Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 38: Johnny Liberty, Founder of MT News (Murica Today)

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Johnny Liberty, a writer/content producer for and the man behind the ‘Murica Today Facebook group (now MT News). Herein we discussed the fascination with Trump, fascists in anarchist clothing, the fall of Molyneux, how brutalist tactics are often necessary to get through to the enforcement class, being in the military, diversifying tactics to spread the message of freedom, the feeling that a massive social awakening is coming, the Free Thought Project, the YouTube takedown of Photography is not a Crime, Memeology 101, FB recognition software, using multiple pics to convey your message, different apps for meme making, FB edgerank, how to help others grow their pages/sites, and more!

James Chillemi: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Co-Founder of Liberty Hangout

Please enjoy my recent conversation with James Chillemi. Herein we discuss how he became a Voluntaryist, debating Ron Paul supporters, Voluntaryism is about humility, studying man-made arbitrary law, Voluntaryists are not oracles, polycentric law, importance of contracts, the not so wild west, Secession, government is an unnecessary evil, The Libertarian Party, Adam Kokesh, decentralization of power allows for technological progress and innovation, government = civilization non-sequitur, politics is a waste of time, change starts with the individual, death of the petro-dollar, golden nails in the coffin, central bank tyranny, Federal Reserve ignorance, 100% fiat currency fatality rate, Occupy Wall Street insanity, hate the game not the player, exposing the legal system, police are the attack dogs of politicians, learning is voluntary, indoctrination is involuntary, acknowledging the gun in the room, reliance on government breaks down community bonds, legality is an appeal to authority, market solutions to real problems, the improbability of invading and subjugating a voluntary society and more!



We need to understand the more government spends, the more freedom is lost…Instead of simply debating spending levels, we ought to be debating whether the departments, agencies, and programs funded by the budget should exist at all.

Ron Paul

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 37: The Refugee Crisis and Immigration

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined again by Jared Howe, the voluntaryist rapper better known as J3433-One. Herein we discussed the current Syrian refugee situation, Lew Rockwell’s article “Open Borders are an Assault on Private Property, the false dichotomy of open or closed borders, the conservative bad apple thing, how immigration presupposes the State, welfare recipients having a deleterious effect on society, the Somalian settlements in Maine, how voluntary solution give Danilo the warm fuzzies, how anarchists arguing on social media over statists issues can thrust our views into the mainstream, Jared’s subtlety and delicacy, Saudi Arabia’s empty refugee tent cities, how the central planners didn’t see Bitcoin coming, encryption, blockchain technology, the Contra Krugman Podcast, Danilo’s tutu, how worldwide internet can erode borders, bankers buying Bitcoin, making anarchism go viral, how bacon is objectively good, how going incrementally into veganism makes you a minimeatarchist, and more!

Rand Eastwood: Voluntaryist, Freedom Fighter, Writer, and Founder of Operation Liberty

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Rand Eastwood. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, the one party system, Ayn Rand, Adam Kokesh, the nature of a monopoly on violence, perverse incentives, the burden of proof is on the Statists, democide, outbreeding evil, providing value, Capitalism is serving your neighbor, incentives of private business, the insanity of limiting a leviathan, Voluntaryism is a philosophy of humility, not asking for permission, surviving government school, how regulations strangle small business, true productivity is punished, taxes and regulations are the biggest overhead for an entrepreneur, government is one giant broken window fallacy, evil artisan cheese makers, FDA cut the budget, not the cheese, enormous federal economic and financial waste, “government” increases cost and decreases quality, keeping the food safe, inefficient bureaucracy, Volkswagen scandal, food truck oppressive permits and regulations, chamber of commerce protectionism, Airbnb regulated to death, ignorance of the law is no excuse fallacy, the insanity of assessing constitutionality, lemonade stand is anarchy, A Day Without Anarchy, GMO labeling laws, exposing the gun in the room, the beauty of spontaneous order and more!


The desire for security and the feeling of insecurity are the same thing. To hold your breath is to lose your breath. A society based on the quest for security is nothing but a breath-retention contest in which everyone is as taut as a drum and as purple as a beet.

Alan W. Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity: A Message for an Age of Anxiety



Luke Rudkowski: Anarchist, Investigative Journalist, Founder of We Are Change and Change Media University

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Luke Rudkowski. Herein we discussed his latest grasshopper activities, asking politicians the hard questions, Obama’s kill list, Presidents are mass murderers, Change Media University, student loan debt slavery, dinosaur colleges/universities and more!




They’ll say we’re disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war.

Howard Zinn