Christopher Chase Rachels: Voluntaryist, Author, and Co-Founder of the Blue Ridge Liberty Project

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Christopher Chase Rachels. Herein we discussed how he became a Voluntaryist, founding the Blue Ridge Liberty Project, why Ashville, living with like-minded people, honing the message of liberty, what’s his book about, criticisms, being pro liberty, in your Anarchy society fallacy, every “ism” is the initiation of force except Voluntaryism, voting with your dollars, the Free Market rewards thrift and efficiency, without government we would be savages fallacy, appeal to the stick, the wondrous potential that government force destroys, moral hazard, perverted incentives, intellectual growth requires humility, we’re all born anarchists, military and police are the supreme nationalists, American Sniper, the necessary evil, truth must be complex fallacy, appeal to authority, politicians promising free stuff and more!


The great non sequitur committed by defenders of the State, including classical Aristotelian and Thomist philosophers, is to leap from the necessity of society to the necessity of the State.

Murray Rothbard, The Ethics of Liberty



Katie Testa: Voluntaryist, Unschooler, and Non-Violent Communication Coach

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Katie Testa. Herein we discussed how she became a Voluntaryist, Anarchist, and Unschooler, Peaceful Parenting, talking to people about Voluntaryism, Non-Violent Communication (NVC), government without guns, be like a joyful child feeding a hungry duck, black and white logical fallacy, human needs are universal, NVC in relationships, NVC in parenting, peaceful parenting, emotionally grounding oneself, impossible triangle of parenting, appeal to antiquity, breaking the cycle of violence, children are the mirror of the parents, viewing one’s children as equals or peers, kids are natural scientists, authoritarian parenting, lazy parenting, curiosity is nature’s education, honestly admitting to one’s own fallibility, imposing one’s own passions and hobbies onto our children, intrinsic motivation, absorbing positive energy, life can be awesome, what do you want to be fallacy, difference between a quiz question and an actual question and more!


Learning can only happen when a child is interested. If he’s not interested, it’s like throwing marshmallows at his head and calling it eating.

Katrina Gutleben



Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 25: Sacrificing Mofos on the Altar of Progress

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were shy a Dave due to technical issues but we were joined by Donnie, one of the hosts of the Force 2 Freedom Podcast. Herein we discuss the idea that anarchy is a utopian dream, being born to be a mooing cow in the field, chewing of cud in the brain, the unseen consequences of government intervention into the market, how the average human doesn’t have a grasp on logic, the burden of proof fallacy, Donald Trump’s website and the sole issue listed, The Great Wall of America, anarchy vs, monarchy, pyramids built with Mexican slave-labor, asking statists to define their terms, Trumps’ current wife and her superb tits, Bernie Sanders riding the anti-rich wave, the 1%, the term democratic socialism being analogous to the term child-rapist, licensed dog walkers, envy parading around as altruism, the Ron Jeremy Commemorative Dildo Lashing, subjective slip and slides covered with sh*t, sacrificing mofos on the altar of progress, the real “free” education, alcohol being the real gateway drug, thorium, forgetting about your neighbor because it’s good for the trees, Tesla, the perils of standing up to the medical establishment, how government destroys innovation, dying on someone else’s dime, how someone’s going to rape so why shouldn’t it be “me”?, how Dave is Donnie’s spirit animal, and more!

We are at heart so profoundly anarchistic that the only form of state we can imagine living in is Utopian; and so cynical that the only Utopia we can believe in is authoritarian.

Lionel Trilling

Seeds of Liberty Podcast Episode 24: Stealing Scraps off the Table of Your Captors

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Michael King, an agorist and panarchist who, among other things, is one the hosts of the Currency of Anarchy Podcast. Herein we discuss Michael’s transition from nationalistic military member to being an activist working towards the abolition of the State, agorism as “act of anarcho-capitalizing”, how Fred Durst owes everyone an apology, muh veteranism, “I fought for your freedom so shut the f**k up!”, breaking down walls, telling people that their god doesn’t exist, steal scraps of the table of your captors, the Luddites as the original minimum wage advocates, bleeding the State vs. starving it, legitimizing the State, ***We lost Michael around this point due to connectivity issues***, tiny houses, buying a ghost town, a big loophole with a prince law, seasteading, begging on the side of the road for property tax money, socialized dog-walking, monopolistic competition, and more!

The frequently discussed question: ‘What ought to be done with the reactionaries, who cannot adapt to liberty?’, would thereby be very simply solved: They may retain their State, as long as they want it. But for us it would become unimportant. Over us it would have no more power than the eccentric ideas of a sect which are of interest to no one else. Thus it will happen, sooner or later. Freedom will break a path for itself, everywhere. Max Nettlau


Seeds of Liberty Podcast Ep 22 – Effectively Bringing the Ideas of Liberty to Members of the Military

Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Donnie, one of the co-hosts of the Force 2 Freedom Podcast. Herein we discuss voluntary/involuntary and beneficial/non beneficial interactions and all the variations, effective ways to bring the ideas of liberty to members of the military, a bit on Donnie’s background, knowing your audience, “hey, you goddamn hippy”, empathy, Chris Cantwell and the use of force argument, being a ‘good witness’, how to lubricate the mind by buying someone a beer and building up a rapport, the laws of supply and demand, how government takes the civil out of civilization,, the Department of Offense, how to let it go when you’ve rubbed too deep, staying away from the Constitution/flags/wars when trying to win over vets, Scott Horton and, Adam Kokesh and NVC, how the Constitution is a series of prohibitions, and more!

War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.

Smedley Butler