in the manner you wish to see the world of tomorrow. Your words become their reality. Choose your words with great care.



The Dangers Of Collectivism


The dangers of collectivizing groups of people is never immediately apparent until one is in dire need of the help of individuals. Every moment of every day we are making decisions according to the information presented to us. Sometimes it is necessary to make decisions based on a quick assessment of the situation. Sometimes this assessment is based on sketchy details, previous beliefs, and previous experiences. This is called Heuristics and one must take care when to employ it. Quick assessments may prove to be beneficial when dealing with inanimate objects such as choosing what to eat for dinner, choosing what clothes to buy, choosing what car to buy, choosing what house to rent/buy etc. When applied to human beings this quick assessment may prove rash.


Unlike inanimate objects human beings have needs, wants and desires that vary based on gender, ethnicity, religion, culture, race, creed, and the individual. The same individual’s desires can change based on the year, month, week, and even day in question. After knowing an individual for a long period of time one may make certain general predictions based on previous behavioral patterns but even this may be risky.


Not only is it insurmountably difficult to thoroughly know another person, it is likewise quite difficult to fully know oneself. One is born and lives everyday in this human shell but that does not mean we are all masters of ourselves nor do we fully possess self knowledge.

Every day we are all incessantly learning about ourselves, others, and the world around us. This is exactly why one can never legitimately impose one’s beliefs onto another. It is impossible to have all the information. The future is both unknown and unknowable. The only way to act with moral consistency is to live and let live. Civilization is for the civilized.

Man as an individual is a genius. But men in the mass form the headless monster, a great, brutish idiot that goes where prodded.

Charlie Chaplin.



