Christopher Ortega: Voluntaryist and Guitarist/Vocalist of Aztec Death


Please enjoy my recent conversation with Christopher Ortega, guitarist and vocalist of Aztec Death. Herein we discussed his journey to Voluntaryism, Murray Rothbard, Anatomy of the State, Albert Jay Nock, Atlas Shrugged, Stefan Molyneux, Larken Rose, Ron Paul, my journey, peaceful parenting, Passengers One lyrics, Abolitionist dinner conversations in the 19th century, peaceful exchange of ideas, how was the US “government” formed, the Constitution, Lysander Spooner, Adam Kokesh, the State is a state of mind, Dale Brown, Detroit Threat Management Center, private security agency incentives, Helpful Hands lyrics, military, order followers, the State is the real terrorist threat, being an auto-didact, government school, opportunity cost, implied government school lessons, truancy laws, diffusion of responsibility, raising kids and natural consequences, Non Aggressive Parenting podcast, Aztec Death whistle, Hegelian Dialectic and more!


“It isn’t a coincidence that governments everywhere want to educate children. Government education, in turn, is supposed to be evidence of the state’s goodness and its concern for our well-being. The real explanation is less flattering. If the government’s propaganda can take root as children grow up, those kids will be no threat to the state apparatus. They’ll fasten the chains to their own ankles.” ― Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.


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Internal Links:

Dale Brown: Founder of VIPERS Detroit Threat Management Center, Private Security Agency

Eric July: Voluntaryist, Christian Anarchist, and Conscious Rapper

Eric July: Statism Music Video with Craig Mabbitt, Conscious Rapper and Heavy Metal Vocalist

Marc Malone: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Vocalist/Guitarist in Torous rock band

Mason Moore: Voluntaryist Rapper and Liberty Lover

Blooded The Brave: Voluntaryist Rapper, Freedom Fighter, and The Banksters

Blooded The Brave – Man Down Blooded The Brave: Voluntaryist Rapper Discussing Man Down music video and Alternatives To Police

Blooded The Brave: Conscious Rapper, Not A Game music video, and Drone Warfare


External Links:

The Social Contract: Defined and Destroyed in 5 minutes

Kal Molinet YouTube channel – Liberate RVA

Michael Shanklin – Political Cure

Michael Shanklin – Voluntary Virtues

Larken Rose website

Larken Rose YouTube channel

Stefan Molyneux YouTube channel

Adam Kokesh – FREEDOM

Detroit Threat Management Center

Aztec Death Whistle


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Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 79: Pull the Plug, It’s Dead


Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Lou Feen of the Freedom Feens Radio Show. Herein we discussed how Danilo’s departure was like a slow moving break up, Lou’s food service, the wonders of bacon, quitting smoking, the inexplicable turn of Ron Paul supporters shifting towards Trump, why it doesn’t matter who is selected, PTSD, the infeasibility of an invasion of the USSA mainland, and more!

Mega Corporations Are Vile Mutations of the Free Market


It is supremely difficult to look at the dominant mega crony corporations of today and conclude that to be a product of a truly Free Market. That is the same as saying Wall Street is a paragon of the Free Market. It is more likely the case that such megalithic corporations achieved their dominant status by appealing to the State with such methods as regulatory capture, rent seeking, protectionist laws, the revolving door, minimum wage laws, and other barriers to entry.


The small mom and pop shop can never be considered in the same breath as the bloated monstrosities that include Monsanto, DuPont, Chevron, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Halliburton, Raytheon etc. There is a massive difference between a company with a lobby capable of bribing politicians, writing laws, and constructing regulations that will crush and disembowel the little start up businesses that strive to make a name for themselves. It is the height of irony that the Statist who advocates for a higher minimum wage and increased regulations will only empower the State to snuff out the very small businesses they are seeking to coddle and protect.


Hate the game, not the player. When there exists an institution that utilizes violence and threats of violence to achieve its ends, the State, one can be sure that dominant businesses will seek out the protection of such an institution to firmly entrench their dominance and destroy competition. Remove the perverting influence of the State and the scene equalizes such that the only way a business can grow to such gigantic proportions is by supremely satisfying the needs and desires of the consumers. In that way the dominance of a business will indicate its wondrous ability to serve humanity in the most magnificent manner possible.

Only Love Can Vanquish Fear


I used to be fearful that the State might be watching me, reading my texts, reading my emails, and listening in on my conversations. I would use Start Page which is a search engine that stored nothing, did not save cookies, and always reset your searches. I considered covering my laptop webcam with tape. Then I realized that I want agents of the State to consume my content. I like to think that maybe in doing so I converted a few of them to Voluntaryism! Who knows!

I am a public figure. Everything I do is laid bare and naked for all to see. If somebody wishes to hurt me or slander my name they know where to find me. Come at me with everything you got! I think we as Voluntaryists and Anarchists are more powerful when we gather our numbers to together and declare with full disclosure what our beliefs are because they are nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. Indeed they are something we should all be proud of.

As a Voluntaryist I desire nothing less than complete freedom for all human beings. I earnestly yearn for humanity to realize it’s full potential without encumbers or fetters! When our brothers and sisters emancipate themselves from their mental slavery we will witness a supernova of progress and creativity, reverberations of which will echo throughout the epochs. Be the light in the darkness! It’s a magnificent time to be alive!

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
