Nick Hazelton: Peaceful Parenting, Veganism, Animal Rights, and Abortion

Topics we discussed: my debate with Todd Lewis, appeal to genetics, appeal to authority, define your terms, Bad Quaker, political euphemisms, self-ownership and how it pertains to slavery, when a child gains the ability to rightfully consent, Jim Limber Davis, Liberty Defined, peaceful parenting, running away stories, punishment and authority in the parent/child relationship, chores, acquired obligations, devaluing terms, veganism and animal rights, preserving endangered species, vegan extremists, abortion and more!


“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor E. Frankl


Related Links:

Nick Hazelton Facebook

Anarcho Yakitalist Podcast

Yakkin With Nick feedback group

Nick Hazelton Twitter


Internal Links:

Debate I Part 1: Todd Lewis (Christian Distributism) vs. Danilo Cuellar (Voluntaryist Anarchist)

Debate I Part 2: Todd Lewis (Christian Distributism) vs. Danilo Cuellar (Voluntaryist Anarchist)

Betteanne Camagna: Unschooling, Anti-War, and Peaceful Parent since the 1980s

Dayna Martin: Radical Unschooler and Natural Childbirth Advocate


External Links:

Bad Quaker website

Jim Limber Davis – Facebook page

Liberty Defined – Facebook page

Dayna Martin website


Nick Hazelton: Peaceful Parenting, Veganism, Animal Rights, and Abortion – Steemit

Kids Are Born Anarchists

Kids enter this world not knowing authority, laws, taxes, or regulations. Their true nature abhors such spiritual restrictions. They are endowed with abundant curiosity for the unknown and a profound fascination for the simple. Their mind knows no bounds. All is possible.


It is our job, as parents, to encourage this delightful wonder into as many aspects of life as possible. The extent to which we impose what we believe is necessary for them to learn is the extent to which we destroy this fragile beauty. The gorgeous flower can only be appreciated by leaving it be. Once it is picked, the deathly wilt has already begun. Enjoy the magnificent by leaving it be. Kids will thrive when left uninterrupted. Success and mastery are natural consequences of an unimpeded curiosity.


It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

Frederick Douglass


Kids Are Born Anarchists – Steemit

The Philosophy of Voluntaryism Ep 6: Is There A Role For Emotions In Voluntaryism?

Is there a role for emotions in The Philosophy of Voluntaryism?!

In our sixth episode of The Philosophy of Voluntaryism we discuss a point of much contention between the rigid and dangerously sharp edges of logic and the soft and often erratic nature of emotions.

-How does our previous topic of NVC relate to the emotional and logic needs of the Philosophy of Voluntaryism?

-If we don’t shun logic, then why should we shun emotions?

-Just as we should acknowledge and understand bad logic, we should acknowledge and understand negative emotions.

Emotions play a critical role in understanding how to understand Voluntaryism. It is why Voluntaryism is the evolution of simple anarchism. It is anarchism evolved through the understanding and use of empathy.

Note Links

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More about The Philosophy of Voluntaryism here,

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Our episode for Nonviolent Communication

Philosophy of Voluntaryism Ep 4: Non-Violent Communication, How To Build Bridges

Link to NAP Parenting podcast

Non Aggression Parenting Podcast on Facebook

Kurgesagt video link

What Happened Before History – Human Origins


The Philosophy of Voluntaryism Ep 6: Is There A Role For Emotions In Voluntaryism? – Steemit

Tyler Bloyer: Founder of Salt Lake Freedom Hive and Host of Liberty Lifestyle podcast



The Peace Revolution Podcast


Larken Rose

Mark Passio


Liberty Lifestyle


Salt Lake Freedom Hive


Freedom Cells




Peaceful Parenting


External Links:

Tyler Bloyer website

Tyler Bloyer Steemit

Tyler Bloyer Patreon

Liberty Lifestyle podcast

Tyler Bloyer Facebook

Tyler Bloyer Twitter

Salt Lake Freedom Hive

“To understand how evil controls people, it is necessary to understand the difference between principal and law. A principle is a truth that creates freedom. A law is a lie that creates slavery.


Principles describe reality. They are knowledge that help you make use of our world. Because of your intelligence, you recognize principles in everything you do. Every true thing you learn is a principle. The movement of your hands, which foods taste good, mathematics and empathy for a friend are all based on principals.


Laws are artificial ideas created by evil men to restrict the thinking and understanding of people. Laws mask themselves in authority so that they can impersonate principles. When people mistake truth for the ideas of authority, their abilities and wisdom are diminished. This is the purpose of law.


Law must be enforced, because there is no truth in it. A law destroys freedom because it is a lie. A principle, however, creates freedom because it is knowledge.


That which destroys freedom is evil.”


~ Jeremy Locke – The End Of All Evil

Tyler Bloyer: Founder of Salt Lake Freedom Hive and Host of Liberty Lifestyle podcast – Steemit

Philosophy of Voluntaryism Ep 5 – How To Protest

The concept of ‘right & wrong’ implies the common understanding of a set of criteria to compare actions to. Since most people do not have that readily available, condemning the actions of others is often combative.


In this episode we discuss

-defining terms

-efficiency of protesting

-why protesting government is like voting (and doesn’t work)

-long term and short term goals of protest


Protesting is important. Understanding what we are protesting, why, and how to be effective in the right context is also important!


Help support our work by becoming a Patreon here,

Philosophy of Voluntaryism Patreon


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Philosophy of Voluntaryism Ep 5 – How To Protest – Steemit