Doug Scribner: Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Watch My Bit

Doug in Hammock In Front Of House

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Doug Scribner. Herein we discussed his path to Voluntaryism, Atlas Shrugged, South Park, Doug’s South Park Ad, Jesse Ventura, Freedom Toons, George Ought To Help, short attention spans, Free Talk Live, Bitcoin, Chase using Blockchain technology, Porcfest, Watch My Bit, Roger Ver, Erik Voorhees, Charlie Shrem, Mark Edge, a demonstration, Bitcoin education, arguments against Bitcoin, teaching kids about money, reverse Gresham’s law, Porcfest, Bitcoin Girl, Anarchapulco 2017, Bitcoin Moses, children respond to incentives, economics and chores and more!


“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” Ayn Rand, philosopher, novelist


Internal Links:

Ian Freeman: Host/Founder of Free Talk Live on the Liberty Radio Network

Jeffrey Tucker: Voluntaryist, Bitcoin advocate, and Founder of

Samuel Kovac: Bitcoin Specialist/Lecturer And Citizen Of Former Communist Czechoslovakia

Catherine Bleish: Peaceful Parent, Unschooler and Co-Partner of Brave New Books

Bitcoin: Revolution or Evolution?


External Links:

Watch My Bit

Anarchast Ep.288 Doug Scribner: WatchMyBit, Disrupting the Streaming Video Market

How WatchMyBit Works

How WatchMyBit Helps Artists Make Money

3 Reasons All Kids Should Be Forced To Watch South Park

Doug’s South Park Ad

Freedom Toons

George Ought To Help

Free Talk Live


Charlie Shrem

Erik Voorhees

Roger Ver

Mark Edge

The Tuttle Twins and the Creature From Jekyll Island

Bitcoin Girl music video

Anarchapulco 2017


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Amazon Affiliate links:

Atlas Shrugged



Doug Scribner: Entrepreneur and Co-Founder of Watch My Bit – Steemit

Rule Yourself

Caveman Bogeyman Rhetoric

Recently another sociopath took power of the greatest criminal institution in the world, the US federal government. Another megalomaniac sits on the throne and will attempt to dictate how you can live your life. The problem is not whether this person is black, white, male, female, Christian, Jewish, rich, poor etc. The problem is that the throne and the institution exists at all AKA the State. Its existence is a symptom of the underlying root mental disorder known as Statism or the belief in authority. It is the belief that gives some people superhuman rights over other people. It is the belief that most people are fundamentally evil, immoral, mendacious, and deceitful; such that they are incapable of governing themselves and must be forcefully governed by individuals acting in the name of the State. How can it be that the fundamental immoral nature of the individual changes to benevolence and magnanimity when great power is assumed? It is not only that power corrupts, but also that it attracts the corruptible. It is a magnet for that trivial insignificant minority that wishes to do harm to others. The State is the greatest and most effective manifestation of power. This is simultaneously its mighty danger and its seductive allure. Those who create value, interact with their fellow human beings on a voluntary and consensual basis. Those who cannot create value, interact with their fellow beings through violence and coercion.


Even if it can be proven that the person who assumes power is good intentioned, genuinely kindhearted, and noble, there is no way such a person can govern millions of people without causing massive harm. This is the case for many reasons; the economic calculation problem, individual free will cannot be predicted, circumstances change so quickly as to render archaic laws and regulations immediately obsolete, and morality cannot be dictated. Stop imagining some crooked politician can improve your life. Assume personal responsibility for all your failures and achievements. The only person who deserves credit for the effects of your actions is you. We are all thinking sentient human beings with the ability to learn new and amazing things that will improve our lives. Be the captain of your fate and the master of your destiny! Rule yourself!


Rule Yourself – Steemit

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists

Aztec Human Sacrifice, It May Not Be A Perfect System 1

Each of our lives is a message to future generations. Our thoughts, actions, and words are recorded in the ledger of history for those that will follow us long after we return to dust. What message do you want your life to say? When you are old, withered, and decrepit, what will you tell the younger generation when they ask you, “What did you do when the United States empire was in it’s death throes? What did you do when the US military was wreaking havoc throughout the world? What did you do when throngs of people were being kidnapped and caged for victimless crimes like having the wrong kind of plant in their pockets or feeding homeless? What did you do when people were being mass murdered by drone bombings for accidentally being born in the wrong geographical location? What did you do when at least half of every productive person’s earnings where being plundered away by the State to be spent on war, destruction, and death? What did you do when the State conducted mass surveillance on innocent people under the pretext of security?” I want to have a better answer than, “I just paid my taxes and followed the law.” My articles, videos, and interviews are a snapshot of my thoughts. I want to leave nothing to chance or interpretation.


Modern day Anarchists/Voluntaryists are equivalent to the Abolitionists of the 19th century. The Abolitionists did not oppose chain slavery because they knew how the future will turn out or how the cotton would be picked. They opposed chain slavery on moral grounds alone. They opposed chain slavery because they knew in their hearts that owning and controlling another human being by force is immoral and wrong. Consequentially modern day Anarchists/Voluntaryists oppose Statism AKA belief in authority AKA belief that the State is necessary for the healthy functioning of civilization on moral grounds primarily. The modern individual, like the slave of the 19th century, did not consent to even a small percentage of the laws, regulations, and taxes forcefully imposed upon him by his political masters.


To be a Voluntaryist is to plant one’s heels firmed in the ground and proudly proclaim, “I will not give my consent or support for an institution that uses violence and coercion to solve its problems in my name.” When one professes disgust for the State one is simultaneously professing adoration for the individual. One is professing a love for humanity. If one desires absolute freedom to live as one wishes, that very same freedom must be applied to one’s neighbor. This is the sublime magnificence of Voluntaryism and of the Free Market!


Why I Am An Anarchist


Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists – Steemit

The Wealthy Create Wealth

Everybody Wants To Share The Wealth But Not Share The Risk

“Question from an an-com: ‘free markets lead to tyranny’ Example: a land lady who owns several rental properties on a street, wants to buy another that has come up on the market. She doesn’t want to pay the asking price, so she puts “for sale” boards on all her properties, with no intention of selling them, just to depress the house prices in the area. The argument goes that people with capital, can use their economic power to build a monopoly.”


No individual or entity exists in a vacuum. An individual who attempts to falsely manipulate prices to the detriment of others will inevitably be exposed and word will spread. When this occurs, public slander and economic ostracism resulting in a tarnished reputation would punish anyone attempting such mendacity.


The idea that the wealthy harm the less fortunate and exacerbate their poverty is the perniciously self-destructive ideology of covetousness. It serves nothing and nobody to look to another man’s success and proclaim him not deserving of his wealth, if he has earned it in the market place through voluntary interactions. On the contrary not only has he legitimately earned his wealth, but he is thoroughly benefiting his community by his having acquired it.


The wealthy provide jobs to people around them, invest in large corporations and small start-ups, and provide the capital needed for entrepreneurs to take out a loan to open their business. The poor are genuinely helped by the wealthy that move next door. This is how opportunities are created. This is how standards of living rise. It is not the opportunities that improve a man’s life, but rather the smoldering desire to improve his lot through the sweat of his brow and painstaking dedication. The poor man must first make the choice to improve his life through his own perseverance. After that choice is made no force is powerful enough to stand in his way



The Wealthy Create Wealth – Steemit

Voluntaryists Are Moral Agents Not Soothsayers


“Anarchy would not work on a large scale because how would you tear down the big corporations and organize society on a large scale?”


As a Voluntaryist, I do not claim to know how society will work without the state. I am not a central planner, fortuneteller, oracle, or soothsayer. The anarchist stance is only proclaiming that nobody has the moral right to rule and that my life is not owned by any politician or state. I live my life of my own accord and accept the consequences of my actions.


It is not the duty of Voluntaryists or Anarchists to explain away the intricacies of every societal problem. How much do people know of how the current society functions? How many people know what such concepts as quantitative easing, the Mandrake mechanism, deflation, inflation, hyperinflation, fractional reserve banking, and currency vs money are? How many people know how the monetary system and the Federal Reserve system works? How many people know the role that economics, the price mechanism, competition, supply/demand, and free trade play in the market economy? How many people intimately know how their smart phone, TV, laptop, car, lawnmower, or snowblower work? The level of ignorance that most people accept as self-evident regarding everyday items is astounding. Surprisingly this is not a source of distress for them.


However when moral agents express the deep passionate desire to consistently apply economics, philosophy and morality to all aspects of life, they are labeled as the extremists and radicals. If saying “There are no exemptions to the universal laws of morality” is radical than I am guilty as charged. If saying “The laws of morality are not altered by politician scribbles” is extremist then I am guilty as charged. If saying “The laws of morality do not depend on how many people vote on it” is subversive then I must be a revolutionary. Far better to be labeled insane in an insane world than to conform and in so doing execute one’s own conscience. Embracing moral integrity is not for the faint of heart.


It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Jiddu Krishnamurti



Voluntaryists Are Moral Agents Not Soothsayers – Steemit