Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Michael King, an agorist and panarchist who, among other things, is one the hosts of the Currency of Anarchy Podcast. Herein we discuss Michael’s transition from nationalistic military member to being an activist working towards the abolition of the State, agorism as “act of anarcho-capitalizing”, how Fred Durst owes everyone an apology, muh veteranism, “I fought for your freedom so shut the f**k up!”, breaking down walls, telling people that their god doesn’t exist, steal scraps of the table of your captors, the Luddites as the original minimum wage advocates, bleeding the State vs. starving it, legitimizing the State, ***We lost Michael around this point due to connectivity issues***, tiny houses, buying a ghost town, a big loophole with a prince law, seasteading, begging on the side of the road for property tax money, socialized dog-walking, monopolistic competition, and more!
The frequently discussed question: ‘What ought to be done with the reactionaries, who cannot adapt to liberty?’, would thereby be very simply solved: They may retain their State, as long as they want it. But for us it would become unimportant. Over us it would have no more power than the eccentric ideas of a sect which are of interest to no one else. Thus it will happen, sooner or later. Freedom will break a path for itself, everywhere. Max Nettlau