Jim Cunagin – Stanley Milgram Experiment and Stanford Prison Experiment

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jim Cunagin, physician specializing in psychiatry. Herein we discussed his journey to Voluntaryism, Lew Rockwell, Bad Quaker, Murray Rothbard, Walter Block, Taoism, Lao Tzu was the first Voluntaryist, Stanley Milgram Experiment and variations, appeal to authority, perceived legitimacy, Stanford Prison Experiment, power is addictive, possess the right thinking, show me your principles, resistance based on principles, Kentucky Amish farmer arrested for unapproved salve, Anarchitecture podcast, and more!


“Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” Obi-Wan Kenobi


“You must do what you feel is right, of course.” Obi Wan Kenobi


“My Master Yoshi’s first rule was: Possess the right thinking. Only then can one receive the gifts of strength, knowledge, and peace.” Splinter


Related Links:

Stanley Milgram Experiment


The Experiment trailer

Experimenter trailer

Milgram Obedience Study (YouTube)

Why do we obey authority?

Agora Apiaries



Internal Links:

Prof CJ – History of American Slavery, Stanley Milgram Experiment, and Stanford Prison Experiment

Prof CJ – History of American Slavery, Stanley Milgram Experiment, and Stanford Prison Experiment

Obedience is the Enemy of Morality

Obedience Is The Enemy Of Morality

Obedience is what defines the Slave

Obedience is what Defines the Slave

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists


External Links:

Lew Rockwell website


Bad Quaker website


Murray Rothbard





Walter Block


Lao Tzu


How the FDA Made a Felon Out of This Amish Farmer


Anarchitecture podcast – Ant Social Structure

ana003: Antarchitecture | Anarchic Alternatives

Jim Cunagin – Stanley Milgram Experiment and Stanford Prison Experiment – Steemit


Halloween Fear and Terror

Halloween is the time of fear and terror. I strain to consider an institution that has caused more worldwide fear and terror than the US Federal Government. The frightful spirit of Halloween is daily felt by many globally that wince when they see a plane flying overhead afraid it will drop a Hellfire missile or by those who tremble when they behold US troops arrive on their soils in Humvees to spread freedom by intimidation, torture, and terrorization.


If you want to strike true bone chilling fear in a man, simply mention the State is sending agents over to pay him a visit. No Halloween costume compares.


Civilization is built on a foundation of compassion, liberty, free trade, and Capitalism. Only when we holster our guns and sheathe our swords can we begin to truly understand and deeply empathize with our neighbors. Only the individual acts. Only the individual reasons. Only the individual loves! Vacate the State!

Halloween Fear and Terror – Steemit


Columbus Day

Columbus Day is upon us. There will be celebration, merriment, no work for most people, and no government school. What exactly are we celebrating? His “discovery” of a geographic area already populated by an average of 7 million indigenous people? His enslavement of indigenous people to mine for precious metals? His sexual predations of the native women? His forced conversion of the indigenous people to Christianity, a religion that the natives knew nothing about? His complete abandonment of the principles of Christianity? His systematic genocidal eradication of some native peoples to near extinction and some to complete extinction?


His veneration as a conqueror is ironic considering the hundreds of thousands of natives that died at his sadistic hand and that of his compatriots. It is a wretched habit of humans, this idolatry of those who have slaughtered the most humans, destroyed the most unique cultures, laid the most waste to great civilizations of the past, and wantonly obliterated the piecemeal progress and knowledge that has taken generations of hard work, toil, and intellectual struggle to achieve. A fleeting moment of savage brutality can utterly annihilate vital knowledge that would have formed the precious foundation on which thriving industrial economies are built. Do not genuflect before mass murdering genocidal maniacs.


The victors write the history books and the vanquished vanish into the fog of obscurity.


“Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god.”

Jean Rostand


Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!


Click here to purchase your very own Peaceful Anarchism T-shirts from Amazon:

Peaceful Anarchism large bird T-shirts

Peaceful Anarchism small bird T-shirt


Click on the link if you would like to download my free e-book “Peaceful Anarchism Volume 1” in PDF.


My name is Danilo Cuellar. Follow me at Peaceful Anarchism. I also run the Peaceful Anarchism Facebook page and produce many YouTube videos and DTube. You can support and donate to my work through Patreon. To support me through PayPal please visit my Peaceful Anarchism website and click on the donate button at the top right of the page. I’m a practitioner of Eastern Healing arts with degrees in Acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs, I have always questioned the status quo, a path which led me to peaceful anarchism. Through my journey, I have worn many hats, that of a classical pianist, avid chess player, philosopher, comedian, and now father of two little anarchists. My wife brands me as a Cultural Critic, but I am simply following my thirst for knowledge and passion for writing.

Columbus Day – Steemit


Government Schooling Robs Children of their Potential for Success

More kids commit suicide during school hours than other times of the day. Government schools forcibly separate kids from their parents and put them into detention centers. Forced association is not socialization. Kids are robbed of their precious free time to pursue and study what they are actually interested in.


Homeschooled kids talk to anybody as equals, adults and children alike. Kids who got to government schools learn that adults are the authority figures. Kids learn that if they have problems they must always go to an adult to solve rather than attempt to solve it themselves. They learn dependency, subservience, and obedience rather than independence and problem solving skills.


“Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children!” Malcolm X




Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeacefulAnarchism
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/DaniloCuellar
Bitcoin: 1QKRdF5K5hmo3p93cDYB77N5cj391oSXiE
RSS feed: http://peacefulanarchism.com/feed/
website: http://peacefulanarchism.com/
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@danilo-cuellar
DTube: https://d.tube/#!/c/danilo-cuellar

Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!

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I had a lot of fun making it. Let me know what you all think. I am looking forward to some feedback. I am delighted to be a part of the liberty movement. I see great and beautiful things in our future!

Peace and Voluntaryism

Government Schooling Robs Children of their Potential for Success – Steemit


Life in Order to Thrive Must Terraform its Environment

Life in order to flourish must change and transform its environment. This is necessary and inevitable for life to prosper. The green Eco movement is the assertion that man destroys the perfect planet Eden in his conquest for dominance. It is a thoroughly anti-human flourishing perspective.


In order for man to survive and thrive as he has done he had to gather natural resources and transform them into useful and productive goods that improve the lives of countless human beings. This has allowed us to flourish in the billions.


There is no way for life to thrive without changing and terraforming the environment around it to make it more hospitable and habitable for life. Life is synonymous with change as is the state of the Earth itself. Change is the one constant we must all contend with.

Life in Order to Thrive Must Terraform its Environment – Steemit
