With sufficient imagination one can always conjure up the outlandish exception to the rule. I am not interested in satisfying all possible individual scenarios. I am only interested in discovering dependable moral principles on which to base my life. Individual situations must be dealt with given those specific circumstances. It is not my place to think of an answer to all of them.
True freedom is not the recognition that there will be no moral dilemmas, but that those dilemmas will not be given the moral pass that the State or any action that appeals to the State claims to possess. This undoubtedly applies to receiving stolen currency in the form of financial aid or grants from the State. No amount of appeals to pity or appeals to emotion will change the immorality of asking for stolen currency from a monopoly on initiated aggression. It does not matter whom the stolen currency goes to and for what purpose it is used. If a thief steals my currency and then assures me that he will use it for helping his sick grandmother that still would not excuse the violent expropriation of currency AKA theft. It does nothing whatsoever to alter the initial immorality of the act. The ends never justify the means. This is a principle I will never concede. Once the compromise of one’s principles begins it is often the precursor to rationalizing truly monstrous acts.
I will die a slave of principles, not men.
Emiliano Zapata