Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 70: Paul Gordon and Daniel Quillinan

Paul Gordon with glasses

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Paul Gordon and Daniel Quillinan. Herein we discussed Bronies, Clump 2016, militias, sovereign citizens, the Rule of Power, semantic loopholes, the degradation of Frosted Flakes, Paul’s Cypher moment, an Alex Jones Off, milker bills, manufactured rewards, the Save the planet Crap Act, Wilson’s Hive, saying F U to Publix, being afraid to even think that the government is wrong, the hidden inflation in your food, and more!

Anarchy Is All Around Us

Anarchy No Rulers in the Bilbo Baggins Shire


Anarchy is ubiquitous. Anarchy is all around us. All order flows from it. The beautiful and wondrous aspects of our lives that we daily appreciate, emanate from it. Where there is peaceful and voluntary interaction, there is Anarchy. Proclaiming one to be an Anarchist is to recognize this very fundamental truth. It is to say, “I oppose coercion and the initiation of force in all its manifestations. I will do everything in my power to rid the world of it!” Since the State is the supreme manifestation of the initiation of force, one who declares such a statement with logical consistency must be an Anarchist. It is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact it is something to declare with thunderous passion from the mountaintops! Be proud of your allegiance to morality!

Legality and Morality Are Diametrically Opposed

There Is Only One Law, Do No Harm, Everything Else Is   Tyranny, Books in  Library

“In Anarchy, rape is legal, child molestation is legal, sexual slavery is legal, everything is legal because nothing is illegal because there are no laws. How, specifically, will that lead to Liberty?”

Legality is an arbitrary construct fabricated by those in power to supplant one’s understanding of Morality. In reality these two concepts are diametrically opposed. If legality is used as a metric for how to behave it has failed miserably. For time immemorial many more atrocities have been committed in the name of the State than were ever committed by private individuals.

The list of political euphemisms for criminal acts committed by agents of the State is inexhaustible. It is not theft, it is taxation or civil asset forfeiture. It is not kidnapping it is the War on Drugs or getting arrested. They’re not called rape camps, they’re called prisons. They’re not called a violent gang, they’re called law enforcement or the military. It’s not called mass murder, it’s called the War on Terror. It’s not called counterfeiting, it’s called Quantitative Easing, currency creation, or the Mandrake Mechanism. It’s not called an extortion racket it’s called the Internal Revenue Service. It’s not called spying or the surveillance State, it’s called the National Security Agency. It’s not called sexual molestation, it’s called getting a pat down by the TSA. It’s not called getting a death threat, it’s called getting pulled over by the police.

Those who possess an internal moral compass or conscience have no need for laws. Those who do not possess an internal moral compass or conscience do not care for the law. Law is an appeal to authority. Law is an opinion with a gun. The slave asks “Is it legal?”. The free man asks “Is it moral?” Let your conscience be the only law you obey.

I will die a slave of principles, not men.

Emiliano Zapata, Mexican Revolutionary leader

Roman Van Ree: Co-Founder of Project Demos and Statism Exposed

Roman Van Ree with shirt on head

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Roman Van Ree. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, Adam Kokesh, Murray Rothbard, Walter Block, the economics of scalping tickets, what is Agorism, the attractiveness of crypto currency, losing 5500 Euros on CRYPSA, Bitcoin exchange failures, importance of self-sufficiency, The Venus Project, Zeitgeist documentary, the Luddite fallacy, confessing sins, what is Project Demos, how it works, bad ideas also need exposure, sovereignment, building character capital, real world application, creating self-sufficient communities, the problem with “green” energy, what is Statism Exposed, Stanley Milgram experiment, the chain of obedience, the origin of power and more!


You never change things by fighting the existing reality.” To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

R. Buckminster Fuller

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Jeffrey Tucker: Voluntaryist, Bitcoin advocate, and Founder of

Demelza Hays: Anarcho-Capitalist, Mises Institute Summer Fellow, and Bitcoin Specialist

Samuel Kovac: Bitcoin Specialist/Lecturer And Citizen Of Former Communist Czechoslovakia

Bitcoin: Revolution or Evolution?



External Links:

Project Demos

Project Demos YouTube channel

The Freedom Line

Murray Rothbard in Mises Institute

Walter Block

The Venus Project

The Zeitgeist Film Series

The Stanley Milgram experiment


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First Do No Harm

Only Individuals Act, Middle Eastern Man Gives Bath To His Children Kids

Many can recognize when there is injustice in the world. Many can weep for the wickedness being perpetrated on a lesser developed culture by a more technologically advanced culture. It is often plastered on the lame stream news and incessantly written about in the newspapers. Seeing the problem is not difficult. What confuses most people and reveals their lack of true understanding of the problem is when they propose their solutions.

The Hippocratic medical dictum, “First do no harm” does not only apply to medicine. It applies to every facet of life wherein one intends to improve the lives of those around them. It is not enough to want to help. If one’s “help” worsens the lives of individuals then one’s ignorance has committed a grave injustice by worsening the situation. Take care that your desire to help does not result in the opposite of your intended effect. An unintentional immorality is still an immorality nevertheless. If political sophistry is to be taken seriously, then any grotesque democide can be thoroughly justified with the shocking phrase “Well I was just trying to help.”

Advocating for a coercive institution that uses only threats of violence to solve complex social problems is using a gun to fix an iPhone. It is bringing a knife to defeat one’s opponent in a chess match. It is the use of brute force where subtlety and delicacy is called for. The initiation of force is the enemy of all thinking sentient human beings.

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

Mao Tse Tung