Avital Schreiber-Levy: Peaceful Parent, Unschooler, and Founder of The Parenting Junkie

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Avital Schreiber-Levy. Herein we discussed how she became an advocate of Peaceful Parenting and Unschooling, peaceful parenting and unschooling comes from extreme humility, there is no one size fits all learning method, government school is like prison, focus on the positive, appeal to antiquity, progress is unprecedented, rendering government school obsolete, unschooling and screen time, raising children as friends, kids learn by example, the importance of trust, gaining feedback from our children, true strength is demonstrating vulnerability, recognizing one’s mortality, why I have a podcast and YouTube channel, Avital’s fears and more!



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Internal Links:

Peaceful Parenting Breaks The Cycle of Violence

Skylar Elizabeth: Voluntaryist, Peaceful Parent, Unschooler, and Founder of Agorist Girl

Melissa Rajkovich: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Peaceful Parent, and Unschooler

Jackie Rae: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Peaceful Parent, and Unschooler of Three Children


External Links:

Peaceful Parenting with Laura Markham

Unconditional Parenting with Alfie Kohn

The Conscious Parent with Shefali Tsabary

A Prison By Any Other Name – Josie The Outlaw

School Sucks Project

The Unschooling Life with Amy Childs

Sandra Dodd

Screen Time with The Parenting Junkie


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Just do good things


What Is At The Root Of Self-Ownership?

Teach Non-Aggression and Self-Ownership

“What is at the root of self-ownership?”

Self-ownership is the assertion that one is responsible for one’s actions and the direct consequences of one’s actions. This is a both a tautological redundancy and a self-evident statement. If one is to rationally function in the real world one must inherently accept the idea of self-ownership. If I strangle a hobo, it is commonly understood that I get punished and not my hands, as I own my hands and all the actions they perform. Moreover I also must own the death of the hobo as that is the direct result of my actions.

To state “I do not own myself” is to be committing a performative contradiction. One must first claim self-ownership in order to then claim one rejects self-ownership. Furthermore, if one claims to reject self-ownership or that humans do not possess it, who does? That is, who is responsible for the actions of immoral and wicked actions if not the individuals who are committing the actions? God, Mother Nature, the collective, Shiva, Buddha, Jesus Christ? Someone must be held accountable for evil. Diffusion of responsibility is one of the greatest scourges to plague humanity and has allowed for the most horrific atrocities. When everyone is to blame, no one is to blame. The assumption of individual self-ownership is the foundation of a civilized society.


Whose property is my body? Probably mine. I so regard it. If I experiment with it, who must be answerable? I, not the State. If I choose injudiciously, does the State die? Oh, no.

Mark Twain





Anarchy In One Paragraph

The Rebel Army, Peace and Love

Anarchy is not a political stance. It is an apolitical stance. It is lived and experienced by gentle, kind, compassionate, and loving human beings. It is transmitted through hearty laughter, affectionate words, mind-blowing conversation, flirtatious glances, children contently playing, and random acts of kindness. Wherever there are voluntary consensual interactions between peaceful people, there is Anarchy. It has the power to move mountains and change the course of history.


Why Anarchy, because anything less is uncivilized.

Jeffrey Tucker, American economics writer




Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 72: Joe Allen, Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest

Joe Allen smiling with hat

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Joe Allen, one of the co-hosts of the Anarchy Roundtable. Herein we discussed dealing with statists online, converting vs. planting seeds and walking away, false derivative definitions, the Manhattan Project, the 4th annual Midwest Peace & Liberty Fest, the failures of incrementalism, the non-collapse of the Soviet Union, and more!


Every national border in Europe, marks the place where two gangs of bandits got too exhausted to kill each other anymore and signed a treaty. Patriotism is the delusion that one of these gangs of bandits is better than all the others.

Robert Anton Wilson



Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 71: Jeff Berwick, Founder of Dollar Vigilante

Jeff Berwick White Suit

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Jeff Berwick, of the Dollar Vigilante, and we had Bodhi Agora sitting in for Danilo. Herein we discussed the beginning of the Dollar Vigilante, “The Creature From Jekyll Island”, the horrors of central banking, the inevitable collapse of the U.S. dollar, Hillary Clinton and the CFR, Trump: the anti-war candidate, negative interest rates, Steemit, and more!

