Government Is A Parasite


“I really don’t understand what is your proposition with the Peaceful Anarchy page. Going back to tribal societies?”

No I am not a Primitivist or Luddite. I do not think civilization or technology is the problem. Indeed I believe it is no coincidence that both of these magnificent things have developed in conjunction with each other throughout the epochs. The comforts of modern day civilization are the direct result of entrepreneurs and creative inventors who, through the use of their superior imaginations, have solved many of the basic problems that have plagued our ancestors for time immemorial. We have slowly developed the ability to grow and store more food, improved our health and longevity through improvements in medicine, sanitation, and sewage treatment, live in more advanced dwellings, insulated ourselves from the elements with good quality cheap clothes and shoes, and increased our ability to travel to distant locations with machines such as cars, helicopters, and planes.

Keep in mind these are all the results of peaceful individuals engaging in consensual and voluntary trade AKA Free Market Capitalism. This has absolutely nothing to do with the group of bureaucratic parasites and violent sociopaths who form the entity known as “government”. By definition parasites can only exist when there is wealth and productivity from which to derive their nourishment. They produce nothing themselves and would immediately die should there be a lack of foodstuffs for them to feast on.

I sit on a man’s back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means – except by getting off his back.

Leo Tolstoy

Human Nature Without The State


Some people assert that we need the State because people are inherently evil and left to their own devices would rape and murder each other. It asserts that the State is the only entity responsible for the existence of civilization. This assertion contains various logical fallacies including the appeal to antiquity, appeal to authority, appeal to the stick, false dichotomy, and tautological contradiction of human nature.

The State is a parasite that fastens itself onto the neck of the industrious host. It produces no wealth and facilitates nothing. Indeed it is the broken window fallacy writ large. It destroy wealth due to its primary use of coercion and threats of violence that diverts valuable resources to achieve its ends. Civilization and free trade always precedes the State. Only when there is abundant prosperity can there exist a group of parasitical bureaucrats who siphon off a portion of that productivity by force to spend it on various boondoggles. It is not due to the State that civilization exists but entirely in spite of it. The State creates wealth like a tick creates blood.

Peaceful people engaging in voluntary consensual trade are what make the world a better place. Every voluntary transaction is the creation of wealth and the subsequent elevation of man’s default state of poverty. The best way to feed the poor and hungry is to free the market. The best way for people to defend themselves is to free the market. The best way to take care of the sick and elderly is to free the market. Freedom is the answer. What is the question?

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man’s fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.

Ludwig von Mises

Casual Debate With A Friend On A Beach


Please enjoy an excerpt of a casual conversation I got into with a friend during a recent camping trip. Herein we discussed economic reality of small businesses, a DuPont horror story, the problem with libertarians, the myth of the robber barons of the early 20th century, oil has raised the standard of living for billions of people, natural vs forced monopolies, consumer demand vs universal needs and more!

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 74: Prof CJ, Speech on Anarchism and Abolitionism


Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined again by CJ of the Dangerous History Podcast. Herein we discussed the soothing sounds of Anarchism’s Smooth Operator, CJ’s speech on Abolitionism and Anarchism from the Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest, the New England Non-Resistance Society, radical abolitionism, CJ’s friendly version of guerrilla warfare, pulling instead of pushing, guerrilla gardening the seeds of liberty, Lewis Perry, Lyndon Johnson’s johnson, how cocaine and power produce the same rush, how there is no lesser evil, the alt-right, and more!

The Tragedy of the Commons and State Parks


Those who claim that we need the State to take care of the environment, protect the lakes, streams, rivers, forests, and declare National/State Parks are unconsciously committing various logical fallacies such as the appeal to antiquity, appeal to authority, false dichotomy, and tragedy of the commons.

The tragedy of the commons is the brooch that characterizes all “public property”. It demonstrates how human action is directly affected with an alteration in the incentives. When everyone “owns” a particular piece of land, forest, lake, stream, or river, it is the same as if nobody owns it. When nobody owns something there is no vested interest towards preservation and conservation. Therefore everyone seeks to use that natural resource to its fullest capacity without thought of the future. The tragically inevitable result is waste and plunder until that resource is thoroughly barren and depleted.

Moreover when a natural resource is State owned and considered “public property” it still requires currency and resources to maintain. How can a monopoly on initiated aggression know exactly what is needed to maintain this natural resource when all currency is obtained at the barrel of a gun and there is no competition to establish the price equilibrium? Without allowing for open competition in the Free Market these factors cannot be adequately determined. The result is further waste and inefficiency.

If, however this natural resource becomes privately owned the incentives change dramatically. Some people may choose to homestead it by living there, erecting a home, and starting a family. Other people may respond to the demand for untouched wilderness for the purposes of hiking, camping, backpacking etc. Such wealthy investors might purchase these large swaths of wilderness for the express purpose of maintaining their pristine nature for those who appreciate the natural world. They would be in direct competition with other wilderness owners and indirect competition with any other activity that consumers might elect to do in their spare time. Their incentive would be to care for, ensure future survival, and maintain this natural resource as it is satisfying significant consumer demand. Free Market Capitalism is an elegant solution to a world of infinite desires and scare resources.