Larken Rose – Jones Plantation Adaptation to Feature Length Film and The Mirror

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Larken and Amanda Rose. Herein we discuss how they came to Voluntaryism, the myth of authority, NASA, appeal to authority, appeal to antiquity,  Jones Plantation animated short video, projected film adaptation and spoilers, horizontal enforcement of laws, the mind of a political sociopath, fear is the foundation of Statism, nationwide martial law is impossible, political euphemisms and more!


“The State is the great fiction. The State is the great fiction through which everyone endeavors to live at the expense of everyone else.” Frédéric Bastiat

“Truth tellers are celebrated by history and condemned by their contemporaries.”


Related Links:

The Jones Plantation

The Tiny Dot

If You Were King

How To Be A Crook


Internal Links:

 Amanda Rachwitz: Voluntaryist, Dragon Anarchist, and Narrator of The Mirror

Amanda Rachwitz: Voluntaryist, Dragon Anarchist, and Narrator of The Mirror

 Unconditional Obedience Betrays Human Nature

Unconditional Obedience Betrays Human Nature

 The State is a Lagging Indicator of Culture

The State is a Lagging Indicator of Culture

 Jim Cunagin – Stanley Milgram Experiment and Stanford Prison Experiment

Jim Cunagin – Stanley Milgram Experiment and Stanford Prison Experiment


External Links:

The Pianist (movie trailer)

Disobedience Of Unjust Laws Is The Foundation of Liberty

A true crime is one, which involves a victim and a victimizer. There must be a clear violation of a person’s self ownership or property right, the most basic of which constitutes theft, assault, rape, and murder. These rudimentary universal concepts are capable of being understood by any toddler with the phrases “It’s mine.”, “I had it first”, and “He hit me.” It does not require hundreds of thousands of pages in the federal register to delineate these most basic principles. Indeed one of the most blatant ironies is the State claims to be the necessary element to secure peace and justice in the land whereas it is the State that is the perpetrator of the most egregious violations of civil and human liberties in all of recorded history. No private criminal can ever compare with the State in this regard.


The vast majority of prisoners unjustly held in prison are for non-violent offenses such for drug possession and tax evasion. Indeed one may gauge what the State deems as the most appalling crime by what it punishes the most severely.


When one is confronted with a State attempting to forcefully impose unjust laws whimsically dictated by political parasites it becomes the moral duty of the virtuous and noble to resist such tyranny to the best of one’s ability. When our political masters can fabricate laws with a pen stroke, the law loses all validity and becomes merely the tool wielded by megalomaniacs to carry out their twisted will.


If you wish to have a peaceful and just world, rule yourself and raise your children with a firm moral compass. The only law you should obey is your own conscience.


“When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free.” — Tom Robbins, American novelist




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Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!


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I had a lot of fun making it. Let me know what you all think. I am looking forward to some feedback. I am delighted to be a part of the liberty movement. I see great and beautiful things in our future!


Peace and Voluntaryism

Disobedience Of Unjust Laws Is The Foundation of Liberty – Steemit

Unconditional Obedience Betrays Human Nature

Can obedience ever be used as an instrument of good? Is it always bad? Obedience is defined as obeying without thought or question. It is supplanting one’s faculties of reason and logic for that of another. It is prostrating oneself before the will of another. The moment one disobeys an order from authority based on a moral or logical dilemma the trance is broken. This represents the quintessence of what it means to be human. Human beings are unique in the animal kingdom in that we have a prefrontal cortex of the brain that allows for complex cognitive behavior, problem solving, logic, reasoning, and decision making. We are born to be independent and unique beings.

True unconditional obedience is one of the most destructive forces the world has ever seen. It turns free thinking independent human beings into mindless automatons. These automatons are very useful to rulers as tools to carry to fruition, without question, their wickedness. Without a legion of obedient followers at their beck and call, the evils of the State could never have been realized. Unflinching obedience is the foundation that forms the linchpin to any expanding imperialistic Nation State. Break the obedient trance of the State enforcers and you will cripple the might of any speciously invincible nation State.

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.” Henry David Thoreau



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Book a one to one private Skype session to discuss how you can learn and understand Peaceful Anarchism and Voluntaryism. $60 USD per 1/2 hour to explore and incorporate true freedom into your life now!

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I had a lot of fun making it. Let me know what you all think. I am looking forward to some feedback. I am delighted to be a part of the liberty movement. I see great and beautiful things in our future

Peace and Voluntaryism

Unconditional Obedience Betrays Human Nature – Steemit

Vin Armani – Agorist and Host of the Vin Armani Show

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Vin Armani, host of the Vin Armani show. Herein we discussed Activist Post, his path to Voluntaryism, Walter Block, victimless crimes, political euphemisms, law is an opinion with a gun, we are all criminals, the philosopher king, the fatal conceit of the ruler, Larken Rose, Voluntaryism is a principled spiritual practice, Agorism, Samuel Edward Konkin III, 4 classes of markets, counter economics, teenagers are inherently Agorists, intaxication, Battered Citizen Syndrome, taxation is voluntary fallacy, Jordan Peterson, Voluntaryism is descriptive not prescriptive, Adam Kokesh, Statism is a belief system, Lysander Spooner and more!


“A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.” – Lysander Spooner


“The law is an opinion with a gun.” ― Stefan Molyneux


“Agorism can be defined simply: it is thought and action consistent with freedom.” Samuel Edward Konkin III


Related Links:

Vin Armani website


Vin Armani interview with Jordan Peterson

The Vin Armani Show (2/20/17) – Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

Vin Armani Facebook page

Vin Armani Instagram

Vin Armani Twitter

Activist Post


Anarchists Debate: Immigration – Adam Kokesh vs. Vin Armani (YouTube)

Vin Armani YouTube


Internal Links:

Voluntaryism Is The Love For Humanity

Voluntaryism Is The Love For Humanity

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists

Anarchism and Voluntaryism Are Moral Stances

Anarchism and Voluntaryism Are Moral Stances

Free Human Beings Do Not Ask Permission

Free Human Beings Do Not Ask Permission


External Links:

Creature from Jekyll Island (book)

The Most Dangerous Superstition

Defending the Undefendable

Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target The Innocent (book)

If You Were King by Larken Rose (YouTube)

New Libertarian Manifesto (book)

An Agorist Primer (book)

No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

Vin Armani – Agorist and Host of the Vin Armani Show – Steemit

Jim Cunagin – Stanley Milgram Experiment and Stanford Prison Experiment

Please enjoy my recent conversation with Jim Cunagin, physician specializing in psychiatry. Herein we discussed his journey to Voluntaryism, Lew Rockwell, Bad Quaker, Murray Rothbard, Walter Block, Taoism, Lao Tzu was the first Voluntaryist, Stanley Milgram Experiment and variations, appeal to authority, perceived legitimacy, Stanford Prison Experiment, power is addictive, possess the right thinking, show me your principles, resistance based on principles, Kentucky Amish farmer arrested for unapproved salve, Anarchitecture podcast, and more!


“Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” Obi-Wan Kenobi


“You must do what you feel is right, of course.” Obi Wan Kenobi


“My Master Yoshi’s first rule was: Possess the right thinking. Only then can one receive the gifts of strength, knowledge, and peace.” Splinter


Related Links:

Stanley Milgram Experiment

The Experiment trailer

Experimenter trailer

Milgram Obedience Study (YouTube)

Why do we obey authority?

Agora Apiaries


Internal Links:

Prof CJ – History of American Slavery, Stanley Milgram Experiment, and Stanford Prison Experiment

Prof CJ – History of American Slavery, Stanley Milgram Experiment, and Stanford Prison Experiment

Obedience is the Enemy of Morality

Obedience Is The Enemy Of Morality

Obedience is what defines the Slave

Obedience is what Defines the Slave

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists

Voluntaryists Are Modern Day Abolitionists


External Links:

Lew Rockwell website

Bad Quaker website

Murray Rothbard

Walter Block

Lao Tzu

How the FDA Made a Felon Out of This Amish Farmer

Anarchitecture podcast – Ant Social Structure

ana003: Antarchitecture | Anarchic Alternatives

Jim Cunagin – Stanley Milgram Experiment and Stanford Prison Experiment – Steemit