Free Market Capitalism Saves Lives

Invisible Hand of Free Market In Therapy Session, Help Private Busines, Third Eye Cannot See Me

Many people blame technological innovations and inanimate machines for the woeful problems plaguing humanity. As with most assertions a basic definition of terms is warranted. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, technology is defined as follows:

1) The practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area.

2) A capability given by the practical application of knowledge

3) A manner of accomplishing a task, especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge.

I would define technology as the application and use of man’s intellect and creativity to transform raw crude natural resources into usable goods and services that benefit and lift his fellow men and women out the default state of poverty we were all born into. Technology is the means by which our lives have become less perilous and more comfortable. Technology is the use of tools to improve our daily lives. To be against technology is to be against hammers, shovels, cars, trains, airplanes, washing machines, indoor plumbing, refrigeration, electricity, air conditioning, shoes, telephones, computers, and the Internet to name just a few.


The tool can never be blamed for the wicked actions of the individual. We were all blessed with free will and a mind capable of making decisions. The responsibility always lies with the individual to discern right from wrong based on his/her own conscience. Moreover the consequences of those decisions can never be shirked, rather they must always be assumed by the individual. The tool is an extension of our bodies just our hands are an extension of our bodies. Just as if I strangle a hobo my hands are not blamed but rather my body/mind is; so too an inanimate object can never be the focus of any serious crime investigation. It is not a War on Drugs but rather a War on People. It is not a War on Terror but rather a War on People. It is not Gun Control but rather People Control.


It is not only that Free Market Capitalism has raised our level of comfort and given us enormous product variety, but also that many people throughout the world have come to depend on these technological innovations for their very existence. The wealthier society sees technology as luxurious but unnecessary and superfluous. The poorer society sees technology as an oasis in a vast desert. For us in the West to deride technological advancement and actively strive to dismantle its existence is to condemn the poor and suffering people of the world to lives of misery. Pay your respects to the intrepid inventors and courageous entrepreneurs that have, through their arduous toil, created the immensely intricate and wondrous civilization we have all inherited. The creation of wealth is a magnificent human achievement and representative of the awesome power of the human mind. It is what separates man from beast. Before you expire and pass into the nether world, do your part to make the world a better place than when you found it.

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names.



Free Market Capitalism Saves Lives – Steemit

Free Human Beings Do Not Ask Permission

Earthlings Are Fighting Over Which Religion is the Most Peaceful, Aliens in Spaceship

I am not a political activist. I do not advocate for marches, protests, or the signing of petitions as a means of effecting change. This represents the acknowledgment that political predators have legitimate authority over my life. The host does not concern itself with the opinion of the parasite. Shuffle off and deprive it of nourishment and rest assured, it will perish of it’s own accord. The laboring industrious have no need for the leeching bureaucrat. Indeed a new Renaissance will be realized when producers finally stop prostrating themselves in obeisance to the rulers. Every extorted tax dollar is one less unit of currency that could have improved a product, created a new product, started a business, or enriched the lives of a peaceful human being. This is the principle of the seen vs. the unseen. Stop feeding the beast with your currency, attention, and participation.


I am a teacher. I pass on the lessons of Peace, Compassion, Economics, and Voluntaryism I have gleaned from those who have come before me so that I can do my part to help lift humanity to dizzying heights of prosperity and wealth. I teach with words and by example. I teach to empower my fellow brothers and sisters. I teach to make the world a more peaceful, gentle, compassionate, and loving place. I may not live to see a world absent the belief in the State but that will not deter my focus or render impotent my words. That some 19th century Abolitionists did not live to see the end of chain slavery did not detract from the power of their message. I am privileged to learn and espouse this magnificent philosophy. It has improved my life in countless ways. It behooves me to spread it far and wide. I remain eternally grateful to all the peaceful human beings who strive to leave the world a more beautiful place then when they entered it. You are my heroes!


Free Human Beings Do Not Ask Permission – Steemit

Doug Scribner: Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Watch My Bit

Doug in Hammock In Front Of House

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Doug Scribner. Herein we discussed his path to Voluntaryism, Atlas Shrugged, South Park, Doug’s South Park Ad, Jesse Ventura, Freedom Toons, George Ought To Help, short attention spans, Free Talk Live, Bitcoin, Chase using Blockchain technology, Porcfest, Watch My Bit, Roger Ver, Erik Voorhees, Charlie Shrem, Mark Edge, a demonstration, Bitcoin education, arguments against Bitcoin, teaching kids about money, reverse Gresham’s law, Porcfest, Bitcoin Girl, Anarchapulco 2017, Bitcoin Moses, children respond to incentives, economics and chores and more!


“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” Ayn Rand, philosopher, novelist


Internal Links:

Ian Freeman: Host/Founder of Free Talk Live on the Liberty Radio Network

Jeffrey Tucker: Voluntaryist, Bitcoin advocate, and Founder of

Samuel Kovac: Bitcoin Specialist/Lecturer And Citizen Of Former Communist Czechoslovakia

Catherine Bleish: Peaceful Parent, Unschooler and Co-Partner of Brave New Books

Bitcoin: Revolution or Evolution?


External Links:

Watch My Bit

Anarchast Ep.288 Doug Scribner: WatchMyBit, Disrupting the Streaming Video Market

How WatchMyBit Works

How WatchMyBit Helps Artists Make Money

3 Reasons All Kids Should Be Forced To Watch South Park

Doug’s South Park Ad

Freedom Toons

George Ought To Help

Free Talk Live


Charlie Shrem

Erik Voorhees

Roger Ver

Mark Edge

The Tuttle Twins and the Creature From Jekyll Island

Bitcoin Girl music video

Anarchapulco 2017


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Amazon Affiliate links:

Atlas Shrugged



Doug Scribner: Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Watch My Bit – Steemit

Embody Peaceful Anarchism

Rebellion it's Not What You Think Bitcoin, Peaceful Parenting, Barter, and Agorism

“I am trying to figure out what Peaceful Anarchism would LOOK like here in the usa…. We have had a business since 1976…. But if we were young again… how would a family DO That?… Perhaps.. live off grid? Homebirth so no record of birth certificate?… if they get a birth certificate in a hospital birth … it would be hard to NOT get an S.S.# I would have to be an UNassisted homebirth because credentialed midwives report the birth. If you can avoid S.S.# barter and trade skills with others living off grid & under the radar? You would have to make money or bitcoin under the radar, right? So no taxable income? But what does Peaceful anarchy LIVING look like IN REAL LIFE? Maybe we can do it when my husband retires? Withdraw all savings, cash in all annuities take all retirement funds and just put that all under a mattress?”


I do not think it is necessary to live off grid and be entirely self-sufficient. Complete self-sufficiency, although it may be a worthy goal, is not entirely realistic. We all depend on each other for many things we cannot produce. That is not a bad thing. It just means that as civilization grows and becomes wealthier, more people can specialize and make money in their specialty. When that happens everyone benefits.


Agorism or counter economics is a worthy path as well. Raise your kids outside of the State. Conduct your business outside of the State. Transact outside of the State. Live your life outside of the State. Get your wealth out of fiat currency to the best of your ability. Invest in precious metals, such as physical gold and silver. Invest in crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin. Get to know and befriend your local farmers and small businesses. In this way we can starve the beast of our currency, attention, and participation. This is a thoroughly effective non-violent strategy to cripple and render impotent the power of the State. The stronger we can build and maintain community bonds, the weaker and more obsolete the State becomes. It only grows in size and power when there is division, infighting, bickering, and malcontent. In loving our neighbor to the fullest we can build a future based on purely voluntary interaction and respect for property.


It is never too late to attempt to live as an Anarchist or Voluntaryist. One need not wait until a truly voluntary society is realized. One can embody Peaceful Anarchism right now. Do not acknowledge the State, to the best of your ability. Live your life with gentleness, kindness, compassion, and love. Live your life according to your principles. Treat others with respect regardless of race, gender, creed, religious belief, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. Perform random acts of kindness wherever you can, whenever you can. Be generous with loving and appreciative words. Do not self-censor or hesitate in expressing your compassion. The future is not guaranteed or secured to anyone. The present is a gift. Appreciate life while you have it. It is a privilege afforded to few.


Being a Voluntaryist is not about exiting society or withdrawing from friends and family. It is about being very much a part of it. One of the greatest non sequitur fallacies is that society or civilization will collapse if not for the omniscience of the State. A proper perspective must be cultivated between the parasitic class and the industrious. It is the parasites that fundamentally depend on the industrious for their very existence. Through siphoning off small portions of the productivity of the industrious, the parasites grow fat and decadent. The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names.


You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.

Mahatma Gandhi


Embody Peaceful Anarchism – Steemit

Rule Yourself

Caveman Bogeyman Rhetoric

Recently another sociopath took power of the greatest criminal institution in the world, the US federal government. Another megalomaniac sits on the throne and will attempt to dictate how you can live your life. The problem is not whether this person is black, white, male, female, Christian, Jewish, rich, poor etc. The problem is that the throne and the institution exists at all AKA the State. Its existence is a symptom of the underlying root mental disorder known as Statism or the belief in authority. It is the belief that gives some people superhuman rights over other people. It is the belief that most people are fundamentally evil, immoral, mendacious, and deceitful; such that they are incapable of governing themselves and must be forcefully governed by individuals acting in the name of the State. How can it be that the fundamental immoral nature of the individual changes to benevolence and magnanimity when great power is assumed? It is not only that power corrupts, but also that it attracts the corruptible. It is a magnet for that trivial insignificant minority that wishes to do harm to others. The State is the greatest and most effective manifestation of power. This is simultaneously its mighty danger and its seductive allure. Those who create value, interact with their fellow human beings on a voluntary and consensual basis. Those who cannot create value, interact with their fellow beings through violence and coercion.


Even if it can be proven that the person who assumes power is good intentioned, genuinely kindhearted, and noble, there is no way such a person can govern millions of people without causing massive harm. This is the case for many reasons; the economic calculation problem, individual free will cannot be predicted, circumstances change so quickly as to render archaic laws and regulations immediately obsolete, and morality cannot be dictated. Stop imagining some crooked politician can improve your life. Assume personal responsibility for all your failures and achievements. The only person who deserves credit for the effects of your actions is you. We are all thinking sentient human beings with the ability to learn new and amazing things that will improve our lives. Be the captain of your fate and the master of your destiny! Rule yourself!


Rule Yourself – Steemit