Jim Limber Davis: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Author of Morality Defined

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jim Limber Davis. Herein we discuss the importance of writing, podcasting, and YouTubing, his intellectual evolution, forming one’s own ideas, what is morality, self-preservation, social contract, self-ownership, homesteading, raising children, the gradual attainment of self-ownership, what is liberty, four basics of life, the essence of taxation, foregoing happiness, what is wealth, real vs. artificial wealth, money vs. currency, history is rinse and repeat, non aggression principle, conformity and protection, don’t hit people and don’t take their stuff, social contract, Austin Peterson, the amorality of helping stranded people on the side of the road, slander, taxation, nihilism, universal laws of morality, the donut problem, defining basic terms, law of unintended consequences, Peter Joseph sophistry and more!


About Danilo

A practitioner of Eastern Healing arts with degrees in Acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs, I have always questioned the status quo, a path which led me to peaceful anarchism. Through my journey, I have worn many hats, that of a classical pianist, avid chess player, philosopher, comedian, and now father of two little anarchists. My wife brands me as a Cultural Critic, but I am simply following my thirst for knowledge and passion for writing.

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