Sherry Voluntary – Podcaster, Homeschooler, Unschooler, Peaceful Parent

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Sherry Voluntary, host of the Sherry Voluntary show. Herein we discussed her path to Voluntaryism, the value of money, monetary economics, Tuttle Twins, Three Friends Free, A is for Anarchy, Homeschooling, Unschooling, learning to read with Minecraft, the power of chess, homeschooling comedian, government school destroys family bonds, children are impressionable, being an auto-didact, staying curious, Peaceful Parenting and more!


“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats


“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” Frank Herbert, Dune


Related Links:

Sherry Voluntary (Facebook profile)

Sherry Voluntary Show (YouTube)

Sherry Voluntary (Twitter)

Speaking Freely Live (Facebook)

Little L productions (Facebook)

Sherry Voluntary Show – Larken Rose (YouTube)

Sherry Voluntary Show – Eric July (YouTube)


Internal Links:

Is Money the Root of all Evil?

Is Money The Root Of All Evil?

JW Weatherman – Crypto-Anarchist and Creator of

JW Weatherman – Crypto-Anarchist and Creator of


External Links:

Hidden Secrets of Money documentary episodes (YouTube)

Three Friends Free: A Children’s Story of Voluntarism (book)

Tuttle Twins (website)

Chess Kid (website)

A Rule is to Break: A Child’s Guide to Anarchy (book)

Tim Hawkins stand up comedian on Homeschooling (YouTube)

Sherry Voluntary – Podcaster, Homeschooler, Unschooler, Peaceful Parent – Steemit

JW Weatherman – Crypto-Anarchist and Creator of

Please enjoy my recent conversation with JW Weatherman, creator of Herein we discussed the importance of programming, socialization myth, spectacularly evil government math, government school like a sausage factory, best way to teach kids math, incentives for learning, chess is problem solving, obsolete professions, the power of computer programming, his path to being a cypher punk/crypto-anarchist, Ludwig Von Mises, Murray Rothbard, why did he create MathBot, make human sacrifice great again, financial incentive, Bitcoin changes everything and more!


“Whatever you do to the least of my brothers you do unto me.” Jesus Christ, King James version


Related Links:

JW Weatherman – Twitter

MathBot website

JW Weatherman – YouTube channel

JW Weatherman website



Internal Links:

Connor Boyack – The Road To Surfdom and The Golden Rule

Connor Boyack – The Road To Surfdom and The Golden Rule



External Links:

Tom Woods interviews JW Weatherman

Ep. 1217 How the State Sucks the Life Out of Education, and How the Private Sector Just Made a Great Leap Forward in Math

Hyperspace by Michio Kaku

Cosmos by Carl Sagan

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

Human Action by Ludwig von Mises

Anatomy of the State by Murray Rothbard

Cody Wilson is Arrested in Taiwan (Morality vs Legality)

JW Weatherman – Crypto-Anarchist and Creator of – Steemit

Mary Ruwart – Assisted Suicide, Dr. Kevorkian, and her Sister’s Experience

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Dr. Mary Ruwart. Herein we discussed her family history, Martie’s medical journey, Dr. Kevorkian, Martie’s miracle, her last few moments, defending Dr. Kevorkian, responding to religious criticism, pet euthanasia hypocrisy, Alfie Evans case, healthcare regulatory bottleneck, over-worked surgeons and physicians, healthcare in Communism/Socialism, regulation requirement stifles new people, origin of American Medical Association, rent seeking, why suicide is illegal, love your neighbor, God’s will, Christian Anarchists, global Voluntaryists, judge and be judged, libertarianism is about love, the goodness of people and more!


Related Links:

Dr. Mary Ruwart

Compassion and Choices – website


Internal Links:

Mary J Ruwart – Author of Healing Our World, The Compassion of Libertarianism

Mary J Ruwart – Author of Healing Our World, The Compassion of Libertarianism

Mary Ruwart –Author of Death By Regulation: How We Were Robbed of a Golden Age of Health

Mary Ruwart –Author of Death By Regulation: How We Were Robbed of a Golden Age of Health

Eric July: Voluntaryist, Christian Anarchist, and Conscious Rapper

Eric July: Voluntaryist, Christian Anarchist, and Conscious Rapper


External Links:

Jack Kevorkian – Wikipedia

Alfie Evans Controversy – Stefan Molyneux YouTube


Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!

Mary Ruwart – Assisted Suicide, Dr. Kevorkian, and her Sister’s Experience – Steemit

The Pholosopher – Peaceful Parenting and Economic Principles

Please enjoy my recent conversation with The Pholosopher. Herein we discussed spanking/corporal punishment, peaceful parenting, model reason, voluntary vs coercive hierarchy, respect is earned, fearless daughter, socialization, no exception to morality, War on Terror military hypocrisy, Minority Report, preemptive violence, Memorial Day post, Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, collectivism/herd mentality, value is subjective, socialist economic calculation problem, seen vs unseen, Broken Window Fallacy, dropping seeds of liberty, conversation with mother, seatbelt laws, Statist contradictions and more!


“The first step to knowledge is to know thyself.” Socrates


“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” Aesop


Related Links:

The Pholosopher – website

The Pholosopher

The Pholosopher – YouTube

The Pholosopher – Facebook

The Pholosopher – Twitter

The Pholosopher – Steemit

3 Economic Principles You Need to Know – The Pholosopher YouTube video


Internal Links:

Supporting the Troops

Supporting The Troops


External Links:

Minority Report trailer


Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!

The Pholosopher – Peaceful Parenting and Economic Principles – Steemit

Daniel Scott – Co-Founder of Flagship Freedom Podcast

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Daniel Scott. Herein we discussed his path to Voluntaryism, its not about abolishing the government, why focus on philosophy and morality, move to Somalia, Statist bingo, defining basic terms, there ought to be a law, Sterlin Luxan, Psychologic Anarchist, man and the elephant, using comedy to diffuse tense situations, property is theft argument, megalomaniacal hubris, Trump supporting libertarians, the importance of principles, the humility of Voluntaryists and more!


“Dream higher.” Brainchild Engineering


“Private property is redundant. “Public property” is an oxymoron. All legit property is private. If property isn’t private it’s stolen.” ― Gustave de Molinari


Related Links:

Flagship Freedom – website

Flagship Freedom – Facebook

Flagship Freedom – Twitter

Flagship Freedom – YouTube

Daniel Scott – Facebook profile

The State is Morally Illegitimate – Flagship Freedom website

The State is Morally Illegitimate

Arguments for State Legitimacy Rebutted – Flagship Freedom

Arguments for State Legitimacy Rebutted



Internal Links:

Flagship Freedom interviews Danilo Cuellar on Peaceful Parenting

Flagship Freedom interviews Danilo Cuellar on Peaceful Parenting

Voluntaryists Are Moral Agents Not Soothsayers

Voluntaryists Are Moral Agents Not Soothsayers


External Links:

New York Strangles Small Business – John Stossel

If You Were King – Larken Rose

Psychologic Anarchist – Facebook

Danilo Cuellar 17th Stand Up Comedy NYCC 12/17/2011 – YouTube




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Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!

Daniel Scott – Co-Founder of Flagship Freedom Podcast – Steemit