Finding Your Tribe Of Confidantes



It is not about how many friends you have. It is about the meaning and depth of those friendships. A small handful of genuinely caring friends who would come to your aid in your time of need is more valuable than the most precious rubies and gems. No man is an island unto himself. We humans are social creatures. We strive for connection and companionship above all else. What better way to express this brotherly love than to trade with our fellow men and women?


We thrive on improving each other’s lives through specialization and the division of labor. The Free Market is the fullest expression of love for our fellow brethren. When you love your neighbor you do not seek to rob him through taxation, strangle his business through onerous regulations, or encumber his freedom through a myriad of burdening arbitrary man made laws. Desiring absolute freedom for oneself must necessarily entail desiring absolute freedom for one’s neighbor. Moral reciprocity and a deep respect for the life of another is the foundation of virtue and integrity. I hope you all find your tribe of deeply caring confidantes. It makes this dance of life all the more pleasurable.



When goods do not cross borders, soldiers will.

Frédéric Bastiat, French economist and scholar

Black Friday Is The Crowning Achievement Of Capitalism


Many people enjoy looking down upon other people who choose to partake in the Black Friday sales. This is a tragic reflection of supercilious conceit that some who earn more currency have for those who earn less. It is an unnecessary and thoroughly harmful abhorrence of those who seek to enrich their lives through purchasing goods and services in an attempt to improve their lives. Regardless of one’s income level, we all seek to improve our lives through the patronizing of businesses of our choosing. That people of all different earning ranges can advance the quality of their lives in this manner is the wonder that the market economy brings to humanity.


While it may be true that some of this repugnance may stem from the fact that many of those people are on State subsidized welfare programs, this is a thoroughly separate issue as the presence of violently redistributed stolen State funds fundamentally distorts market signals. The fact that entrepreneurs and business owners can be so efficient with their business as to provide such steep discounts is testament to the daily miracles that the market economy showers upon its consumers.


If you truly feel pity for those who earn less, do not display this so shamefully with your condemnation of days during which they can partake in the cornucopia of the market economy. Instead devote your energies to helping them further improve their lot by educating them, donating to them, or by opening a business yourself. Add to the accumulated wealth of the world. It is easy criticize and destroy. It is far more difficult to create and innovate. Pay your respects to the magnificent wealth you have inherited from your forefathers. It was amassed through great toil and industry.

Empowering Hearts and Minds


“Why do you talk about philosophy, morality, and economics? They are just theoretical and abstract. Why don’t you talk about reality!? That’s what matters!”

All individuals act based on a particular set of morals and code of ethics. I want to know what your code is. What morals do you hold dear? What principles would you risk life and limb to protect? What are you passionate about? What do you love? If you truly love something you must love it more have than you love yourself. You must be selfless and devoted to the thing you love.


To appeal to people’s actions without attending to their moral compass or code of ethics is endeavoring to move the statue by pushing the shadow. The thoughts that originate in the mind are always the source of action we see in the real world. Thoughts and beliefs are always more powerful and dangerous than any gun, tank, or bomb. It is the human beings that wield such things that bring about consequences in the real world. Human beings powered by erroneous belief system are what pull triggers in unprovoked attack. Human beings hijacked by misguided belief systems are what detonate bombs designed to maim and destroy innocent men, women, and children.


If you truly wish to affect reality thereby improving the world, it is absolutely imperative to discuss philosophy, morality, and economics. More lives can be saved by empowering hearts and minds than by taking away all of the guns from soldiers and law enforcement officers. We differ from the beasts in that we possess the capability of critical analysis and logical deduction. To act without employing this most defining characteristic is to reject that which makes us human beings. Savage beasts act based on primal instinct and emotional ferocity. Civilized human beings act based on sophisticated principles and dignified morality. Celebrate your heritage with enthusiastic vigor!


He that always gives way to others will end in having no principles at all.


Monetary System/Economics Part 3: What Is Wealth?


The true measure of a civilization is the piecemeal accumulation of wealth that can only occur when peaceful individuals are able to trade and interact unhampered. Currency and money are not wealth. They are the conduits through which true wealth can be accessed and acquired. A pile of gold coins on a desert island is useless because they cannot buy anything of value. When there is nobody to trade with money becomes useless. Their function is apparent only when entrepreneurs create and innovate wondrous things that lift us out of poverty and raise the standard the living of humanity in very real ways. Take away the currency or money and people will use something else to trade in.


In order to destroy wealth one must destroy factories, medical technology, industrial machines, combine harvesters, tractors, excavators, 18 wheeler trucks, trains,  cargo ships, cars, computers, smart phones, houses, electricity, indoor plumbing etc. Do that and you will plunge humanity into a most abysmal and wretched dark age that no wanton conquerer in history has been able to achieve. The painful reduction in the standards of living of billions of people will be acutely felt as lifestyles become downgraded to that of the common folk of centuries past.

Technology is a tool that humanity has marvelously wielded to attain unprecedented levels of prosperity and comfort. It is the application of the faculties of logical deduction, critical analysis, creativity, and imagination that has placed human beings far above his animal brethren. The knowledge and wisdom procured by our forefathers is the most valuable treasure we have inherited. May your existence add to the heirloom wealth we pass on to our progeny.



I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

Isaac Newton, physicist and mathematician

Jason Bassler: Co-Founder of Free Thought Project and End The Drug War, Founder of V Is For Voluntary and Police The Police


Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jason Bassler, co-founder of Free Thought Project and V Is For Voluntary, and founder of Police the Police, letting the content speak for itself, Cell 411, Cop Block, Peacekeeper, rendering the State obsolete, the age of transparency, Anarcho-Primitivism, the State is highest danger to human life, technological growth is amoral, information age, planting seeds of liberty, his path to Voluntaryism, skater disobedience story, police brutality, Ron Paul, GMOs, Stefan Molyneux, Adam Kokesh, Tom Woods, Jeffrey Tucker, Gerson Therapy, pointing guns at peaceful people, War on Drugs, GMOs not ecologically viable, the people are not the State, political euphemisms, The State is a monopoly, private security, Black Lives Matter, perverting incentives, Leftist view of the State, social contract, Statism is a death cult, George Carlin on voting, Gary Johnson, my stance on voting, peaceful parenting, Stefan Molyneux, alternative schooling methods, bringing kids to the forest, prescription nature, Peter Schiff talks to Occupy Wall Street, Danilo stand up comedy, the importance of self deprecation, End The Drug War, A Spontaneous Order, The Voluntaryist Initiative, Matt Agorist, I Owe You Only Non Aggression, Statism is Slavery, Economics and Ethics of Private Property and more!


“An expropriating property protector (the state, through taxation) is a contradiction in terms.” Hans Hermann Hoppe


Related links:

Free Thought Project website

Free Thought Project facebook

Police The Police facebook

V Is For Voluntary facebook

Get Involved You Live Here facebook

End The Drug War facebook


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Internal Links:

Blooded The Brave: Voluntaryist Rapper Discussing Man Down music video and Alternatives To Police

Virgil Vaduva: Founder of Cell 411, Alternative to 911 and Law Enforcement

Dale Brown: Founder of VIPERS Detroit Threat Management Center, Private Security Agency

Cody Drummond: Founder of Peacekeeper App, The Free Market Alternative To 911

John Moody: Food Freedom Activist and Executive Director of Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund

GMOs Are To Food What Keynesianism Is To Economics


External Links:

Cop Block

Cell 411


George Carlin on Voting

Prescription Nature

Peter Schiff talks to Occupy Wall Street

Danilo stand up comedy



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