What Is Money? Is It Immoral?

Fiat Money vs. Real Money

“What is money? Is it immoral?”


First of all there must be a clear distinction between currency vs. money. Currency is something that is portable, durable, divisible, fungible, medium of exchange, and a unit of account. Historically many things have been used as currency such as cows, sea shells, beads, exotic bird feathers, spices, sugar, salt, copper, cigarettes, lumber, nails, stamps, candy etc. They have all come and gone for various reasons such as lack of coincidence of wants, lack of common measure of value, lack of standard of deferred payment, difficulty in storing wealth, and indivisibility of goods. This is an extended topic in itself.


Money contains all these characteristics plus being a store of value over a long period of time. This singularly significant attribute is what catapults money light years ahead of currency. Over thousands of years of voluntary consensual trade, gold and silver have emerged as superbly suited. They have been chosen through the natural selection of the market as the preferred commodity to facilitate trade. This function has been served splendidly until agents the State took control of it, thereby subverting these most enviable characteristics and perverting them to fulfill the wicked desires of those in power.



Second of all a clear distinction must be made between forced vs. natural currency. Forced currency is that which occurs by State decree or legislative mandate. It is the most horrid of all forms of currency as it exists only to serve its master, the State. Natural currency is chosen by free people to trade in but which is eventually abandoned due to its inability to satisfy all the needs of a successful currency.


Money is simply a tool to facilitate trade. It easily transfers value from one party to another for the purposes of a transaction. It is one of the most useful and beneficial of all human inventions. It’s existence should be celebrated not maligned.





Just do good things


Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 71: Jeff Berwick, Founder of Dollar Vigilante

Jeff Berwick White Suit

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Jeff Berwick, of the Dollar Vigilante, and we had Bodhi Agora sitting in for Danilo. Herein we discussed the beginning of the Dollar Vigilante, “The Creature From Jekyll Island”, the horrors of central banking, the inevitable collapse of the U.S. dollar, Hillary Clinton and the CFR, Trump: the anti-war candidate, negative interest rates, Steemit, and more!



Jessica Pavoni interviews Danilo Cuellar about Voluntaryism, Peaceful Parenting, and Unschooling

Parents Always Know WHat Everything Is, Which is Why   Children Believe Them When They Say They Are Smart, Dumb, Ugly, Stupid,   Beautiful

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jessica. Herein we discussed my path to Voluntaryism and Peaceful Parenting, Creature From Jekyll Island, G Edward Griffin, Larken Rose, Continuum Concept, Market for Liberty, Federal Reserve, Precious Metals, Mike Maloney, currency vs. money, gold and silver, belief in authority, If You Were King, what is anarchy, Non Aggression, Minarchism rebuttal, “government job” vs. private job, The State is immoral, State sanctioned violence, voting is violence, understanding basic definitions, peaceful parenting, how to improve the world and more!


The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.

Oscar Wilde

Peaceful Anarchism is covered by a BipCot NoGov license; learn more at BipCot.org

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Internal Links:

Peaceful Parenting Breaks The Cycle of Violence

Skylar Elizabeth: Voluntaryist, Peaceful Parent, Unschooler, and Founder of Agorist Girl

Melissa Rajkovich: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Peaceful Parent, and Unschooler

Jackie Rae: Voluntaryist, Anarchist, Peaceful Parent, and Unschooler of Three Children



External Links:

Jessica’s website

Jessica Pavoni on Tom Woods show



The Continuum Concept

The Creature From Jekyll Island

Hidden Secrets of Money: Season 1

Voting Is Violence on Daily Anarchist

If You Were King – Larken Rose


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Are We Forced To Participate In Capitalism?

You Are Not Paid According To Much You Work But Rather   According To How Much Value You Contribute To Your Fellow Humans

“Our participation in Capitalism is forced because food, water, clothing, shelter, and healthcare are withheld from those who don’t have money.”

All those things you mentioned must be produced by the labor of other human beings. If you truly believe that you are being “forced” to buy them, then you must be implying that you believe you are entitled to receive them for free. If it costs resources and labor to produce a good or service, how can you be expected to receive it for free? This is not logically consistent.

If you produce a good/service you are naturally able to sell it, barter it, or give it away for free. That is your choice and prerogative if you are the producer. You cannot expect or force other people to serve you without giving something in return. To do so would be the initiation of force and is the quintessence of slavery. In this case you would be the aggressor. In your pursuit of justice, take care to not become the embodiment of the wicked.

Free Market Capitalism is the voluntary consensual exchange between peaceful individuals. The only reason that both parties would consent to trade is because they both feel they will benefit or profit as a result. Over centuries and millennia this is how wealth is created and standards of livings rise. If you want to see more peace in the world then you must do all that is in your power to celebrate voluntary consensual exchange and condemn coercion and threats of violence. Know your enemy. In so doing we can focus on building a sublime tomorrow that we would be proud to pass down to our progeny.




Free Market Capitalism is the Epitome of Compassion

Capitalism Funding Other Isms

Compassion means loving one’s fellow men and women with all of one’s being. It is the desire to alleviate their suffering. Peaceful people engaging in voluntary consensual trade have achieved this with astounding success. We are all blessed to live in a time when violent crime, infant mortality, malnutrition, and starvation are at all time lows, information is virtually free and available to all, life span is at an all time high, people are healthier, safer, happier, comfortable and when even the poor among us have air conditioning, cars, smart phones, shoes, and abundant food. We are no longer at the unmitigated mercy of the natural world. It is a testament to the magnificent ingenuity, imagination, resourcefulness, will power, and uncompromising desire to thrive that 7.4 billion human beings can live on Earth. The human mind is an incredible thing! I am impressed and I stand in awe, thinking of what is in store for us. I gaze into the future with immense hope and promise for the splendors that have yet to unfold.

