Obedience Is The Enemy Of Morality


It is very difficult to judge law enforcement officers and soldiers on the basis of their individual actions because they pride themselves on not acting as individuals, but rather as being the physical manifestations of the State. Nevertheless we must make the effort.

An order is just spoken words or ink on paper. It is the order followers who bring those orders into the real world where they have real consequences. At every point of the chain of obedience there is always a choice to continue obeying. Therefore every order follower must always assume personal responsibility for each and every action committed by their hands. There is no shirking responsibility. To attempt to do so is to pretend one is a soulless machine rather than a thinking sentient human being.

The beginning of wisdom is to be fully accountable for one’s actions no matter how egregious. Self-ownership involves claiming ownership of one’s physical body, the fruits of one’s labor, as well as the direct consequences of one’s actions. When every human being assumes this there will be no cowardly blaming of one’s superiors, the law, politicians, or one’s job. There will be no shameful diffusion of responsibility. The phrases “I’m just doing my job” or “I didn’t write the laws I just enforce them” denote a special degree of mind body separation that would make any spiritual adept green with envy. They are only used when justifying truly horrifying actions.

Teach your children what is right and wrong. Teach your children what is morality and to think for themselves. If you succeed in doing this you will not have to fear that they will rationalize future atrocities with such contemptible phrases. A child who internalizes a moral compass will not, as an adult, be swayed by the tempting allure of poisonous sophistry nor the forked tongue of political predators. The child is the father of the man. Raise your children in the manner you wish to see the world of tomorrow. Your words become their reality. Choose your words with great care.



Empowering Hearts and Minds


“Why do you talk about philosophy, morality, and economics? They are just theoretical and abstract. Why don’t you talk about reality!? That’s what matters!”

All individuals act based on a particular set of morals and code of ethics. I want to know what your code is. What morals do you hold dear? What principles would you risk life and limb to protect? What are you passionate about? What do you love? If you truly love something you must love it more have than you love yourself. You must be selfless and devoted to the thing you love.


To appeal to people’s actions without attending to their moral compass or code of ethics is endeavoring to move the statue by pushing the shadow. The thoughts that originate in the mind are always the source of action we see in the real world. Thoughts and beliefs are always more powerful and dangerous than any gun, tank, or bomb. It is the human beings that wield such things that bring about consequences in the real world. Human beings powered by erroneous belief system are what pull triggers in unprovoked attack. Human beings hijacked by misguided belief systems are what detonate bombs designed to maim and destroy innocent men, women, and children.


If you truly wish to affect reality thereby improving the world, it is absolutely imperative to discuss philosophy, morality, and economics. More lives can be saved by empowering hearts and minds than by taking away all of the guns from soldiers and law enforcement officers. We differ from the beasts in that we possess the capability of critical analysis and logical deduction. To act without employing this most defining characteristic is to reject that which makes us human beings. Savage beasts act based on primal instinct and emotional ferocity. Civilized human beings act based on sophisticated principles and dignified morality. Celebrate your heritage with enthusiastic vigor!


He that always gives way to others will end in having no principles at all.





Morality Is Not A Numbers Game

Man With Big Nose and Carrot, A Lie Doesn't Become Truth When Accepted By The Majority

“You seem to be educated enough to realize that there is such thing as an efficient and functional sovereign states (mostly the scandinavian).”

I am not interested in what is functional or works well. I am interested in what is moral and right. Many people thought that a society based on chain slavery was “efficient and functional”. If you have the ability to rob your neighbor and get away with it instead of earning your currency would you do that? I should think not. If it is immoral for you to rob your neighbor by threat of violence to fund what you want, would it be immoral for a large group of your friends to do the very same thing? What about if you elected a representative to do the very same thing on your behalf and call it taxation? Does the morality of the situation change anywhere along the way. I would submit that it has not. Theft is wrong whether done by an individual, group of private individuals, or a group of individuals calling themselves agents of the State.

Morality is not a numbers game. Wrong is wrong no matter if everyone is doing it. Right is right no matter if you are the only one doing it. The laws of morality are as universal and consistent as the laws of mathematics, physics, and thermodynamics. Just because there are people who practice bad mathematics does not invalidate mathematics. In the same way just because there are some people who survive off of theft, assault, rape, and murder does not invalidate morality. If it cannot be universalizable it is an invalid concept.


Legality and Morality Are Diametrically Opposed

There Is Only One Law, Do No Harm, Everything Else Is   Tyranny, Books in  Library

“In Anarchy, rape is legal, child molestation is legal, sexual slavery is legal, everything is legal because nothing is illegal because there are no laws. How, specifically, will that lead to Liberty?”

Legality is an arbitrary construct fabricated by those in power to supplant one’s understanding of Morality. In reality these two concepts are diametrically opposed. If legality is used as a metric for how to behave it has failed miserably. For time immemorial many more atrocities have been committed in the name of the State than were ever committed by private individuals.

The list of political euphemisms for criminal acts committed by agents of the State is inexhaustible. It is not theft, it is taxation or civil asset forfeiture. It is not kidnapping it is the War on Drugs or getting arrested. They’re not called rape camps, they’re called prisons. They’re not called a violent gang, they’re called law enforcement or the military. It’s not called mass murder, it’s called the War on Terror. It’s not called counterfeiting, it’s called Quantitative Easing, currency creation, or the Mandrake Mechanism. It’s not called an extortion racket it’s called the Internal Revenue Service. It’s not called spying or the surveillance State, it’s called the National Security Agency. It’s not called sexual molestation, it’s called getting a pat down by the TSA. It’s not called getting a death threat, it’s called getting pulled over by the police.

Those who possess an internal moral compass or conscience have no need for laws. Those who do not possess an internal moral compass or conscience do not care for the law. Law is an appeal to authority. Law is an opinion with a gun. The slave asks “Is it legal?”. The free man asks “Is it moral?” Let your conscience be the only law you obey.

I will die a slave of principles, not men.

Emiliano Zapata, Mexican Revolutionary leader
