The War on Drugs should more aptly be called the War on Addicted People. It is not the plants that get thrown in jail; rather it is the people. It is another example of nanny “government” attempting to legislate morality at the point of a gun “for our own good”. How can this be true if the effects of smoking weed are infinitesimal as compared to the heinous lengths that “government” will go to rob, assault, choke, and cage an adult mentally aware human being for possessing the prohibited leaf or flower? Vices are not crimes.
In one sense the War on Drugs is as much of a failure as the Alcohol Prohibition of the 1920s since they both created massive underground black markets, dangerous cartels, mafias, political bribery, and fostered gang violence. In another sense its a smashing success in that the sociopaths at the helm of “government” know full well that this would be the result and so it only further validates its exponential expansion. It is the self-licking ice cream cone that is “government” desperately trying to prove its relevance. It is pitiful and disgusting. Please people, understand that laws, taxes, and regulations do nothing but make life for the industrious that much more onerous.
Good men do not need laws to know how to behave and evil men will always find ways around the laws.
Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we had Cynthia Wells filling in for Danilo and we were joined for the first half of the show by Nick Bernabe, the man behind and its related projects. Herein we discuss how/why Nick became inspired to start, his path to voluntaryism, selective interpretations of democracy, media propaganda, imagining the 40’s and 50’s with alcohol prohibition still in place, the Drug War, a $2000 roach, being arrested for profit, living in fear of your neighbor, the Uber-ization of everything, ending stigmatization, building a culture of encryption, living your life in anarchy, how human action is often the path of least resistance, generations of questions, the worth of a college degree when everyone has one, peaceful parenting, keeping the lines of communication open with your kids, trying to connect with an automaton, being so statist that you went to the school for law enforcement and criminal justice, how you don’t matter to the elite as long as your generating revenue, and more!
Media, like an un-mannered master, manipulates the meek minds.
Please enjoy this recent episode of the Seeds of Liberty Podcast. This week we were joined by Raeford Davis, a former police officer turned voluntaryist. Herein we discuss being part of the “War on Drugs”, the massive failure of the “War on Drugs”, how making drugs “illegal” creates 80% of the problems in law enforcement, the Soviet era gulag numbers of the modern U’S’ prison system, supporting the use of violence against peaceful people, how prohibition fosters the environment we see around us, using artificial profit motives to pay for violence, the use of force continuum, Ron Paul/Lew Rockwell/Rothbard, how 95% of cops enforcing immoral laws are actually worse than the 5% of “bad cops”, asking doctors if they would lock up asymptomatic people, not getting arrested unless you’re running through a daycare with a bloody hatchet, the process is the punishment, policing for profit, legalization vs. decriminalization, how over 18,000 per year are arrested in SC, abolishing violent/immoral prohibition enforcement, how the East India Trading Company was the original drug cartel, the CIA funding the drug trade, kicking the CIA?FBI out of your country, the balloon effect, the iron law of prohibition, the Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914, addiction rates, how badges don’t grant extra rights, Nancy Pelosi being right (for once), and more!
Instead of giving money to found colleges to promote learning, why don’t they pass a constitutional amendment prohibiting anybody from learning anything? If it works as good as the Prohibition one did, why, in five years we would have the smartest race of people on earth.
Excellent interview! I agree with most of what is discussed. I will, however, take issue with two points made; that banning these harmful substances is good or effective as has been done in a few European countries and that the problem with these large corporations is their “profit” motive or bottom line.
Before studying Austrian Economics and Voluntaryism I was thoroughly interested in holistic Eastern Nutrition, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Big Pharma, vaccines, GMOs, and alternative medical therapies. When learning about such harmful products GMOs, vaccines, artificial dyes, preservatives, or additives it is quite natural to come to the conclusion that “government” should ban such things. I used to think this way as well until I learned about the true sinister nature of “government” and its status as a monopoly on initiated force. Not only is “government” incapable of protecting our property and welfare, but it must first rob us of our property and violate our human rights in order to give the façade that it is doing these things, all for our own good by “representing” us. Given this knowledge it can easily be seen how asking “government” to ban something is an open invitation for “government” to do what it does best: control, extort, regulate, monitor, harass, and violate the freedoms of peaceful people.
The “government” is morally and financially bankrupt, always has been and always will be. It has nothing to give but toxic lies and stolen loot. If you want something build it yourself, buy it, or get others to help you voluntarily. If you want to earn more money learn new skills to increase your marketability in the market place. Make yourself more attractive for prospective employers to want to hire you and pay you more money. That is how you improve your lot in life. When you ask “government” for anything, you are essentially asking a thief to steal for you, an assaulter to assault for you, and a murderer to murder for you. There is no nobility in this; rather there is only cowardice. In providing value to each other we become free!
The problem is not that these companies seek out profit. Absent “government” intervention, profit and the price mechanism are beautiful feedback processes that provide valuable information between buyer and seller. Buyers bid prices up and sellers bid prices down. Where these two forces meet determines the price of a particular product or service. It is a self-correcting free market phenomenon that ensures that all parties are getting the best deal. When “government” injects itself into this magnificent process with its violent edicts and arbitrary mandates the result is always a perversion of prices and natural consequences. Political nepotism guarantees that some well connected special interest groups function with sovereign immunity regardless of environmental degradation and human injury. Such groups include Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta, Pfizer, Perdue, Tyson Foods, Shell, BP, Chevron, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Capital One, Bank of America, Wells Fargo etc. The fault does not lie with these special interest groups as such because although they have massive ties to “government”, their products/services are not forced upon us at gunpoint, rather we buy them willingly, be it through ignorance or complacency, we always have a choice. The fault lies in “government” that provides the sovereign immunity that shields them from any wrongdoing, litigation, or ire that their products/services may inspire from the people. Do not merely cut the hydra head for another one will just grow in its place. Strike at the body! Know your enemy! Vacate the State!
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
Please enjoy my recent debate part 2 of II that I conducted with John Cymerman, an old high school friend and fellow chess player. I am defending Anarcho-Capitalism and he is defending Direct Democracy or the necessity of “government” itself. Herein we discussed without laws would you murder people, morality vs. legality, what is the purpose of man-made law, was post Hurricane Katrina New Orleans an example of Anarchy, The Prohibition Laws of the 1920s, victimless crimes, are drunk driving laws good preventative laws and who do they truly hurt, the golden mean fallacy, taking moral responsibility, bankrupt companies should bear the burden of their own faulty decisions, the anarchy that surrounds us and is ignored, the role of guns in the reduction of crime, is it human nature or human conditioning, the fear of government returning in a stateless society, what is civilization, sovereign immunity, perverting the laws of morality, the broken window fallacy, the black and white fallacy, government creates artificial demand for endeavors that the free market would not voluntarily choose to do, is profit evil, for the greater good, is Wal-Mart immoral and much more!
In all debates, let truth be thy aim, not victory, or an unjust interest.