Philosophy of Voluntaryism Ep 4: Non-Violent Communication, How To Build Bridges


Role playing games use skill points, experience points, and such to level up playable characters, learning how to communicate is a lot like that. We learn how to interact with others based on what people know while we are children first. We can only learn by social behavior to begin with.

After that we can ask other questions. However, learning how to communicate beyond what we pick up subconsciously seems to be a little more difficult. Words have meaning. And these meanings can be altered or interpreted differently based on a number of different stimuli.

Body language, tone of voice, inflection, word choice, and actual comprehended definition of a word can all affect the perspective of others we communicate with. Most importantly of all of these things is the difference between observation and judgment.


Marshall Rosenberg Nonviolent Communication Training Course (9 hrs)

NVC workshop #1 (3 hours)

Philosophy of Voluntaryism website

Message Chris Chew for more information about NVC here:

Larken Rose- I’m allowed to rob you

Previous episode of Philosophy of Voluntaryism on Facebook and YouTube



Philosophy of Voluntaryism Ep 4: Non-Violent Communication, How To Build Bridges – Steemit

Revere Ideas, Not People

One of the greatest dangers of any thinking person is to supplant one’s deductive reasoning capabilities for the judgment of one in a position of authority. While I certainly do recognize that some are masters in their craft and should rightly be considered authority figures in their field, this is a far cry from abdicating one’s sense of morality and reason to another who would claim to rightfully dominate and subjugate.


People are imperfect and fallible. There is never sufficient reason to forsake your powers of reason. This would betray the very kernel of what it means to be a human being. This would be transform you into the shadow of a human being. Human beings are not built to blindly and unquestioningly obey orders. That is what machines were created for. A healthy skepticism for anyone who claims the moral right to rule is requisite for a just and civilized society.



Revere Ideas, Not People – Steemit

Deferral Of Gratification Defines Human Beings

One of the most important lessons for a child to learn is that of deferral of gratification. It is no achievement to want pleasure and to immediately seek it out until satisfied. This hedonistic strategy is demonstrated by every beast in existence. What defines a human being is the ability to recognize desire and reject immediate gratification with the lofty goal that investment, patience, or work will produce something with a greater reward. This is one of the greatest lessons a child can learn.


It is not consumption that grows an economy but rather savings and investment. If consumption were key than destruction would be a net positive, but this is folly as the broken window fallacy clearly illustrates. War is not good for the economy. War is merely mass murder. It is the creation of wealth by intrepid and risk taking entrepreneurs that is the essence of progress. Savings and investment is the deferral of gratification applied to economics and business. It is the hallmark of a truly civilized society. It is the demonstration that we are not merely beasts with opposable thumbs who walk upright, but human beings with powerful minds capable of solving complex problems.



Deferral Of Gratification Defines Human Beings – Steemit

Freedom Is In Our Blood


We were all born curious and inquisitive. We emerged, as infants, equipped with a wondrous fascination with the environment around us. The extent of our freedom to explore determined the profundity of the knowledge acquired. When our freedom was obstructed and our interests molded this immediately blunted our innate curiosity with the unknown. The inner splendor of the individual mind cannot be micro-managed without causing significant harm. To be assessed, monitored, measured, and controlled is antithetical to the very quintessence of our being! Freedom is in our blood!



Freedom Is In Our Blood – Steemit

Philosophy of Voluntaryism Ep 3: The Unintended Consequences of Taxation

What is the true cost of interjecting unwarranted coercion into peaceful acts?

That’s a huge question to answer. We break this down into smaller, yet still fairly big topics.
-The Broken Window Fallacy
-The Tragedy of the Commons
-How taxes coerce conformity in other aspects of life
-How tax funded regulations encourage poverty

The unintended consequences of taxation are nearly infinite. What doesn’t have to be is our nescient about them. By understanding what wealth, how it is created, and what its purpose is we can break down the idea of taxation and show the world what it really is:

A practice befitting a less civilized, intelligent, and courageous period of Humanity’s history.

Free copies of Liberty Defined and Morality Defined

The Burden of Being an Enlightened Tax Slave

More about The Philosophy of Voluntaryism

Chef Marcello interview

The Philosophy of Voluntaryism gear, such as mugs, knapsacks, t-shirts, dresses, and more also coming soon!



Philosophy of Voluntaryism Ep 3: The Unintended Consequences of Taxation – Steemit